Pupil Voice
RSPB Bird Watch 2025
Thank you to all those children and grown ups who came to join Mrs Rodgers after school to look at birds in our school gounds. We took time to spot birds on our field and in our playground trees, concluding that wood pigeons are the most common birds visiting us. It was great to spot some crows, starlings and a robin too! After being outside we came in to warm up with a hot chocolate and made some apple bird feeders to take home. A fun packed hour!

Science Club 2 (26.3.24)
We had great fun creating spaghetti and marshmallow towers, sharing tips like using bigger marshmallows for the base and reinforcing square shapes by adding in diagonal pieces. Such a lovely atmosphere in our club tonight - thank you!
Science Club 2024!
Thank you to those children who attended our first Science club of the academic year. We had fun looking at the planters around the school grounds and doing a spot of weeding. Mrs Gregory helped us to brighten up the hanging baskets from Gardening Club with some primulas. We planted some sunflower seeds too.
Science Club!
Today was our first ever Science Club after school. Our session was all about plants - we planted some marigolds and sunflower seeds. We'll keep you posted with how they grow over the next few weeks!
Science Club 2
Tonight we checked up on our marigolds and sunflowers. The marigolds look much healthier now they have been planted out and watered well. Some of our sunflowers have grown a shoot and we have taken them home to look after them over the half term break. Remember to pop them on a windowsill and keep them watered.
Sugar Cube Towers!
We worked in teams to see who could build the tallest sugar cube tower. We observed what happened when sugar cubes are placed in coloured water - the cubes absorbed the water very quickly and then started to crumble as the water dissolved the sugar. We investigated how we could slow that process down. We tried wrapping the sugar cubes in cling film and foil, putting foil between the sugar cube layers and using kitchen roll to absorb the excess water. Our tallest tower reached 20 sugar cubes. A lovely session, thank you Scientists!
Science Club 3
Tonight we used lollipop sticks to make our own rafts. We talked about how to make them light enough to float but strong enough to be able to carry something. Some of us worked in teams to stack the lollipop sticks and make levels, others worked individually to create their own raft. We have left them to dry and will put them to the test in next weeks session.
Science Club 4
Our rafts were ready to be put to the test. We talked about using the same blocks on each raft to make sure it was a fair test. Our strongest raft carried 5 blocks before sinking! We completed our session by dropping the Mentos into the diet cola bottle. Definitely a favourite!
Science Day Assembly
When asked about our whole school Science day.....
Class 3
"The transparent vase makes no shadow because the light shines through" - Ashton, Class 3.
"The tissue paper makes a blurry, light shadow"- Logan, Class 3.
"The book is opaque so the shadow is dark"- Jessica, Class 3.