Class 3
RE (8.7.24)
Today we talked about spirituality - having a sense of awe and wonder, caring for the natural world and the importance of love and being loved. We looked at some examples of Peace Poles and found out there are over 250,000 across the world, including one at the North Pole. Every Peace Pole has the words 'May Peace Prevail on Earth' somewhere on it. We used them as inspiration for our own Peace Pole designs.
Well being club ( 04.07.24 )
Today we made fruit kebabs using strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and bananas 🍌🫐🍓
We enjoyed eating them outdoors with our friends. So healthy and tasty 😋
Magnet fun! (2.7.24)
We have already learned that all magnetic materials are metal but today we explored different metal objects to see if they were all attracted to magnets. We found that some metals - iron and steel, are magnetic, whilst others, including aluminium and gold are not. We sorted the objects - ones that were magnetic, ones that were not, and then in the middle are the objects where parts of them are magnetic showing that they must be made out of a combination of metals.
RE (2.7.24)
We have been learning about lots of different religions and their prayer rituals. Today, we talked about people who are atheists. These are people who do not believe in one particular God or group of Gods. They believe being kind is one of the best things we can do to help others. We thought about acts of kindness and enjoyed playing a kindness bingo game.
Greek Lunch 04.07.2024
Well-being club (27.06.24)
Today more wild flower seed bombs were made, we watered plants and the hanging baskets then we had a wonderful time exploring the wild garden in the glorious summer sunshine ☀️
Well-being club ( 20.06.24 )
Today we spent time in the school garden tidying it up and making our own wild flower seed bombs.
We also found a few bugs in our bug house. The weather was perfect to be outdoors enjoying nature and the environment.
Summer Term 2 (June - July 2024)
Welcome back to our final term! We hope you had a lovely week off.
Maths (18.6.23)
We have started our new unit of learning and we have been learning about angles. Today we had fun using practical equipment to make and compare acute, obtuse and right angles.
Science (11.6.24)
This half term we are learning about forces. We carried out an investigation to find out how a protractor would move when pushed along different surfaces. We discovered that pushing it along a wet surface slowed the protractor down, whilst a smooth table surface made it slide really quickly.
This week we have been continuing to learn about time. We have practised telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and calculated duration using start and end times.
English (10.6.24) - Research for writing
We are preparing to write our independent non-chronologcial reports all about the Greek God Hermes. Today, we carried out some research.
Summer Term (April - May 2023)
Creative Homework (21.5.24)
As always, you didn't disappoint! From restaurant menus to Greek clay pots, your creativity always amazes us. Well done Year 3!
Our current writing sequence is learning about non-chronological reports. We have looked closely at a model text, identifying the structure and language features, in preparation for writing our own reports in the coming weeks.
We have spent the last 2 weeks learning about money. We have added up totals by looking closely at the value of the coins and notes, subtracted amounts and calculated change.
Science (7.5.24)
Anyone for tennis?
This half term we have been practising our tennis skills. Today, we had a go at over arm serving and then had a rally with a partner. A lovely session in the sunshine!
Science Club (30.4.24)
Our final session was all about making butter with a marble in a jar! We put thick cream into a glass jar and added a marble. Then we took turns to shake the jar until we couldn't hear the marble moving and the cream had become butter surrounded by butter milk. We poured the buttermilk away and spread the left over butter onto crackers to eat.
We talked about how we could make different types of butter by adding salt or garlic for garlic bread. A great end to our science club. Thank you for coming Year 3!
This half term we are thinking about the question 'Why do people pray?' So far, we have explored how Christians and Muslims pray in different ways and why they consider it to be important.
Science Club (23.4.24)
This week we had fun mixing cornflour and water. We explored how the texture changed from running through our hands to being solid when hit. We also enjoyed getting a bit messy!
Welcome back, we hope you had a lovely Easter break. We have enjoyed getting stuck in to our new core text and learning about the Ancient Greeks.
Science Club (16.4.24)
Today our challenge was to match tins of food by rolling. We had 2 tins of dog food, 2 tins of baked beans and 2 tins of tomato soup all wrapped up. We looked for similiarities in the way the tins rolled across the capet, used our senses to shake and listen to the sound of the contents and made our predictions. We found the matching tomato soup tins, the dog food and baked beans were more tricky!
When not completing the tin callenge we explored rocks and gems with magnifying glasses and had fun building the model skeleton.
Spring Term 2 (February - March, 2024)
Easter Already!
Thank you for all of your wonderful, eggcellent creations. Happy Holidays Class 3!
Science Club 26.3.24
We had great fun creating spaghetti and marshmallow towers, sharing tips like using bigger marshmallows for the base and reinforcing square shapes by adding in diagonal pieces. Such a lovely atmosphere in our club tonight - thank you
Science 26.3.24 - The results are in!
After dissecting a bean seed, we carried out an investigation to find out the conditions that would help a seed to germinate quickest. We also observed what happened when seeds are not given the right conditions.
19.3.24 Researching Tutankhamun
In preparation for our non-fiction writing, we did some research on the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. We watched a video clip, read some information and created mind maps showing what we had found out.
Enjoying our 'Badger Books'
We are really enjoying reading our new class books. Thank you PTFA!
English - Our first writing sequence - Dialogue
We began by making predictions and comparisons with the traditional story and our core text 'Egyptian Cinderella.' We then interrogated a model text showing an introductory paragraph setting the scene, some dialogue between the servant girls, and a closing paragraph describing the feelings of the characters. We used these as a structure for our independent writing.
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term break. We have lots of exciting things planned for this half term including World Book Day and Easter celebrations.
Our core text is Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo.
Science 27.2.24
Building on our learning from earlier in the year, we thought about what a seed needs to germinate. We began by comparing a dry bean seed with one that had been soaked in water for 24 hours. We identified the shell protecting the outside of the seed, and then found dissecting the seed soaked in water easier as it had absorbed the water and made it softer. We related this to the moisture a seed gets from the soil. Inside the seed, we found the embryo and a tiny shoot that will eventually grow into a plant if given the right conditions - water, sunlight, the correct temperature and nutrients.
Spring Term (January - February, 2014)
Creative Homework! 13.2.24
Once again we were wowed with your creative homework contributions. The thought, time and effort spent on them was truly amazing and something to be proud of. Thank you to all those who were able to attend our showcase after school and below are the highlights for those that couldn't make it!
Happy Half Term Class 3!
Safer Internet Day - 6th February 2024
Today, we took part in Safer Internet Day. We watched a live lesson, learning about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and participated in the quiz. Following the lesson, we designed posters including facts about AI and how to stay safe when using the internet. We talked about the importance of keeping passwords safe and not sharing personal information online.
English - A writing sequence in Class 3
After reading our core text 'A Lion in Paris,' we created a story mountain showing the key events in the story. We thought about the opening, the dilema and resolution and the conclusion. Our learning then focused on the key features when writing part of a story, including using complex and compound sentences and writing a paragraph - a sequence of sentences on a particular theme. As a class, we planned and constructed part of a story 'A Lion in Smalley' and then went on to write independently about 'A Lion at Richardson.' Thank you for your creative ideas and hard work Class 3!
Fun in Music 29.1.24
This half term we have been learning to sing a song 'Use Your Imagination.' We listened carefully to the lyrics and then used instruments to add an accompaniment.
Maths 16.1.24
This half term we have been learning about related multiplication and division facts. Today we used counters to solve division calculations. We were dividing 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number. We found partitioning and using our part whole models really helped us to work out the answer.
Science (16.1.2024)
Our topic this half term is 'Light.' We spent our first lesson identifying light sources and thinking about whether these need electricity to be able to produce the light. Following on from that, we explored how shiny surfaces are not light sources, they reflect light well. We used torches to see what happens when light rays touch different surfaces.
Happy New Year!
We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and a good rest!
Our core text for this half term is 'A Lion in Paris' by Beatrice Alemagna.
Autumn Term (October - December, 2023)
18.12.23 - Christmas Party Fun
We had a lovely afternoon completing a Christmas quiz, playing games and enjoying a party snack. Thank you PTFA! We even recieved a special visit from Santa.
English Instruction Writing
We made pine cone Christmas tree decorations and then wrote instructions to inform others how to make them. We thought about our instructions having a title, a list of equipment and clear, sequenced instructions with a labelled diagram. We worked together afterwards to give each other some
co-operative feedback.
12.12.23 - Science
Following on from our visit to The National Stone Centre, we found out more about layers of rocks and soils. We had fun making chocolate pudding to represent the different layers. Whole biscuits for the bedrock, chocolate chips for the rocky soil, chcocolate pudding for the subsoil and crushed biscuits for the top soil.
We explored how different soils are better for growing different things, depending on how permeable they are.
12.12.23 Off for a jog!
Today, we supported one of our class mates who is raising money for the RNLI by runnning, walking and swimming 24 miles in December to keep the service available and on call on Christmas Day. We all put on our running shoes and ran a mile together. Great teamwork Class 3.
Tonight we enjoyed hot chocolate, gingerbread, flapjack and chocolate brownie together outside, it’s was cold but the hot chocolate warmed us up.
Thank you to you all for your commitment, enthusiasm and hard work.
WEEK 5 Gardening Club
What a hardworking Gardening Club! The planter at the end of the train carriage looks fabulous! Thank you to Mr & Mrs Padgett for donating the beautiful plants.
The raised bed on the new Reception playground was emptied and will soon be ready for planting up. Well done everyone you definitely went home with muddy wellies tonight!
Autumn 2 November - December 2023
This half term we are working on our mulitplication and division facts for 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8. We have been counting in multiples of these numbers, crreating number stories and solving calculations. We have played 'Hit the Button' as a class and 23 in 1 minute is the score to beat!
Week 4 Gardening Club
A great day out at the National Stone Centre 14.11.23
What a busy day! We have become rock detectives, sieved soil, found the M1 quarry, searched for fossils and come home with a bag of coloured stones.
You were all absolute 'gems.' Thank you for doing us proud Class 3.
13.11.23 - Celebrating Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day!
Today, we started our Anti-Bullying week with an assembly and wearing our odd socks to celebrate the way everyone of us is different. Can you spot your odd socks?
13.11.23 - RE
Following on from our work last half term, we are continuing to explore the question 'What do different people belive about God?'
Today we thought about our own interpretations. If God were a ...... vehicle, weather, food, colour....what would God be?
Thank you for some fantastic ideas Class 3!
Week 3 Gardening Club
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely half term break.
Our new core texts for this half term:
We have already started reading 'A Gladiator ate my Lunchbox' and in our reading lessons we have been finding out the meaning of new vocabulary used in the book.
On Tuesday, we had a list of vocabulary and went searching around the playground, matching the definitions to the vocabulary.
Our hanging baskets are up!
Week 2 Gardening Club
Y3 National Stone Centre
Y3 Autumn 1 Newsletter & Creative Homework
Autumn Term 1 September - October 2023
Welcome to Class 3!
Creative Homework
As usual, you have done us all proud! Thank you for all the wonderful homework contributions. We look forward to sharing them with you after school on Thursday 19th October.
A visit from our local police officer - 16.10.22
Today, our assembly was led by our local police officer. He talked to us about how Halloween should be fun, but also how to make sure everyone stays safe and enjoys it. We spoke about 'anti-social behaviour.'
We also thought about ways to celebrate Bonfire Night and he gave us some tips about how adults should light fireworks safely and that we need to stand at a safe distance away from them.
Mrs Gregory ran the first session of her after school gardening club on Thursday. We added winter flowering plants to the large containers in the playground. The children topped up the containers with new compost, carefully removed the plants from their trays and arranged them before finally planting them. Thank you Year 3 gardeners see you next week!
Independent Writing (3.10.2023)
The end result from our first writing sequence based on our core text 'Grandad's Island.'
We wrote a setting description about a rainforest. Well done Class 3!
Maths in Year 3 (3.10.2023)
In Year 3 we start our Maths sessions with 'Flash Back 4' - quick questions that help us to remember key number facts and recent learning. This half term we have been learning about place value using hundreds, tens and ones. Today we looked at what happens when we add and subtract 10s and 100s from 3 digit numbers. We used Base 10 equipment to help us with our calculations.
A busy week in English! 26.9.23
Following on from reading 'Grandad's Island,' we have spent the week working togther to write a shared story setting based on a boat journey. We thought about the introductory paragraph, what we might see, hear and feel to create a written description of a story setting.
Our independent writing will be about a story setting based in a jungle or rainforest. Today we have immersed ourselves in a jungle setting - watching video clips, listening to the sounds of the rainforest and creating jungle mobiles. We're ready to write! Watch this space for our amazing results....
Beanstalk Update! 25.9.2023
Wow! Over the weekend our beanstalks must have loved the water we gave them and the temperature and light conditions were perfect. They shot up! Today we took a closer look at the root system and thought about the function of the roots - anchoring the plant and sucking up the water and nutrients from the soil.
Fun with Music! 19.9.23
We started to find out about music notation and explored creating our own rhythms. We began by clapping out the rhythms and then had a go on the xylophones.
Our core text this half term is Grandad's Island by Benji Davies. We have already begun reading and exploring the text using our VIPERS. Click the link to share the story at home.
Science - 12th September 2023
Our Science topic this half term is Plants. Today we thought about the question 'What do plants need?' and planted our own bean seeds. Over the next few weeks we will give them nutirents from the soil, water, sunlight, room to grow and air. We hope to observe them growing into healthy plants.