Spring 1 (Social Justice)
Well done children - we're super proud of you.
Algorithms in Class 2- using the Beebots and iPads!
Judaism in Class 2- We have been looking a Jewish artefacts and objects. On Friday we made our own Mezuzahs!
Printing work inspired by South African Artist- Esther Mahlangu.
Grandad Mandela- We have been using pictures from the book to make predictions and ask questions about our class text this term.
Money Games- We are learning all about money this term. Follow the links below to play the games at home too!
Where is Kenya?
Our Global Theme this half term has been Social Justice. Through our English, Mathematics, Science and the wider curriculum we have:
- gained knowledge
- learned vocabulary
- developed skills
During this half term we have been exploring African Art by Esther Mahlangu. We have researched her work, practised printing using sponges and then last week we made our own printing blocks using card and shapes inspired by Esther's work. This week we have used our printing blocks to create our final pieces inspired by our Artist!
African Drumming