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Richardson Endowed Primary School

To be an outstanding school at the heart of the community

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School Hours

The School Day


Gates open: 8.45am (children to arrive between 8.45am and 8.55am).

Registration: 8.55am (children need to be in class by 8.55am please for the register).

The gates will be closed at 8.55am and anyone arriving after that will need to sign in late at the school office at the Main Road (top) entrance.

12.00pm - 1.00pm:  KS1 Lunchtime

12.10pm - 1.00pm:  KS2 Lunchtime

3:25pm:  End of School (parents to collect children from the playgrounds).


This gives us a total time for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 of 32.5 hours. 


Please refer to the information below, giving more details about the arrival and departure from school.




  • EYFS:  Our Reception children will enter through the door by Classroom 2, where they will be met by Mrs Reckless and Mrs Hull.


Key Stage 1 Pupils:

  • Years 1 & 2: Please enter through the gate at the bottom of our drive from the Kerry Drive entrance.


Key Stage 2 Pupils:

  • Years 3, 4, 5 & 6: These pupils may enter via the gates at either the Kerry Drive entrance or the Main Road entrance.



In line with feedback from our parent surveys and to continue to improve communication, we will be welcoming parents/carers onto site at the end of the day to collect children. Our Reception, Year 1 and Year 3 children will be handed over from their external classroom doors and children in Class 2 will use the ‘yellow door’ next to their classroom. This will allow parents/carers to speak to teaching staff more easily, although this may mean waiting for a few minutes until after the children are all safely dismissed.


Children from our ‘top school’ (Years 4, 5 and 6) will be brought out by their teacher, so please arrange to meet them on the playground. Older siblings will be able to wait with staff until younger brothers/sisters have been collected.


We ask that you arrange with your child where you will meet them.


Parents of our older children sometimes prefer them to walk home and this is obviously your decision. We always tell the children to come back into school if their parent/carer has not arrived, so we can keep them safe, rather than them waiting at the school gates.



