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Richardson Endowed Primary School

To be an outstanding school at the heart of the community

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Richardson Endowed Primary School adopts an open and accepting attitude towards children as part of its responsibility for pastoral care.  Staff hope that children, parents and the wider community will feel free to talk about any concerns and will see school as a safe place when there are difficulties.  Children’s worries and fears will be taken seriously and children are encouraged to seek help from members of staff.

Who's Who - Safeguarding at Richardson Endowed Primary School

Child protection and Safeguarding Policy

You can download and read our latest Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy here.

You can download and read Embark's Safeguarding and Child Protection Overarching Trust Policy here.  

You can download Embark's Annual Safeguarding Statement of Assurance here. 


Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mrs Parmjit Atwal. We also have two Deputy Safeguarding Leads, Miss Lucy Brooks and Mrs Emma Reckless; and a Safeguarding Governor, Mrs Natalie Lane. Please speak to the DSL or one of our Deputies if you have any concerns. If your concern is urgent that please speak directly to the safeguarding team or phone the school office on 01332 880317. For other concerns, please email 



Safeguarding Contacts

During the school holidays, if you have immediate concerns for a child, please contact:

Call Derbyshire (Derbyshire County Council Social Services) on 01629 533190

First Contact (Derby City Council Social Services) on 01332 641172

Intimate Care Policy

You can download and read our Intimate Care Policy here

Private Fostering Policy

You can download and read our Private Fostering Policy here.

Separated Parents Policy

You can download and read our Separated Parents Policy here.
