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Richardson Endowed Primary School

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In Action!

Today was a very special day in Smalley sporting history! Our successful cricket team represented the Amber Valley borough at the County finals at Belper Meadows. Seven teams from all over Derbyshire attended the event and the standard was very good.
having lost our first game, we went on to win the next two and in the 3/4th playoff, we conquered again, which resulted with us taking 3rd place in all the primary schools in Derbyshire.  A fantastic attitude, alongside great teamwork and cricket skills throughout has been the key to their success. Thankyou to those who came along to support, very much appreciated. 

KS2 Cricket rounds

After school this evening, a team of our Year 6 children attended the Heanor Cluster of the cricket rounds at Langley Mill United cricket club. Split into groups, we were successful in all our matches and went on to win the round overall. Some great bowling, fantastic fielding and excellent batting ensured a place in the finals next week at Denby Cricket Club. Despite a late finish, the children left with happy smiles all round. 

Several of our children attended an AVSSP golf competition at Ormonde Fields golf club this week. In two teams of two girls/boys, they each played a short course of 9 holes in pairs. Out of 13 teams, we finished in 3rd and 7th place respectively. Despite the changing weather conditions, everyone had great fun and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Well done to our budding golfers! 

KS1 Football

Our KS1 football team played together, in an AVSSP tournament after school yesterday. 
The event was held at the new sports facility at Charles Hill, Loscoe  with 10 teams taking part. 
Having won 3 games and losing only one, we were then put against other winning teams in a playoff league. The team were fabulous and richly deserved their bronze certificate and wrist band, finishing in 3rd place.

Well done to each member of the team and to their supporters for attending, much appreciated. Proud of our Smalley stars!

Table Tennis Champions!

Our Year 5/6 children took part in a tournament at Ripley Academy this week. With over 10 teams taking part, they played several rounds of singles games and both teams improved massively throughout. The final results showed that we we had not only taken first place but the runners up place too. Fabulous team spirit and excellent sportsmanship from everyone, the Smalley winning streak continues! Well done to all our children.

Year 3/4 Dodgeball Champions!

Our Year 4 children attended the Dodgeball competition this Tuesday at William Gregg Leisure Centre. Split into 4 mini leagues, they won their games and went through to play the league winners to fight for the top 4 positions. The team played superbly together, making some great catches at key moments to run out overall winners and Champions of the whole tournament. Congratulations to them all for coming first out of 16 schools and making Smalley champions again.

KS1 Dodgeball

Last week, our KS1 children entered the Heanor cluster Dodgeball competition and had a great time playing against several other local schools. After a slow start, they improved massively and finished a very commendable 4th place. Well done to all the team, you were great and showed excellent sportsmanship.

Rowing Champions 2024

Futsal Competition

On the same day as Boccia, some of our KS2  children attended a Futsal event at Alfreton Leisure Centre after school. Split into 2 mini leagues, 8 teams played in 7 minute games and the top two teams went through to the play-offs. The boys had a slow start but grew in confidence and in success,  enjoyed some good wins at the end. Well done to those who took part and their supporters who came along. 

Competition Time!

Boccia Plus.

Our first competition of 2024, six of our year KS2 children attended the Boccia Plus event held at Alfreton Leisure Centre this week. Split into two teams, the children played several games against other local schools, taking them through to the semi-finals. Despite their best efforts, they finished in a very worthy 3rd and 4th place and had the best time taking part. Well done to our Boccia stars and thank you  to their supporters who came along also.

On a beautiful summers evening this week, our Cricket team played against three of our local schools in a round-robin format to earn a place through to the Amber Valley finals. Denby Cricket club were our hosts and the conditions were excellent, if a little warm. The children did extremely well in both batting and bowling, however we were unfortunate to narrowly lose the first game 268-266. The second was won outright and then the third, we lost by 10 runs (242-232). 
Well done to the team and those parents who came to support. 

On Wednesday evening, several of our Y5/6 pupils took part in a Golf Taster session at Ormonde Fields Golf Club, organised by AVSSP. 
They played a round of 9 holes as a team, with each member keeping their own score. Out of 12 teams in attendance, we finished in a very admirable 6th place. Well done to all our golfers and to their parents for supporting them. 

KS1 Amber Valley Champions

Yet again, this team of Year 2 football friends have delivered an outstanding performance after school on Monday evening. In the Heanor cluster of Amber Valley, they played against 5 other schools in games of 8 minutes and never lost a match, winning 4 and one draw. Everybody got on the scoresheet and they showed what great teamwork can really achieve. 
Thank you to all the parents who came along to support and to AVSSP for organising the event. Another trophy for the shelf, well done to all the team! 

Table Tennis Champions

On Tuesday of this week, four of our Year 6 students attended a Table Tennis competition at Ripley Academy. Split into a boys and girls league, each pupil played 5 games against other schools and out of 20 games, we only conceded 4. One of our stars didn’t lose a game and as a result, they were crowned champions overall. A fantastic team effort with great morale throughout. Congratulations Team Smalley!

Dodgeball Champions

A huge well done to our boys, who represented our school at dodgeball this afternoon and came ⭐️⭐️1st⭐️⭐️. The competition was organised by AVSSP and took place at Heanor Leisure Centre.

Your behaviour and teamwork was outstanding!

Year 5/6 Dodgeball

Last night, two teams of Year 5/6 children took part in a Dodgeball competition at Heanor Leisure Centre against 11 others teams from the area. The children played in a succession of games and then into play off games, where one team finished in a runners up place and the other team were crowned Champions! Both teams did the school proud and played with great respect and honesty throughout. Thank you to all our parents who came along to support. 

Key Stage 1 Dodgeball competition


What a pleasure to take these 12 children to the Dodgeball competition this afternoon.  They all worked so hard and did brilliantly well against the local schools.  The teamwork, honesty and sportsmanship was really good and everyone tried their hardest. They played 7 games in total plus a bonus game against their parents!


We are incredibly proud to announce that our two teams were runners up and.....wait for it....the WINNERS! Richardson Endowed Primary School - Key Stage 1 Dodgeball Champions 2022/23!


Rowing Competition

After school last evening, some of our Year 6 children attended an AVSSP Rowing competition at Ripley Leisure Centre. The children took part in an individual distance event and a team relay, before the whole team performed in a relay, each doing 30 seconds before the changeover. The children were superb and showed great resilience, along with excellent teamwork and support for each other. They were extremely unfortunate to not get placed, and finished a fantastic 4th out of 13 schools. Well done to everyone taking part, you did yourselves and the school very proud! 

Spring P.E. Year 6 - Fencing

Christmas Cosmic Yoga

After a busy Christmas disco last night, Year 2 did some relaxing yoga in P.E this morning with lots of stretches and different poses. Namaste!

Basketball Competition

Here's a picture of our fantastic Year 6 Basketball team!

They performed against several other schools in a closely fought Basketball competition held at Aldecar High School. All the games were extremely close and our team performed with great skill, perseverance, and above all, a tremendous sporting attitude! Well done! 

Gregg Cup Penalty Shoot-out!

On Thursday evening, one of our Class 6 pupils was asked to take part in the annual "Penalty King" competition, prior to the final. They did a great job and of representing the school, scoring 2 out of 3 goals against a very good keeper. Thank you so much and we are very proud of you! 

Mini Leader Coaching Event

On Friday this week, several of our Year 6 pupils attended a Mini Leaders Sports coaching course at Alfreton Leisure Centre. The event, organised by Amber Valley School Sports Partnership, was to show the children games and activities that they could then adapt/transfer, to use in the school playground to make lunch times more enjoyable. The children were thoroughly committed and had the best time. Thank you to them all for being excellent role models for our school! 

Year 3/4 Athletics Competition

In the final Athletics competition of this half term, several of our Year 3/4 children went to Alfreton Leisure Centre to take part. Overall, they did brilliantly and got a well deserved 3rd place out of eight schools. Congratulations to them all !

Year 5/6 Athletics Competition

KS1 Athletics Competition

Autumn Sports

Sports Day!

Year 6 Sporting Stars

EYFS - Physical Development

This half term, Year 1 have been learning the basics of Athletics in their P.E. lessons. They have really enjoyed taking part in each of the different track and field events and continue to show good sportsmanship and teamwork. Keep an eye out for our potential stars of the future! 

