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Richardson Endowed Primary School

To be an outstanding school at the heart of the community

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Summer 2

Welcome back to school


This week, we have started to have a think about where we have been in the world and how we got there.

We thought about all the different types of transport that we knew and learnt how to keep safe on a boat, by wearing a life jacket.


We have had a Road Safety lesson with Andy Adlington, who helped us to think about how to keep safe near the road.

Learning to ride a different kind of bike!

We have been helping our friends to learn to ride the foot bikes this week.  Thank you for your kindness, support, patience and resilience.

Trains, planes and automobiles!

Wow!  Our children were so proud to present their vehicle home projects today.  They told their friends what they had made, how they had made it and who they had worked with.  Well done children, our teddies sure will be travelling in style!
