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To develop a love of languages through the delivery and participation of an interactive, practical and engaging curriculum to inspire pupils to want to learn further languages later on in their education and lives for pleasure.


To acquire the knowledge and vocabulary required in a different language to build the foundations to have the ability and confidence needed to communicate across different countries independently.


To appreciate and learn about different cultures to inspire pupil’s curiosity to explore the world and give them the drive to want to travel, study or work in other countries.


Pupils will learn to communicate in a variety of ways effectively to give them an insight and analyse different cultures and values. Pupils will develop a curiosity and understanding of the wider world.

Key Learning



Identify and enjoy different aspects of different cultures- e.g. food types.


The desire to explore other countries.


Appreciation of other people’s life styles/values...

Analysing different cultures that go on to inspire travel.


Analysing different methods of communication fit for purpose.


To analyse what is being spoken in a different language to be able to respond appropriately. 

Use knowledge and skills of vocabulary to effectively communicate in a different language with confidence.


To use oral and written methods of communication.


To be able to listen to other and respond effectively.

Reflect on ability to effectively communicate and recall of learnt vocabulary.


Use skills and vocabulary learnt to develop fluency over time.


Reflect on different cultures around the world and how they will inspire your lifestyle with regards to life style, work choices, holidays, food etc.


Spanish 2024-25

Year 4 Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

This week, Year 4 have been learning how to say ayer, hoy and mañana and how to use them when talking about the date . We played a game , where the children had to find their corresponding day before and day after by asking what their date was. 

Year 4 Que dia es hoy?

Spanish Year 4 and our pets

In Spanish this week, we have been learning about our furry friends and their Spanish names then consolidated this through a game of Bingo, which helps the children to remember and is fun to do. 

Year 3 Introductory Spanish Lesson

In their first week of term, Year 3 were introduced to some of the culture of Spain and we talked about places they may have visited on their holidays. They enjoyed using the maps to find Spanish cities and had great fun trying out the resources. 

Year 3 Speaking activity

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My name is....

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Me llamo .....

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