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Richardson Endowed Primary School

To be an outstanding school at the heart of the community

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Contact Details

Contact Details

Richardson Endowed Primary School

Main Road






Telephone: 01332 880317



School Opening Hours:

The office is contactable between 8.00am and 4.30pmMonday to Fridays.

In case of emergency out of hours, please phone: 07701 027773  

You can also send us a message using the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Mrs P Atwal –  Executive Headteacher

Tel: 01332 880317

Mr M Trimbee - School Business Manager. 

Mrs R Lucas - School Business Assistant.


Mrs Lucas is the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public.

Mrs L Rowland is the Chair of Governors. You can write to her c/o Richardson Endowed Primary School, Main Road, Smalley, Derbyshire. DE7 6EF.
Mrs L Goodwin - Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO). Contact Mrs Goodwin using the email address shown.
We are part of the Embark Federation, Office 10-11, Derwent Business Centre. Derby DE1 2BU. Tel: 01332 477722

Requests for paper copies

If any parent would like a paper copy of any of the information on our website, please contact us and we will provide this for you.

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