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Where have you 'bean'?

We're not sure that we could reach the giant's castle on our beanstalk but we would like to say a special welcome to our beans!  Despite the wet weather, the plant has worked hard to produce some tasty vegetables ready for our dinner...yum yum! 


Perfect Potatoes!

Today we harvested our potatoes and weighed them. The children shared the 5.1Kg. We hope you enjoy your tea tonight!


Super Buffet!


Thank you for a really gorgeous buffet tonight, it was delicious and all the staff and children really appreciated it.


Super Team Work!

Linking the Olympics and our Science together, Team 2 looked at the terrific teamwork of the tiny ant.  Here is the video that we promised and also the BBC advert for the Olympics that you enjoyed.

Ants Create a Lifeboat in the Amazon Jungle | BBC Studios

Want more natural history and wildlife videos? Visit the official BBC Earth channel: EarthThe BBC Earth YouTube channel is home t...

London 2012 Olympic Games - Trailer - BBC Sport

Subscribe and 🔔 to OFFICIAL BBC YouTube 👉 original BBC programmes FIRST on BBC iPlayer 👉

Thought this was rather funny.....!

ANTS Teamwork - Video.mp4

ANTS Teamworkhttp://www.tzs.webs.com

Follow these links to find out more about the amazing ant......


Loving the wet stuff!


Well, we may not have been able to play outside very much yesterday, but our potato and bean crops are certainly loving all of this rain!  The runner bean plants have even got a flower or two!  We hope the seedlings from our plant sale are all settling into their new homes well!  Thank you to Keira, Liam & Lewis for braving the elements!

Handy cubes!

As part of their Science work, Team 2 investigated the statement:

Older people can hold more cubes.

The children worked very hard to design their investigation.  They thought about how to make sure it was a fair test.  There were some interesting results which really got the children talking.

Well done Team 2!


How May I Help You?

 May we take this opportunity to thank parents, dedicated helpers in school and learning assistants for their support  in making our topic a huge success.


The children will be using their numeracy skills to count their takings and then they will deduct any costs. With the profit (we're sure there is one!) we'll be using it to buy snacks and drinks for our end of term party.


White Post Farm

Thank you Key Stage One for your excellent behaviour on our trip. 


Meet Mr Prickles!

During today's Literacy session we will meet Mr Prickles, he will help to explain how we can help to look after hedgehogs that visit our garden.  This short film helps to explain how hedgehogs behave during the year. 


Can you think of any interesting facts about hedgehogs? Please comment below - there is a merit for you when you do.



A very special message to celebrate this special day.  

Happy Father's Day, we hope you all have a lovely day.



Download Aimee

Download Alex

Download Amelie

Download Bethany

Download Bradley

Download Carys

Download Daisy

Download Danny

Download Ellie

Download Elliot

Download Georgia

Download Georgina

Download Harvey S

Download Harvey W

Download Heidi

Download Isaac

Download James

Download Jasmin

Download Joe

Download Katie

Download Keira

Download Leonie

Download Lewis

Download Liam

Download Oliver

Download Roni-Mae

Download Sylvie

Download Will

Norman's homework challenge!

Norman the Gnome took a break from his Olympic travels and  popped into Class 2 this afternoon to set a homework challenge.  The children talked about the project that they might like to do at home and came up with some of their own ideas too.



Norman is looking forward to seeing all of the projects during the last week of this half term.

He says "Good luck and have fun creating!".  

If you would like to ask Norman a question or tell him which project you are going to do, please leave a comment below.


Working hard and achieving our goals!



Meet Our New Friends!

Can you remember the questions Tommy and Tina asked you today in our numeracy lesson?



Thank you for taking this photo Isaac :)


Slipper Mania!

We are so comfy and cosy in Class 2- our new carpet is amazing!


A Royal Message!

Dear Class 2,

I was so overwhelmed to discover that your school had a quiz all about me on this website. What a super idea! A special thank you to the children that have written posts.I've heard that people all over the UK are having a party to celebrate my Diamond Jubilee, are you having a party?

Kind Regards



The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Quiz

To celebrate the wonderful occasion of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, we thought we would create a Queen fact file.  Simply add a comment which tells us a fact about Queen Elizabeth II.  

For every comment that is posted by Friday, 1st June 2012 there will be a prize, which will be handed out during assembly.



100% effort - well done Team 2!

Everyone in Class 2 got a chance to take centre stage in our special Key Stage 1 Gold Book last Friday morning. Mrs Rhodes and I wanted to say a BIG well done and thank you for all of the SUPER hard work during assessment week - everyone tried their very best and did so with a lot of determination and a willingness to give it their all. We also wanted to congratulate the children for all of the wonderful topic work that they have completed this term.

As you can see from our photos - Class 2 have also been getting ready for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations on Tuesday.


Board Games Fun!

Here are some of the children from Class 2 enjoying their last Board Games club for this term.  The children got to choose their favourite board game from home to share with their friends.  We have had lots of fun - thank you to the 16 children who attended every week.


Class 1 children it's your turn next half term - look out for the letter next week confirming the dates and time.


Top Riddlers!


Today the children have worked independently to create their own riddles. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we have.

Download Aimee

Download Alex

Download Amelie

Download Bethany

Download Bradley

Download Carys

Download Carys

Download Daisy

Download Danny

Download Ellie

Download Elliot

Download Elliott

Download Georgia

Download Georgina

Download Harvey S

Download Harvey W

Download Heidi

Download Isaac

Download James

Download Jasmin

Download Joe

Download Katie

Download Keira

Download Lewis

Download Liam

Download Oliver

Download Roni-Mae

Download Sylvie

Download William

Winding us up!

We have had a really nice afternoon putting on some finishing touches to our winding mechanisms.



The children have used lots of different skills in order to create their winding flowers! The string (flower stem) is attached to a piece of dowelling and when the children turn it the flower grows or dies back into the ground.

It's only Monday and we've been so busy!

Team Two are in the soil again!

Thank you to the lovely children who weeded our raised beds today- you did a super job! 

It was great to see our onion sets had grown and that the pigeons haven't eaten them all!

Was that leek really that big?

Look at us now!

We can't believe it's been seven weeks since our chicks were hatching in Class 2.

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun!


Team 2 or Professional Gardeners?

It was really nice to see the children get some fresh air today during our topic work. They worked hard as a team planting beans ready for a bumper crop in August and September. They also prepared large pots and sprinkled carrot seeds thinly on the surface!

Wow, it looks like we'll be having carrot and bean soup soon!

Gold Book 11th May 2012


The children were very proud to show their work and share their achievements in our Gold Book assembly this morning.  Well done children - keep up the hard work and super attitude.


Pride Park Tournament-What a team?!

Today children from Class 2 and 3 had the wonderful opportunity to play at Pride Park Stadium with 38 other teams from all over Derby and Derbyshire. The children played 8 games each in the 30,000 plus seater stadium and enjoyed using the home dressing room and dugout. Thank you to all our parents and grandparents that took the time to cheer the children on. We certainly had the best fans there! Watch the short video below to see what an amazing day we had!



Today all the children in Class 2 have taken part in 'Our Big Writing Day'! This day is based on the principles and ideas supplied by Ros Wilson- a leading specialist in children's writing.

We started the day by discussing the structure of the story we had read together and the children shared ideas about how they could change the characters, setting etc. They told their stories to each other in small groups and then created a 'story plan' complete with key words and illustrations.

We reminded ourselves of the important factors that a story needed to make it interesting and appealing to the reader. Together we created a writer's toolbox that the children could refer to to check they had included all the important elements.

Our four main areas for discussion:

V is for vocabulary, the range of words a child knows and can use confidently and accurately, particularly ambitious vocabulary or 'wow' words.

C stands for connectives, the words and phrases that link ideas and join sentences or statements into more complex sentences

O is for sentence 'openers' that can be used to inform, sequence events or vary the structure of sentences

P is for the range of punctuation a child can use accurately and especially the use of power punctuation that can lift and vary the pace of their writing voice.



Thank you again Team 2 for your tremendous efforts!

We hope that you enjoyed sharing your certificates and stories with your families this evening :)



What's the time?


In Numeracy, Team 2 have been learning to tell the time and have been using this knowledge to solve some word problems.  We have been talking about why it is important to learn to tell the time and how this helps us in our everyday lives.

Over the next few weeks we will be looking at how to tell the time on clocks with hands and digital clocks.  We will be looking at the times o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to.  Some children will be using their time knowledge to solve time problems too.



Team 2 - here is a link that has a variety of online time games; these will help to support your learning in the classroom.  Have a go and let us know what you think.....


Getting ready for the Olympics - London 2012!



On Friday, we welcomed Vicky into our classroom and she spoke to us about the history of the Olympics and the Olympic torch.  She introduced us to the London 2012 mascots, Wenlock & Mandeville.

We also made our very own Olympic torch, using some of the ideas that Vicky had shared with us.

Team 2 are certainly ready to support Team GB!

Class 2 newsletter terms 5/6

A Touch Of Magical Writing Will Release The Genie!


Last week, Casper the genie needed the help of Class 2.  To release the genie from the bottle, the children needed to sprinkle some more magic into their writing by including adjectives and adverbs.  The children all worked very hard.  Here are some examples of their wonderful work:

The genie was trapped inside the old, green, glass bottle. By Heidi

Quietly and quickly the bottle opened....POP! By Alex

The evil genie was trapped inside the dirty bottle. By Daisy

Suddenly the bottle began to glow even brighter.  By Sylvie

The genie has an evil laugh.  By Danny

A nasty genie was trapped inside a transparent bottle. By Oliver

The unhappy genie did not want to be trapped inside the translucent bottle.  By Bethany

The ancient genie was trapped inside the old bottle.  By Elliott

Magically, the bottle began to move from side to side.  By Katie

The wicked genie was trapped inside the tiny bottle.  By James

The mysterious genie did not want to be in the twisted bottle.  By Roni-Mae

The genie has a colourful turban.  By Harvey

The magic genie was trapped in the red bottle forever.  By Georgina

Softly and slowly the Genie flew up to the top of the bottle.  By Jasmin

The genie was trapped inside the odd green bottle.  By Amelie

The evil and cool genie was trapped inside the small bottle.  By Aimee

The magic genie was trapped inside the fragile glass bottle.  By Lewis

The lonely genie was trapped inside the bottle.  By Carys

The clever genie twisted out of the green bottle.  By Keira

The genie had a shiny ring.  By Harvey

The evil genie was trapped insde the dusty bottle.  By Bradley

The genie has a red cloak.  By Liam

The twirling genie was trapped inside the old bottle.  By William

The gigantic genie was trapped inside the glass bottle.  By Ellie

The genie was trapped inside the colossal bottle.  By Isaac

The genie has an evil laugh and a red cloak.  By Georgia 

Quickly the old bottle hit the sea bed loudly BUMP! By Joe

Keep spreading the magic Class 2!


Mathematical Wizards!

We have a magical theme going on in Class2!

Did you know that if you put on your magical  hat, you turn into a mathematical wizard?!

Well it has certainly worked for us....................

The children have been investigating and revisiting various addition strategies. Our learning objective has been to add a single digit to a two digit number. We have also extended this to addition of three digit and four digit numbers - wow!

Class 2 or Garden Centre?

It has been a busy start to the new term!

Team Two have thrown themselves back into their 'superstar learner' classroom routines.

The children have planted a number of seeds so far this week and have even managed to prepare one of the raised beds with onion sets- we're hoping for a bumper crop this year!

Board Games Club - Class 2

Happy Easter everyone!

To all our parents/carers and children

Wishing you all a very happy Easter, thank you for all of your support and hard work this term.  We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday, 16th April 2012 where we'll begin our exciting new topic 'Growing Minds'.  

Keep safe and have fun!

Enjoy our special Easter chicks..........


Just gorgeous!

Kind regards

Mrs Rhodes & Mrs Reckless

P.S. We're pleased to report that we now have 12 little easter chicks and they are all doing well.


Gold Book for Team 2!

Mrs Rhodes and I are proud of all of the children's achievements this term and we wanted to thank them all in a special way in Gold Book, so we dedicated a special poem to them.

A Gold Book Thank you

Spring Term

Team Two


Mrs Rhodes & Mrs Reckless

Would like to say to you

An enormous thank you

For all the hard work that you do.


Team Two have been busy

Each and every day

Filled with fun and laughter

And challenges all the way.


You all make us very proud

with the efforts that you show

A sensible walk to church

And felt puppets that you did sew.


Canvas art to admire

Bird spotting every day

Gentle with the precious chicks

Looking after your friends at play.


So a happy Easter to you all

Keep safe and have some fun

We'll see you next term when we're 'Growing Minds'

Let's pray for lots of sun!


Keep up the good work children!

Well done!


Our canvas art in the style of Mondrian

As you can see from this video, the children produced some wonderful art work.  Thank you so much Team 2 - we know you are all so proud of your work.  Thank you to your families for coming to view the gallery and purchasing your masterpieces.


Look out for the Derby Evening Telegraph today!

Just a little message to say that the photograph of Class 2 on 'World Down Syndrome Day' should be in the newspaper today (31.3.12) - we're really looking forward to seeing it.


Art Exhibition

Thanks to all who attended the Art exhibition this afternoon. There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall and it was great to hear such kind comments about the childrens work. Thank you to the PTFA for organising and to Mrs. Shaw and team for displaying the work. Of course thank you also to the staff for their ideas and art lesson and most important of all thank you children for all your beautiful work!

Enjoy the video!



Chick Chick Chick Chick Chickens - welcome to the world

Class 2 have been like proud Mother Hens today as 3 beautiful chicks were born overnight and 2 more were born during the day.  We have enjoyed listening to their little chirps and the children certainly enjoyed their cuddles!  

The miracle of new life - simply gorgeous!


It was lovely to see lots of parents before and after school today, as members of Team 2 invited them in to come and see our new additions.

Watch this space as 3 more eggs were cracking...........


Recording Stars!

Today in our shared reading session we have read a play called 'The Three Wishes' by Maire Buonocore. During the plenary the children used the voice recorders, we thought it would be nice to share with you- Hollywood here we come!

Our recording stars today were: Joe, Ellie, Elliott and Daisy.

Download Introduction

Download Play

Download Thank you!

We are growing our own!


Over the last few days the children have been planting a variety of seed potatoes in containers (we hope to get a bumper crop this year!)

Thank you for your enthusiasm Team Two,although I will agree, the cow manure was a bit smelly!

400 Posts and Counting.......

Congratulations to Mrs Reckless for putting the 400th post on the Website! This is a fantastic achievement in such a short space of time. Thank you so much to all the staff for all their hard work on the site - it is evolving all the time. Thank you also to the parents and children for writing comments on the work, currently standing on 568! Will we get to 1000 before the Summer holidays?! 

Mrs. Reckless please come and see me Thursday for your Prize!!



Our Beautiful Smalley Church - Class 2 take a visit!

As part of our R.E. work on Easter and special buildings, we visited our local church in Smalley - St John the Baptist.  Mrs Walker and Mrs Porter kindly welcomed us into the beautiful church.  Mrs Walker gave us a very informative guided tour; she even let us ring the impressive church bells which will be celebrating an important birthday this year.  Mrs Porter helped us to try on the beautiful costumes that she had made.

The children really enjoyed their 'hands on' experience and asked some super questions.  Please enjoy our photographs:


Thank you very much Mrs Walker & Mrs Porter for making us feel so welcome and sharing the beautiful church - everyone really enjoyed their visit - we had a very special Friday afternoon with you.

Team 2 would also like to say thank you to Mrs Drury, Mrs Barlow & Mrs Whitfield for accompanying us to church and Mrs Rhodes & Mrs Reckless would like to say a very special thank you to the children for their sensible and safe behaviour.


Weighing it up!


In Numeracy, Team 2 have been busy looking at how to measure the weight of an object.  They have been using the bucket scales and reading the dial on a set of scales.

The children have been looking at how heavy a kilogram (kg) is and working out whether an object is heavier or lighter than a kilogram (kg).  They have also been putting objects in order from the lightest to the heaviest and looking to see how heavy every day food items are.

The children have been having lots of practical fun dicovering all about weight.

1000g = 1kg

Download 1000g

Download Heavier

Download Lighter

Download Balanced

World Down Syndrome Day

We have had a super day in school today raising awareness of World Down Syndrome Day. It was great to see green everywhere!! We also raised £160 for Mr. Simpsons London Marathon charity so Thank You to everyone for such a wonderful effort. Look at the super picture of Harvey, the lovely Mrs. Drury and all his friends in Class 2 which will also be in the Derby Evening Telegraph.


Mother's Day Messages - Class 2

We know you must be thrilled with your Mother's Day poem and of course the scrummy looking carrot and apple muffins!

Just one more little treat .............enjoy!

Download Alex

Download Joe

Download Bethany

Download Bradley

Download Carys

Download Daisy

Download Ellie

Download Elliot

Download Elliott

Download Georgina

Download Isaac

Download James

Download Keira

Download Navroop

Download Oliver

Download Sylvie

Download Will

Download Aimee

Download Alex

Download Danny

Download Georgia

Download Harvey

Download Harvey W

Download Heidi

Download Jasmin

Download Katie

Download Lewis

Download Liam

Download Roni-Mae

Muffin Recipe


On Wednesday we baked Carrot and Apple Muffins in Class 2 - what a success!

Some children and parents have asked for the recipe so here it is!

125g (4oz) butter, softened

125g (4oz) soft brown sugar

2 medium eggs, beaten

125g (4oz) self raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 medium carrot, peeled and grated

1 medium apple, peeled, cored and grated

muffin cases


1. Preheat oven Gas 6, 200C/400F.

2. Cream the butter and sugar together.

3.Add the egg and mix well, then sift in the flour and baking powder and fold in gently.

4. Add the carrot and apple and mix well, spoon the mixture into cases and bake for 20 minutes.



Numeracy in Class 2

In numeracy the children have been working extremely hard calculating doubles and also finding halves of numbers. For example, 12 + 12= 24 so half of 24 =12

                                                             2 x 6= 12 so 12 divided by 2 is 6

Seeing the world in 3D!


lass 2 loved designing and making their own 3D glasses!  They used the colours - red, white and blue to remember Louis Braille's important invention and French day.


 Please click on the links below to read the life story of Louis Braille and also to visit the 3D image library.

Vision Aid

In class 2 we have been reviewing what the children already know about the senses and from this we have looked at the importance of the eye. They have learnt about the basic structure of the eye and used a variety of resources to write some key facts. We had great fun investigating different glasses, e.g magnifying glasses, binoculars, a kaleidoscope and we now have a telescope in class 2! Through role play and information books, the children were able to understand the importance ' Vision Aid' plays overseas and how reclycling used spectacles can help children and adults in Africa and India.

Thank you for all your hard work team two!

Eye, eye, eye....I spy Gold Book!



 A special WELL DONE to Keira, Elliott, Amelie, Heidi, Katie, Aimee and Elliot who shared their fabulous work in Gold Book this morning. You are all working so hard - Mrs Rhodes and I are very proud - keep it up!


Celebrating World Book Day - Class 2 style!

Phew!  What an enjoyable, enthusiastic and energetic day we have all had in Class 2 celebrating World Book Day 2012 together.  The day began with a costume and favourite book parade, closely followed by a live podcast with Julia Donaldson and a variety of illustrators such as Korky Paul (Winnie the Witch illustrator) and Axel Scheffler (illustrator of many Julia Donaldson books).  We then became illustrators ourselves, followed by a photoshoot with the local website publicity officer (AKA Mrs Reckless!)  We liked our special assembly and loved guessing who everyone had dressed up as. We had a close encounter with a few witches as they stopped by to share a favourite story and produced some super bookmarks.  We ended the day by listening to a few of Wally's favourite poems - which the children wanted to hear over and over again!  I'm sure we'll all sleep well tonight - after a bedtime story of course!

Room on a Broom!

A very special Smalley thank you to Mrs Howett for visiting Class 1 and 2 today on her broomstick!  She swooped in to share her favourite story 'Room on a Broom' by Julia Donaldson.  The children really enjoyed the story and loved the costume, props and songs that Mrs Howett had carefully prepared (with the help of Ellie).  What a lovely way to celebrate our special World Book Day 2012!


A whole school experience!

We would all like to say a big THANK YOU to Mrs Varnam for organising two ambulances to visit our school. The children were enthusiastic as they learnt about the different equipment and the role that the ambulance plays in an emergency.

Here is a selection of photographs taken during the morning. We are sure you will agree that this type of practical learning is so much fun! Thank you to Andy for allowing us to wear your helmet! :)


Calling all book lovers!

On World Book Day (Thursday, 1st March 2012) please bring in your favourite book from home - we are going to have a day full of books that are special to us.

We can't wait to share them! :-)


Give us a clue!

Children in Class 2 have already been talking excitedly about the book characters that they might come dressed up as on Thursday, 1st March 2012 - 'World Book Day'. 

Mrs Rhodes & I thought it would be fun if we created a little book character quiz.  Can you leave three clues to the character that you have decided to dress up as?   There will be a special prize for children who contribute to our quiz.

Good luck and get us guessing!


Pancake Poetry in Class Two!


This morning as part of our creative writing session the children listened to an audio production of 'Don't let Gran near the Pancake Pan' by Paul Cookson. It is a really funny poem and it was lovely to hear the children laugh and share in their excitement as the pancake was exploding all around the kitchen!

The children used Paul Cookson's poem as a guide for which they could base their own ideas on. Pancake poems were created  for  mums, dads, brothers, sisters and even pets! The results were amazing and the children are looking forward to sharing them with you on parent's evening. Mr Crawford visited our classroom this afternoon and he was delighted to hear some of the children recite their poetry.

 Here are some photos of Team Two sharing poetry ideas!

Mr Freeze and the melting snow!


As part of our Science topic on 'Changing Materials', Class 2 enjoyed watching 'The Snowman' based on the book by Raymond Briggs.   We also enjoyed helping Mr Freeze to save his melting friends!  Our snow investigation got us asking great questions such as 'Will the snow on our playground ever melt?'.  We all predicted and then investigated how this will certainly happen when the temperature rises above 0°C! Brrrrrrrrrrr!

Use and look at science ideas for 'Investigating change' and 'Materials'.

Follow the wintery links to find out more about 'The Snowman' or to find some winter poetry and crafts:

Mrs Rhodes and I wish everyone a very happy and safe half term.  Thank you for all of your enthusiasm and hard work this half term and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday, 20th February 2012.


Class Twoasaurus!

 Click on the link to read our fabulous class poem!

The Dinosaur Parade - Gold Book

To celebrate all of the children's super work in our Dinosaur project this half term, we received a Class Gold Book Award.  We shared our whole class poem called 'Class Twoasaurus' and paraded this through the hall in our special Friday assembly.  Our class poem was based on a poem by Helen Ksypka called 'A Family of Dinosaurs'.

As you can see from the photographs, everyone contributed towards the poem and a copy of this can be read following the link.  We all had great fun creating our very own dinosaur name.


Celebrating our work in Class 2

Congratulations to our children in 'Gold Book' and a super big thank you to all the children in class 2 for their tremendous efforts in sharing and learning together.

Everyone works so hard!


A BIG thank you to all of Team 2 who have either brought fiction/non-fiction books in from home, visited the library,  carried fossils and models into school or brought a DINO SIZED amount of enthusiasm into the classroom ready for our dinosaur project.

We're looking forward to sharing lots more information next week!

Could you add a comment which shares an amazing DINO FACT?





Team 2 investigated how playdough could be squashed, squeezed, twisted and stretched as they created their own dinosaur model.  The children also looked at how other materials including clay, elastic, rubber and sponge behaved.  Brilliant team work and support of one another - well done!

Please come and meet our PREHISTORIC visitors - such super creations!  


Collage in Class 2!

This afternoon we have linked our science and art work to create bird collages using natural materials. The finished pictures are amazing!

Can you name any of the materials you used today Team 2?

Thank you for helping to tidy up afterwards - you did a great job :)


Wonderful Woolly Writing Workshop

A very special thank you Class 2 for all of your super hard work during our 'Woolly Writing Workshop' this afternoon. You were all so very proud of your writing - you are all becoming experts at writing explanations. Thank you for your woolly hats and scarves, knitted items (thanks Ellie, Aimee & Mrs Barlow), Angora wool (thanks Roni-Mae and her mummy) and ideas (thanks everyone) - we sure did have a lot to write about!


Symmetry spotting

Due to popular demand Class 2, here is the weblink for the super symmetry website that we have been using in class:

We clicked on 'complete a pattern' and then 'beginner' but try the other levels if you fancy a challenge!

Enjoy creating your symmetrical patterns - remember to ask Mummy or Daddy if you're thinking of using a mirror to check!

Let us know how you get on.

Good luck!


Top Bakers!


As part of our literacy and science topic we have been learning about the process of breadmaking. The children have made some fabulous bread rolls in class 2 today. They will be using their practical knowledge to write an 'explanation text' and to create flow charts and diagrams.

Twit Ta Woo Class 2!

This afternoon we have been looking for common garden birds around our school grounds. The children identified magpies, blackbirds, robins, woodpigeons and sparrows.

Thank you to the children who shared their binoculars. 

You may want to visit the RSPB website to learn  more...........

Spring Term Class 2

He's nice and warm in Class 2!

Our wolf looks cosy and snug under his new quilt cover- super art work Team 2!


Kandinsky in Class 2

This afternoon in Class 2 we had a surprise visitor!


  "Yikes!  it's a Wolf," we all shouted.

After the initial shock we all calmed down. We were relieved as he told us not to worry because he had come to apologise for eating up Granny!

As a thank you to our visitor we thought that it would be nice to make him his very own quilt cover to keep him warm during these cold winter evenings. We used pastels to create our designs in the style of Kandinsky. Kandinsky was inspired to paint whilst listening to music by Wagner, so in Class 2 we did the same and we were very inspired! Look out for our finished display later this week. 

Calling all sweet lovers!

Class 2 desperately need your help!................................

Have you finished your Christmas chocolates yet? Class two are seeking red and blue cellophane so
please save your wrappers....!  Pop them into the classroom as soon as possible please.


Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school Team 2 and a special welcome to our two new children and Mrs Reckless - we now have a full house! Everyone has settled  in really well and we had a lovely day yesterday sharing ideas about our new topics and expectations for this term. It was nice to hear that all the children had a super Christmas break and are now raring to go with lots of enthusiasm!

We will be taking part this term in the 'BIG SCHOOLS' BIRDWATCH,' so if you could donate any NUT FREE birdfood ( due to nut allergies in the school) we would be extremely grateful.



The Little Fir Tree 2011

Aaaaaah Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous! 

The Christmas Concert was a great success so thank you to all the children ( and parents) for their hard work in learning their scripts, song words  and dance steps! :)


Numeracy Class 2



Look at us all working hard!

In numeracy this morning we have been thinking about some of the skills we have learnt this half term.

  • Addition strategies
  • Using vocabulary more than and less than
  • Identifying shapes including properties of 3D shapes
  • Investigation skills using three given numbers
  • Finding a missing number in a number sentence
  • Finding a number between two given numbers

Thank you for all your hard work again Team 2.


Cottages in Class 2

Thank you Navroop and Georgia for completing your homework- fabulous. Georgia, you have painted  your cottage beautifully and I love how you have glued all the straws on evenly for the roof. Navroop your cottage is brilliant and it made me smile when I saw Granny's rally car parked outside! Vroooom Vrooom!


Granny arrives in Class 2!

What an exciting morning we have had today..... It has been wonderful  to see all the homework  come in and the tremendous effort everyone has made.


The children have shared all their designs and experiences in making their cottages- Well Done Team 2!


Aimee your clay figures are very realistic and I love the fact your woodcutter even had a clay axe!

Liam, you decorated your house beautifully and used 'real' dolls house furniture- super!



Alex you have designed and made a very colourful cottage- wow! Your playdough furniture and real trees look amazing. Keira, 'White Rose Cottage' looks beautiful. You have worked really hard making puppets, writing instructions and even using your word processing skills to create a story.

Thank you Bethany for sharing your 'cottage diary' with us today. I loved the idea of using hay for the roof (hope your Guinea pig Buttons didn't mind sharing its bedding?!) Oliver you had a super idea of creating an instruction booklet with photos. Your roof too looked very effective with the felt tiles.

Bradley you were very proud of your cottage today, thank you for sharing all your ideas. The shutters on the windows is a fabulous idea! I loved the little garden path that led to the front door. Whose idea was it to put flower tubs outside?

Sylvie you showed us your very realistic cottage today made from twigs and sticks. I am sure that Little Red Riding Hood's Granny must love to spend time in the garden with all those pigs, goats and rabbits!



Thank you Elliot for your enthusiasm today when you were showing me all those little but important details on your cottage. I particularly thought that your idea of a burglar alarm was brilliant and I loved the lollypop stick fence!



Harvey, you have made a great lego cottage and it was nice to know that your brother Josh helped you create such a masterpiece!



Thank you Harvey and Isaac for being superstars in our class today. Isaac you have created a brilliant, detailed cottage with its own entrance hall! Harvey I was very impressed with the furniture you have made out of lego and cardboard. Oh and thank you to your dad for cutting out the door and windows!



Heidi, thank you for writing such fabulous instructions and taking photographs. You have created a large house with a garden and even a pond with ducks in- lucky Granny!

William your cottage looked very cosy inside, I really love the knitted bedspread! I am sure that will keep Granny nice and warm............. It was a super idea to use plastic for windows :)



James, you enjoyed sharing your ideas today- well done. The little hanging basket outside the front door was so sweet and I did really smile when I saw that Granny had a cat that was sat on a mat! Thank you for using your knowledge of electrical circuits when you created your lights- superstar!

Georgina your cottage was so cosy inside- I wanted to move into it myself! I loved the lamp made from a pipe cleaner, bottle top and a cake case. You had thought of lots of details including a fruit bowl and a real carpet! Brilliant....



Daisy it was nice to see you enjoying sharing your cottage today. Your roof was made of water proof felt material- what a brilliant idea! I loved the lights inside your cottage and even the fireplace was lit which made it look extremely realistic.

Joe I always like a bit of bling so I loved the texture and silver tiles you used to create your cottage - superstar!



Katie, you have painted your house beautifully. I thought the idea of the tiled floor with little rugs was  super! It made me smile when I saw granny sat in her rocking chair :)

Danny, you must have worked so hard creating that booklet with super sentence work. The snow on the roof of your cottage was very effective- well done!



Elliott, you have created a gorgeous cottage. I love the way you have made the roof, it must have been very tricky sticking on all those straws! Your puppets look amazing and it was nice to see you sharing your ideas with everyone today- what a superstar!

Roni- Mae, you were so proud of your work today- well done. I loved the Christmas lights on the front of your cottage! What a good idea to hide the switch in the chimney! :)



Ellie, this is definitely a cottage for a lady..... pink! You have worked extremely hard making the furniture and constructing a circuit so you have real lights- wow! It is always nice to see you enjoying your learning :)

Lewis, you have some  amazing textures on your cottage.What a good idea to make playdough flowers and use real pebbles for the path. I am sure that Granny would hear the wolf walking on it!


Ladies that lunch!

Lunch time is a nice experience at our school.


Chicken with roast and mashed potatoes, broccoli and mixed vegetables

followed by yummy banana and honey cake!




Little Red Riding Hood


Today we have been learning about the characters in our Traditional Tale- Little Red Riding Hood.We watched an interactive story and the children  put on different voices to imitate the characters.

Class 2 you have some scary wolf voices...............

The children worked in groups to think of some' WOW' words to describe their character.

Well done Sylvie you thought of 'joyful'.  Well done Bradley you thought of 'wrinkly'.

Well done Ellie you thought of 'silky'. Well done Amelie you thought of 'rough'.


Can you remember any other words we used to describe how the characters might move?


Team 2!



All the children have been trying especially hard with their 'joined up' handwriting and we are aiming to develop this skill further each week.

very well done and a great big thank you to everyone for learning your song words and concert words. I'm so excited about the Christmas show and I hope you are too. It was really nice to see Mrs Melbourne in the classroom this week sharing her expertise and dance moves ...... thank you again.

Congratulations to Georgia, Bradley, Oliver, Navroop, Sylvie and Amelie for sharing your work with us in 'Gold Book' assembly.



Fire Fire! Class 2

Matches, lighters never touch       


They can hurt you very much!               


We were very lucky today to have Sarah the Fire Safety Community Officer visit our classroom. She spoke to the children about the main causes of fire in the home, the importance of having a working smoke alarm and the need to make an escape plan at home. All the children listened carefully to the DVD and asked Sarah some very sensible questions.

Your child was given a 'Home Fire Safety Survey' and it was suggested that you may like to fill it in together :)

Some children were given the opportunity to try on a Fire Fighters uniform which was great fun! Thank you for having super manners today Team 2 and I am sure Sarah will want to visit our school again.



The Great Fire of London Class 2

This afternoon we have been learning all about The Great Fire of London. We have shared a story and watched a video. The children have done some fabulous art work ready for our display. I am sure you will agree, everyone in class 2 is working extremely hard!

Working Hard in Class 2!

Thank you Team 2 for another super week. You have worked extremely hard in our lessons and played nicely at playtimes. Your singing today has been fabulous, thank you for helping the children in Class R read the words. We look forward to another 'Superstar Learner' week.......


Class 2 - Granny's Cottage

Monster Party (Class 2)

 Thank you Year 2 for another super day. We are all so proud of you. You sat brilliantly in our Harvest Assembly and worked together during our team games this afternoon.

Have a restful week and take care during the half term holidays.



A Special Message for the PTFA (Class 2)


Video Stars!

In Class  2 today we have been using our new Flip Video Camcorder! The children have created their own special message.......


Art Work Class 2

The children have been looking at wallpaper patterns designed my William Morris. They have used his ideas to help them create their own designs. I am sure you will agree, we have some fabulous artists in Year 2!

Our Vehicles (Class 2)

The children have worked extremely hard to complete their vehicles. Those monsters will have a fabulous time travelling around London in them!

 Next week they will be writing  a set of instructions explaining how to build  their model.

Gold Book Year 2

Thank you for all your hard work.


World Religion Day

 In Class 2 our focus on Friday was Christianity. We had a very busy day sharing a variety of stories taken from the New Testament. The children completed paintings of animals for our display of Noah and his Ark, together with baking animal shaped biscuits and of course singing 'The animals went in two by two!' A busy but fun day was had by all.

A special thank you to Mrs Barlow and Mrs Drury for helping to clear up all the flour and margarine!

Getting ready for Friday....

Class Two or Professional Chefs?



Recording Stars!

This week the children in year two have been learning to use commas in a list. They have completed lots of activities and even recorded themselves....... we hope you enjoy listening to their sentences.

Download Our objective- commas in a list

Download Sylvie

Download Aimee

Download Ellie

Download Elliot

Download Keira

Having Fun in Numeracy!

In our numeracy today we have been learning to find a missing number in a number sentence. Look how hard we have been working.

Monster Mania