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Richardson Endowed Primary School

To be an outstanding school at the heart of the community

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Our Curriculum

"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." Plutarch.


A summary of our curriculum intent is below, but for full information, please click and read our Curriculum Intent Statement.


At Richardson Endowed Primary School, we believe that children need a broad curriculum where specific subject knowledge and skills knowledge from each curriculum area is taught in a sequential way, building on previous knowledge and ultimately being applied in a purposeful outcome - a curriculum which aims to provide children with the bigger picture. We have developed a curriculum that equips children for life at school and beyond, in Smalley and beyond, for life in the 21st and 22nd centuries. We are mindful that the first children have been born who will be alive in 2101!


We have developed our curriculum as a vehicle for connecting education and personal development within the evolving global world. This means we enable children to form meaningful relationships with their learning, see patterns and apply knowledge and skills into a context where learning can make a difference.

Our children see that their learning has real significance and understand that this is relevant to future decisions and the active contribution they can make to the world is clear for them to see.


We use the following themes:

  • Identity and Diversity            Peace and Conflict           Social Justice
  • Saving our Environment        Our Heritage           Our World and Beyond


Curriculum learning is brought to life through high-quality texts that are carefully selected to link to the overarching themes as well as providing opportunities to build on knowledge and develop values in a way that connects to children’s lives - who they are, how they fit into the world and how they contribute and respond to it. 


For more information about our curriculum, please contact us via the school office.
