The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Quiz
To celebrate the wonderful occasion of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, we thought we would create a Queen fact file. Simply add a comment which tells us a fact about Queen Elizabeth II.
For every comment that is posted by Friday, 1st June 2012 there will be a prize, which will be handed out during assembly.
Our visit to church.

Last week the whole school went to church to enjoy the flower show and learn about how Christians celebrate Ascension Day. It was a wonderful site to see 175 children walk through the village both
to and from church. Year 6 did a great job of looking after their buddies and keeping them safe on our busy main road. Thank you year 6, once again you made me a very proud teacher!

Bells made by pupils of Heanor Gate Science College.
A lovely visit for everyone - Many thanks to all at Saint John the Baptist Church.
Good friends in Class R!
Class R have become very good at sharing and taking turns. Have a look at some of the activities that they have been choosing to do together!

KS 1 trip 2012
Rowan in the 'hot seat!'
After reading the story of 'The tiger who came to tea', Rowan bravely came and sat in the 'hot seat' pretending to be the tiger from the story. The children asked him questions about his actions in the story such as 'Why did you eat all of the food?' and 'Why did you choose to go to Sophie's house for tea?'. Very impressive class R! Well done!

The children then acted out parts of the story in their own imaginary play.

Smalley School visit to church
Well done Class R for being so grown up and sensible walking to church today. You sat beautifully with your buddies and listened very well. The church looked beautiful decorated with flowers, bows and bells to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, the olympics and the church bells being 100 years old! I'm so proud of you all. Well done.
Art Exhibition
Thanks to all who attended the Art exhibition this afternoon. There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall and it was great to hear such kind comments about the childrens work. Thank you to the PTFA for organising and to Mrs. Shaw and team for displaying the work. Of course thank you also to the staff for their ideas and art lesson and most important of all thank you children for all your beautiful work!
Enjoy the video!
Junk box modelling
Thankyou to those parents who keep us topped up with cardboard boxes and tubes for our junk box. It's amazing to see some of the models the children make with their creative minds. Please continue to send these in as they are very much needed.
'People who help us' topic
A huge thankyou to all the visitors that we had come into school to help the children learn about people who help us. The children very much enjoyed learning about all of the different roles and had fun exploring the vehicles that came into school.
Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.
World Book Week
Espresso at Home
Gold book children
Well done to last weeks gold book children (25.11.11). You worked so hard to produce fantastic numeracy work on 3D shape, Diwali lamps made from clay, Chinese dragons, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and dressing and undressing for P.E!
Mini open afternoon
Thankyou to all of the parents from class R who made our mini open afternoon such a success. Your feedback was fantastic! The children really enjoyed showing you their hard work and their profiles and we look forward to doing this again in the near future.

Diwali lamps, Chinese dragons and food tasting
In our topic lessons we have been learning about different festivals and celebrations around the world. We made Diwali lamps out of clay, painted them and added sequins to make them look bright and colourful. We had fun getting messy!
When we learnt about Chinese New Year we made Chinese dragons and tasted a selection of chinese foods such as prawn crackers, spring rolls, chicken and vegetable won tons. We have even tried to use chop sticks in our Chinese restaurant role play area!

'Did you know slips'- Notes from home
The Little Red Hen

The children in Class R enjoyed reading the story of 'The Little Red Hen' and then acting it out with puppets and props. Well done children, you told a fantastic story remembering the main events.
Class R Photo - Derby Evening Telegraph
We have been informed that the photo taken by Derby Evening Telegraph of Class R will be available this Saturday. There is usually a special paper made for all the new starters across the county so please note it may not be in Saturdays actual paper!
I am sure we will have the best picture!!
Dear Parents of class R
The week beginning Monday 3rd October will be the week where the children will no longer be brought into the classroom first thing. Instead the children will play on the big playground until the whistle is blown at 9 am. They will then line up ready to go inside and will have been shown where to do this. This is done at an early stage to get the children used to doing it and to encourage independence. We would really like your help with this by saying your goodbyes sooner rather than later and then make your way to the gates rather than waiting on the playground with the children. This will really help your child discover their independence.
There will also be a member of staff on duty from 8.50am and a member of staff on each gate to ensure your child’s safety. Don't forget the children will have been allocated buddies by this stage to help to look after them.
Also just a little reminder to say that if your child would like a cup of milk at snack times this term, we ask for a small payment of £1 per week or £7 at the start of the term. Without your payments we would unfortunately be unable to supply milk as it is not government funded. Thank you to all of those parents who have already sent in money for this term.
Many thanks
Miss Firth and Mrs Hird
This is Me
In our topic 'Me and my family' we have been learning the names of the different parts of our body. We have now completed our display and our classroom looks really bright and cheerful. You can all name the different parts of your face and know that we are all unique and very very special. Well done everyone.
Number Avenue display
We have been learning that numbers are all around us. All of the children in Reception have worked so hard to create their first number display. Some have painted the houses whilst others have added the correct amount of objects. Well done to each and every one of you. Mrs Hird and I are so proud of you! Parents please feel free to come in and see it any time.
Junk box modelling
Could you please save and send any empty boxes so that we can use them for our junk modelling table.
Look forward to your junk sculpture coming home with your child... it's suprising what they make!
Many thanks
Mrs Hird
Class R reading books - September 2011
Phonics and number work leaflets
A set of two leaflets for you to print out, which give ideas for phonics and number work. I hope you like them (print them out back to back).
Hometime book
Dear Parents,
When you drop off your child in the morning please let myself- Miss Firth or Mrs Hird know if you are not picking your child up from school at the end of the day and what your arrangements are. This way I can write it in our hometime book. This is important to keep all of our children safe.
Miss Firth
Parental Involvement for Foundation Stage Profile
This year I would like to encourage parents to play an active part in their child's foundation stage profile. Every child has a book where we collect evidence via photographs and notes to support us filling in your child's individual profile. If you see/hear your child do or say something interesting whilst out of school I would like you to jot it down on a piece of paper or take a photograph that we can keep and send it in your child's bookbag for us to stick in. All the evidence collected will help us build a better overall picture of your child's development throughout the year.
For example-
- ___x_____ can ride a bike without stabilisers.
- ___x_____ built a rocket out of lego and pretended it was flying to the moon.
- ____x____ told me that 'rainbows only happen when it is both sunny and rainy'.
- ___x_____ was digging in the garden and found a ladybird. He counted the spots to 6.
- _____x___ told me why we celebrate (chinese new yr/christmas/harvest etc...) he said...'
- ____x____ retold the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar etc..
- ___x_____ counted the knives and forks on the table and told me that there were 8 altogether.
- ____x_____ made this picture on the computer. It is a ________.
- ____x_____ said that the wheel on the car is round/is a circle.
These are just some examples. Please send anything you think may be of use to us in school.
Many thanks for your support.
Miss Firth
Reception keywords
By the end of reception your child should be becoming confident with their letters and sounds and should be starting to read simple words. I have uploaded some key words that you could encourage your child to start to read by sight. You may wish to do this by making flash cards (just a few at a time) and practising. Please don't worry if your child does not recognise any words or letters. This will all come with time!
Open Evening
Click on the link below to open the powerpoint shown on the open evening for the new reception children.
Welcome to Class R
Welcome to Class R! I hope you have all enjoyed the summer holidays and that your child is looking forward to starting school.
Ensuring that your child settles into school well is very important to us. Our main priority is to ensure that all of the children are happy, make friends and are able to explore their new environment. Remember- your child will be given a buddy from Year 6 to help with this.
For the first part of the Autumn Term our topic is called 'Me and my family'. The children will be looking at family related stories eg; Grandpa; Avocado Baby; I want my Potty; Funnybones; The Large family stories, Peepo etc and compare these to their own lives. We will be learning about our bodies and our senses and will be labeling simple body parts. The children will also look at their past and present and will share family/ baby photos and observe the changes. We will be finding out about how to lead healthy lifestyles by eating well and exercising. The children will also have opportunities to become creative making paper plate self portraits using a selection of resources and making model houses with construction or junk materials.
Please don't hesitate to come in and see me if you have any questions. I'm here to help.