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Summer 2 (Heritage)

Key Vocabulary for the Half Term


  • Heritage – Features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance.
  • Hierarchy – An organisation that ranks people one above another according to the power or authority that they hold.
  • Preservation - The act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged.
  • Inheritance - The money, property, or assets that someone receives from a person who has died.
  • Ancestry - Your ancestors who lived a long time ago, or the origin of your family.

Year 6 STEM session

Year 6 were fortunate to take part in a STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Maths) session on “Tower Building”, delivered by Ben Lee from Network Rail. 
The children were first given a PowerPoint presentation on the points to consider when  building a tower and were then able to put these in to practise with a hands-on activity. Using communication, listening skills and teamwork, they constructed their own bridges and tested them out. The pictures speak for themselves - a great session was had by all. 

Science - Inventors and Scientists

As Year 6 continue with their Science topic this half term, we have been researching  Mary Leakey, a British scientist, who discovered fossils of early humans and their tools in the first half of the 20th century. The children have created a fact file of her life and works, finishing off with a battleships- style game of "Find the Fossil", linking with our co-ordinates work in Maths. 

Revision can be Fun!

As part of our preparation for this week's SATs, we have tried to make revision fun for the children, by getting them to complete treasure hunts around the school playground area. A variety of Maths questions were hidden and they worked out the answers to lead them to the next clue. Class 6 thought that this kind of revision was much more enjoyable to do!


In our Science lessons, to fit in with the innovation and invention that took place and made the Industrial Revolution possible, we have been looking at Inventors and Scientists and we have recently researched the scientist, Professor Stephen Hawking and his theory about Black Holes. To further develop our thinking, we carried out an experiment in class to prove his theory regarding gravity and matter in space.
