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Richardson Endowed Primary School

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In the Books

Year 6 - Electricity

This half term, Year 6 are looking at electricity and have been predicting the impact of different voltages on their circuits, which included a bulb, buzzer, motor or a fan before testing and recording the results.

Year 6 Science - Light

A selection of amazing Science work to show their sequence of learning on their topic - Light. 

Year 6 Light - Refraction

This half term, Year 6 are looking at the topic of Light in Science and this week, we have been looking at Refraction in particular. The children completed two investigations to understand how it occurs and predicted the potential results. 

EYFS - Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Year 1

21st June - The Summer Solstice - Year 1 revisited the school grounds to compare the seasons of spring and summer.

The Spring Equinox - 20th March 2023 - Year 1 went looking for signs of spring!

Investigating absorbent materials

Class 1 have been exploring what happens when paper flowers are placed on water.

Week 1 - Mrs Rodgers gave us each a paper flower and we folded up the petals and carefully placed them onto the surface of the water. We observed what happened - the petals started to open up! We talked about why - the paper absorbs the water causing the petals to open out.

We then had a go at designing our own paper flowers to see what would happen if the petals and flowers were different shapes and sizes. 

Week 2

We investigated paper flowers made out of different kinds of paper: newspaper, tissue paper and card.

Year 2

Year 3

Today, (28th June 2022) was Science Day in school.

We recieved a letter from NASA where they asked us to help them in developing a rocket to travel even further into space.


We got to work exploring different rocketsπŸš€ and designed adaptations to help the rocket travel further. The children then made and tested their designs.


We certainly have some budding astronauts in class 3 πŸ‘©‍πŸš€πŸ‘¨‍πŸš€!

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6
