In the Books
Numbers to 100
Our Year 4 children have been learning to count to 100 in Spanish this half term. Before moving on to a new topic area, the children played a game of dominoes, in the sunshine, as a consolidation of their work. Good to do some outside learning together when we can!
Que hora es? - Year 5
Telling the time is an important life skill, no matter what language, so Year 5 have started learning how to do this in Spanish. We have began with o'clock and half past, before touching on quarter past / to and consolidating this by playing games, telling each other the time.
Mi Cumpleanos - Year 4
This week, Year 4 have been learning how to sing 'Happy Birthday' and to be able to tell each other their birth dates in Spanish.
“Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes en Espagnol”
Mi Direccion es.....
My Town
This half term in Spanish, Year 5 have been looking at the topic "My Town", learning vocabulary to describe their local shops and buildings in conversation, along with being able to say and write their address too.