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Class 2



Miss Abbott, Mrs Needham, Mr Messom and Mrs Walters welcome you to Year 2 

To conclude our geography learning the children created posters about the similarities and differences between London and Pointe-Á-Pierre.

To inspire the children to write their setting description on Trinidad and Tobago, we ate a variety of fruits which we found in our core text book ‘Coming to England’.

Today the children drew pictures of what they had learnt from their visit off Dexter the fire dog.

Class 2 had an amazing time at Twycross Zoo. They were extremely polite and I was so proud of them all. We saw lots of animals which we have been learning about in science.

The children are really enjoying drawing their animals for their Amazon Rainforest diorama. Thank you very much for bringing the cardboard boxes in. I’m looking forward to you all seeing the end project.

Class 2 enjoyed having some calm and quiet time today reading a book and sharing it with a friend.

KS1 Football

Pepper experiment

Still image for this video

Pepper experiment

Still image for this video

In science we are looking at the importance of good hygiene. To support this we conducted the glitter and pepper experiment to investigate the importance of using soap.

As part of the the DT topic we have chopped fruits, made a smoothie and designed a farm.

Today we used a map to locate London.

Today we found a third of an amount.

Today we found a quarter of a number.

In maths today we practically found a half of different numbers.

In preparation for smoothie making as part of our DT topic the children sorted some foods into fruit and vegetables. We also addressed the misconception of tomatoes being a vegetable.

In maths today the children looked at recognising a quarter.

This morning we had a lovely visit from Seven Trent to tell the children all about the water cycle.

In English today the children enjoyed writing a letter of complaint.

In English some of the children made their own expanded noun phrase.

As an early morning task the children have been practising their spelling and handwriting. Lots of the children are showing our school value of ‘pride’ ensuring their handwriting is joined and neat in all of their books.

In science the children made boats from different materials. They did an amazing job and we predicted then tested them all to see if they would sink or float.

Lovely sentences in phonics today. Using the word ‘warm’.

World book day!

It was lovely to see so many families come and read with the children at the pop up library this morning. The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing a book with an adult.

In art the children have started their journey of drawing using charcoal.

This morning the children wrote some imaginative sentences about a picture of a dragon.

The children have enjoyed writing all about The Great Fire of London.

The children have had so much fun learning a rock song, keeping a pulse and appraising other rock songs.

To support our geography topic, Florence created a PowerPoint and taught us about Arctic foxes. We all had a go at drawing one which the children loved.

Reading revamp. The reading corner has had a refresh and the children have loved sitting under the tree today reading books to each other.

Here are some of the homework projects. I am so proud and impressed with the level of knowledge and effort which has been put into each and every one. Thank you for putting the time into this.

In today's morning activity the children were creating arrays.

In phonics this week we are focusing on ‘ey’ saying ‘ee’. The children did a brilliant job of reading the story.

To support our maths learning the children used counters to help them use the multiplication symbol.

Reading in Class 2. As a class we read in lots of different ways. Here are some examples of how I listen to the children read throughout the week and on a daily basis.

Today’s well-being check in the children wrote some positive messages on a thinking cap.

Today is safer internet day as a class we came up with some brilliant ideas on how to be safe when on the internet and using tablets and laptops.

This morning the children thought about what they are grateful for.

In Class 2 we are recognising children’s mental health week. Today we created an action plan on things we can do to support our mental health.

In English we are looking at question and exclamation sentences.

In geography the children created fact files on what tourists can see and do in Ilulissat.

In maths today the children were completing 2 step money problems.

In English we have innovated our core text book from a dot in the snow, to a dot in the sea. Today the children were using puppets to act out our new story.

In PE this term we are doing gymnastics. Here are some action shots of the children doing pencil and egg rolls.

In Class 2 we have started reading our core text book. The children are enjoying reading the pages to each other.

Starting the morning off with base 10 adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers.

The Twinkly Nativity.

Today we started our rehearsals for the Christmas production. All children have been given a script with their lines highlighted. It would be lovely if your child could practice their lines at home and bring the script back to school with them each day. 


Thank you,


Miss Abbott and Mrs Gregory

In class some of the children made a submarine inspired by the boy from our core text book 'Meet the Oceans'.

A lovely day celebrating children in need. As a class we did over 600 burpees. I am very proud of them all.

In RE we discussed why this Christian might be praying. The children came up with some lovey answers.

The children have done a lovely job at colouring poppies to recognise remembrance day.

Counting in 10’s with the help of Jack Hartmann.

In maths we having been using concrete resources.

The following week we made ham sandwiches to support our instruction writing.

To support our instruction writing in English the children made some cereal.

The children have been practising their dribbling techniques this week.

In PSHE we have been looking at the difference between bullying, teasing and friendly joking and the importance of this.

In science the children were comparing different seeds.

In PSHE this week we have been focusing on kindness and sharing our experiences of when someone has been kind to us.

Well done to the children who came to the athletics sports event this week. Super proud of them all taking part and we even came 2nd.

To support our place value knowledge the children have been practically estimating numbers on number lines around the classroom.

The children had a fun-filled PE lesson with Mr Smith practising their throwing and catching skills today.

This week the children have been learning about why miners went on strike.

The children have been acting out our model text in English this week.

Autumn 1 Class 2 Newsletter

Class 2 brain breaks with DJ Ralphie

Mrs Gregory and the class discussed what a school counsellor is and the importance of this role.

Brilliant recap of our teen numbers.

A lovely start to the new school year writing postcards about their summer holidays.
