KS1 leavers!

Year Two's fabulous homework
Thank you to all the children that brought in some fantastic homework!

Fabulous homework!
Wow! Mrs Boole and I have been thrilled with the homework projects about animals and their habitats that have come in so far. The children have worked so hard at home - thank you. We are enjoying the children's projects as they present them in class each day.

Please come and have a look at the super work outside our classroom.
EYFS and Key Stage 1 Sports Day
New National Curriculum- Guide for Parents
Amy Hughes -WOW!
What an absolute treat, we met Amy Hughes today!
Our fire safety talk
Class 2 and Class 6 welcomed Firefighter Oli into school this afternoon.

Oli spoke to the children about fire safety, including how to avoid starting a fire, what to do if parts of their clothes caught on fire and the importance of planning a safety route if a fire started in their home. The children had some interesting ideas and they were able to talk about their misconceptions with Oli. The children enjoyed listening to Oli's stories about the important work that he does every day. Thank you for helping us to keep safe Firefighter Oli!
The Giant Panda
This week children have started learning about China by looking at the landscape, understanding the word 'population, painting Chinese dragons and finding out about the beautiful creature - the Giant Panda. Look at the children's beautiful art work.

Earn yourself a merit children and find out a fact about the beautiful Giant Panda. Pop it on a comment on the website. Good luck!
Adding up the vertical way!
Class 2 have been working so very hard to transfer their addition skills and understanding so that they could add up using column/vertical addition. Look at Liam & Dylan's work - just one super set of super examples. Well done boys.

Golf with Key Stage 1 & Mr Clarke
What a lovely way to spend a sunny afternoon.....
On Thursday, it was very exciting to see children from years 1 & 2 set up for their first afterschool golf club, ran by our very own parent Mr Clarke.
Andy showed them many skills using a variety of fun and challenging games, which the children were so excited to participate in. Thank you Mr Clarke, thank you children. Here's to next week......

Special service for Eddy.
On Tuesday we held a service in memory of a very special boy Eddy from Class 2 who tragically passed away after a long fight against Bone Cancer.
We have so many happy memories of Eddy's time in school and were able to share these at the service. We were also able to show the most beautiful video put together by Eddy's Dad, Jon.
There was a technical hitch at one point during the service and Jon saved the day. We all have said that we could imagine Eddy laughing at this as he had such a wonderful sense of humour.
Eddy was such an important part of our school family and he will never be forgotten.
The service culminated in a balloon release by class 2 which was witnessed by the whole of our school community.
Thank you to Mrs Frost for donating the balloons.
We were able to host the service in conjunction with the Church and Reverand Lisa. Our children from classes 2-6 attended church on Monday and took part in a range of activities and created a beautiful wreath, a picture of which is below.
Donations were given to Gold September, a brilliant foundation being set up in Eddy's memory.
If you would like to donate to this very worthy cause you can still still send envelopes to the school clearly marked 'For Eddy' or 'For Gold September.'
Alternatively you can donate online into the following account:
Barclays Bank
Sort Code: 20-25-25
Account Number: 73046508
We were also able to pay tribute to Jon and Claudia for the perfect example of how they loved, cared for and did everything they could for Eddy. Our hearts go out to them and we will continue to support them in the coming weeks and months.
Jon has taken some beautiful pictures from the event and if you look closely and zoom in on one of them you can see that the balloons made a shape that looks like a gold heart in the sky.
I know Jon and Claudia are very grateful for all the support the school community has shown them from Team Eddy, Charity Clay Pigeon Shoots, loans of their super cars, all the visits from staff and everyone's general well wishes.
Eddy was such a smart, courageous and lovely boy and we are missing him terribly at school.
God bless you Eddy and rest in peace.

Pirate ships
The pirate ship making has finally begun after careful planning and designing by the children! More pictures to follow as they transform over the next few weeks! Thank you for your help with the collection of milk bottles

Temperature work in class 2
Today we have been exploring temperature and how to read a thermometer. What different things do we measure the temperature of or need to know the temperature of? Tomorrow we will be exploring temperatures in different countries. Do you know any really hot or really cold countries?

Doubling and halving in Class 2!
Hello children!
We hope you've all had a super day at school in this beautiful sunshine - how lovely!
Please have a look at these doubling and halving websites and have a play. We would then like you to write 5 doubles or 5 halves (can be a mixture) in a comment e.g. half of 10 is 5, double 100 is 200 etc - be careful of what other children put on - as any repeats don't count.
Have fun and we look forward to seeing your answers!
A comment = 1 merit. Good luck!
Jumping for Joy!
Class 2 loved using the new skipping ropes today as we skipped, skipped and skipped some more. Skipping helps to keep our heart healthy.

Friendship Survey
The children in all year groups were recently involved in a school friendship survey. As you may be aware our 'Friendship Week' was in the Autumn Term and continuing on from this we have been promoting positive relationships across the school.
As part of this ongoing initiative the children's data was collected and analysed. Reception children and Class 1 spoke about friendships and their data was collected through circle time and verbal discussions and Classes 2-6 completed a written response.
The following is a summary of our findings:
- A very high percentage of pupils felt safe in the classroom, on the playground and going to and from school.
- The majority of pupils never spend playtimes alone and the ones that indicated occasionally they did have been spoken to individually and issues addressed in a positive and nurturing way.
As part of our British Values in school we always listen to each other's opinions. Our children are made aware of our differences, tolerating others and being kind and caring towards each other.
We have many visitors in our school each week for a variety of reasons ( Teaching and Learning consultants, prospective parents, volunteers, outside agencies, members of the community and school governors) . We pride ourselves on the comments we receive about our warm welcome and the friendly atmosphere which helps us to create a caring environment for your children.
Finally, we are thrilled with the hugely positive response from our survey and as an ongoing commitment to your children we strive to promote a happy, safe and friendly environment here at Richardson Endowed Primary.
Thank you for supporting us.
An afternoon with Mummy x
Thank you to all of the Mummies and special ladies that joined us in school yesterday afternoon.
If you were unable to join us, we hope you liked the crafts and flowers that were given to you later on in the day.
The Solar Eclispe! Wowsers!
How exciting, a rare event is currently underway....are you watching it safely? Please see the following article to help you to view it safely....enjoy - the next one will be in 2026!
Smalley's Beautiful Church
What a beautiful morning we had at the church. We were warmly welcomed by Reverend Lisa, Mrs Porter and Richard and we learnt lots about what makes the church such a special place. We also learnt about some of the important objects in the church and started to think about the Easter story.
Class 2 were very well behaved and they loved the out of the classroom learning experience.
Please enjoy our photos.
Buzzing About Books
Enjoy sharing some more memories of 'World Book Week' at Smalley!
RED NOSE DAY - 13th March 2015
We’re looking forward to another exciting week in school.
Please also note that we will be celebrating Red Nose day
in school on Friday, 13th March 2015.
We will be following the theme of
‘Make Your Face Funny For Money’!
So please get your thinking caps on, accessories or face paint out and prepare to make us all smile with your funny face creation!
On the day, we would like to collect a donation on the day of £1 to support this worthy cause.
Many thanks for your support.
Kind regards
The Smalley Staff Team
Buzzing about Books
How wonderful to come into school and feel the 'buzz' about books.
I could hear children laughing, chatting, sharing and explaining about their special book.
I could see smiles, excitement, happiness and fun as children came dressed as a
book character or in their pjs!
Please enjoy the photos that were taken during book swap with Year 5 and 4
and book character/pj day.
Watch out for a post from Mrs Rhodes who has more memories from Book Week!
Thank you children, parents, helpers and staff - another special week in school.
We Will Remember
What a pleasure and an honour to welcome both Eric and Kevin into our assembly this morning. These gentlemen were representing The Royal British Legion, Belper. We invited them into school so that we could present the £87.15 that we collected during our Harvest collection back in October.
The gentlemen told us that the Poppy appeal continues all year and that they were very grateful for our contribution and the money would go towards continuing to provide the wonderful service to soldier's families who have fought and are still fighting in the wars.
The gentlemen spoke to the children about the work of The British Legion and they also shared their experiences of being in the war. Eric was 16 when he joined the Royal Air Force and served our country - he travelled to many places and said his time in service had helped him to stay young! He was also one of the soldiers who arrived at the Normandy beaches during the Second World War in 1944. Kevin participated in the Cold War and both his father and grandfather were soldiers. It was so very interesting to hear their stories.
Three of our year 6 children read 'In Flanders Fields' and our children shared some the war time songs that they sang at our Remembrance service; it touched the hearts of both Kevin & Eric (who joined in too).
What a special morning.
Fun at the Zoo with Class 2!
What a lovely day we had at the zoo last Tuesday. Our children loved seeing all the different animals and asked some super questions. The weather was so kind to us, clear blue skies all day. The company was perfect and children you were a delight to take out. Enjoy the photos!

Wonderful animal homework!

Multiplication games
Children in Class 2 have been busy learning their 10, 2, 5, 3, 4 and 6 times tables this week.
Children, here are some games that you can use to practise your speed.
Good luck!
Calling All Hawks!
We need your ideas please.........
Each Friday, in Gold Book assembly, the winning house team play their celebratory song. At the moment, HAWKS play'Flying Without Wings'.
Mrs Rawlings & Mrs Reckless thought that with a new year should come a new celebratory song for the HAWKS, so this is where you come in.......
Can you think of a great song that we can play in assembly when HAWKS win? Please post your ideas below and then we'll call a meeting and decide which one to go for.
Thank you
Do you wanna build a snowman?!
The snow was pretty rubbish here in Smalley however, we still had lots of fun at breaktime and there was lots of teamwork involved!

Spring Term in Class 2
Welcome back to the Spring Term. Please find attached a copy of our termly briefing sheet which outlines some of the exciting learning opportunities your child will be engaging in this term in a topic called 'I'm Alive!'.
Pop in and see us if you have any questions.
It's official.........our classroom is open!
Before Christmas we had a very special day here in school when we officially opened our new classroom. The classroom was opened by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education, Councillor Kevin Gillott and Ian Thomas, the Director of Children Services for Derbyshire.
It was also lovely to welcome back the project manager Dee Hill and Kev Walker who was Team Leader throughout the duration of the build. We had a lovely assembly and were joined by Governors, members of the PTFA and parents who help in school.
It has been in all the local papers over Christmas, an example of the write up can be found by following the link below:
The official photos from the day can also be found below.

Random Acts of Kindness
Our Staff are starting off the new year in great spirits by participating in an initiative from Shonette Bason, an international speaker who visited our school last year. This is to make January a month of kindness to start the year and also reminding us how important it is to think of others and to make others smile.
We are hoping you, our wider community will join in by downloading the link below and then letting us or Shonette know via Twitter or Facebook. We will also share examples sent to us on our school website.
Please use @richardsoneps @shonettebason or beingbrilliant if sharing on Twitter.
Our children are taking part too and are already experts thanks to another leading inspirational speaker Andy Cope who worked with our school during Brilliant Derby. Following Brilliant Derby we created a wall of kindness and random acts of kindness are celebrated each week in assembly and one is chosen to wear a rosette for the week. A great example of this can be found by clicking the link below:
If our children can be so brilliant and kind then it's definitely a good time for our staff, parents, grandparents and friends to lead the way too to ensure that Smalley is the best community to live in the world.
Some pictures below will remind you of Shonette and Andy's visits to our school and the impact they have had. We hope to welcome both back in 2015 too!
Good luck and please contact us to share your successes on our website too!

Happy Christmas memories 2014
We hope you have all had a lovely Christmas holiday, full of all the people and places you enjoy.
Here are a copy of the photos from the Christmas production - we're still smiling and brimming with pride. Thank you children.

Christmas with the Aliens!
Thank you to all of the children in Class 2, Class 1 and Class R. We're so very proud of you all - you have worked very hard and put on 2 fabulous shows for your family and friends.
Christmas is certainly here at Smalley! Merry Christmas to you all!
Helping with our times tables!
Thank you children, you have all worked really hard with learning your 2, 5 and 10 times tables so far.
Here are a few links to help you to gain rapid recall of these facts (in 5 seconds)
Good luck!
Let us know which game you like the most......
Friendship Week
Fairy tale models in Class Two
Yesterday Class Two worked really well making their fairy tale models! They look great so far! Next week we will be painting them.
Cookery Course Club

During our after school club today the children made a delicious tea for themselves which consisted of yummy muffin pizza followed by shortbread biscuits.
Follow the link below for the pizza recipe and a short video.
One Week Left- Link Romania Shoebox Appeal
Once again Smalley school have decided to support 'Link Romania Family Shoebox Appeal'. Last year we sent almost 100 boxes to families and children who are not as lucky as ourselves.
Thank you if you have already brought your box into school.
You have one more week left if you would like to support this charity as the boxes are being collected from school on Monday morning the 17th November.

If you would like a copy of the leaflet that needs attaching to your shoebox please come and speak to Mrs Rhodes or Mrs Domkowicz as we have spares.
Brilliant idea!
Ooh how I did smile when Grace showed me how she was going to make sure she didn't lose her gorgeous gloves this year.....with a little help from Gran, Grace had made a loom band strap complete with buttons - GENIUS! Thank you for your fabulous idea Grace.
£1026.47 for CLIC Sargent
Following the very successful coffee morning, organised by Mrs Evans, representatives from the charity CLIC Sargent were invited to our assembly to receive the money that was raised - a staggering £1026.47!
The ladies told the children about where the money would go and how it would help families in lots of ways.
Thank you again for your wonderful community support http://www.clicsargent.org.uk
Tasty homework!
Thank you Class 2 for all of your super homework this half term. You have worked really hard over the 6 weeks and produced some very tasty recipe cards!
We are now making all of your recipes into a Class Two Cook Book and you'll soon be able to take it home to try out some of the delicious recipes.
Thank you Mummys, Daddys and Grandparents for supervising the making and tasting! We've all certainly enjoyed the tasty treats in the classroom.
Performing poetry!
Children worked in small groups today and thought carefully about how to read aloud a poem called 'Spaghetti'. They thought about when to speak quickly, slowly, loudly, quietly, altogether or on their own. Well done everyone for your efforts today.

We also used this website to explaore some other food poetry - please have a look.
Cooking in class 2!
We've had a busy day in class 2 today! We made carrot cake cupcakes! Whilst the children were waiting for their turn to bake they worked beautifully with a partner as they became researchers! Using the iPads the children researched where all the ingredients for the cakes came from and produced some wonderful pieces of work to present their findings. They all worked so well and found out lots of information. Can you post some facts you found out today Class 2?

Class 2 are Scooter Smart!
Our children loved working with the Scooter Smart instructors today. They learnt and practised a variety of skills including stopping without running over my toes and crossing the road safely with a scooter. Well done children, always think about how to keep Scooter Smart.

Once back in the classroom, children based their Mathematics on scooters by counting in twos and gaining rapid recall of their two times table facts. The children also wrote some instructions on how to ride a scooter safely.

A special Harvest thank you!
Thank you to all of our wonderful children who sang their hearts out on Friday for our special Harvest assembly. Here are some of Class 2, who always have a special job to lead this important occasion, getting their smiles and voices at the ready!

Thank you for all your kind poppy donations which will go to The British Legion, to help support their important work. The display in the hall looks great - thank you.
Be Safety Aware!
Please bring your named scooter into school on Tuesday- your teacher will tell you where to park it!
We look forward to learning more about keeping safe on our scooters....
(If you have not got a scooter please don't worry - we are good at sharing at Smalley!)
A princess (and prince!) plea for Class 1.
A big plea from us lovelies in Class 1.
Next term our topic is 'Fairytales' and we would love to turn our role play corner into a castle/palace or likewise BUT we can't have a beautiful princess (or prince) palace without beautiful princess (or prince) dresses/outfits to go in it!
If you have any princess, knight, dragon, prince, crowns, wands, fairies etc, dressing up clothes at home that you no longer use or want, that we could put into our role play corner after half term we would be eternaly grateful.
We know how fantastic Smalley parents are all rallying round when we need something in school and we would really appreciate any help with this.
If you have anything that would be useful in our role play area please see Miss Thompson or Mrs Smith.
Thanking you all so much in advance. We know our budding knights and princesses will be appreciative too.
Class 1
Journey of Courage
Eddy was so very proud to show his 'Beads of Courage' this morning in our assembly. The beads represent the time that Eddy has spent in hospital since he became ill and each bead means something different including a dressing changed to an operation or a stay in hospital.

The children gave Eddy the biggest, loudest and longest applause. We all think that you're such a brave and courageous young man Eddy - certainly the bravest person I have ever met. We're all so proud of you Eddy.
Cold and wet outside but warm within!
The children in Class 2 today brought lots of sunshine inside at wet play time as they explored the dressing up box! Oooh we did giggle! Class 2 loved trying on and acting out their different characters in our castle role play area.

Lego was enjoyed too!
Eddy won!
What a gorgeous surprise for Class 2 today.
Whilst at the hospital, Eddy won a jar of sweets as he guessed that there were 60 sweets inside and that was EXACTLY how many were in there! Eddy brought them to school to share with his friends. Thank you Eddy - you made everyone smile today with your luscious lollipops!
Building a 3D castle!
Some of our children enjoyed building a castle with a range of 3D shapes. Which shapes can you see?

Autumn is here!
Thank you children, your work so far on our seasonal display in our new entrance is looking great! Thank you for your hard work and thank you Mrs Evans for your inspiration.
Harvest words - thank you for learning them 😊
Please find the words of the harvest songs that we practised during our assembly. Please keep singing as I need your voices on Friday morning - thank you everyone.

Making me smile!
Look at this marvellous masterpiece appearing in our playground....every time I walk across the playground there's something new to smile at.....I can't wait to see it all finished. Thank you wonderful artists!

Describing my dinner!
Hello Class 2!
Following our work in our English lesson today, could you write a noun phrase with adjectives to describe what you have had for your dinner this evening, for example six sizzling pork sausages with fluffy mashed potatoes.
Let the baking begin....
Thank you parents for your kind donations towards our baking this term. On Thursday we will be making bread, having been learning about the story of The Little Red Hen this week! What ingredients do you think we will be using on Thursday? Post your ideas?
Look what we've been up to in our New Classroom!
Look through the photos and explain to your friends and family what we have been doing!

Well done Class 2!
Mrs Boole and I are very proud with how eager and sensible our new class have been - Class 2, you are so ready to launch into our new curriculum. Thank you very much children, we're looking forward to a great year ahead. Just two people missing from our class photo - we'll catch you on camera this week!
See you in the morning!