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Richardson Endowed Primary School

To be an outstanding school at the heart of the community

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Big dreams are worth having...




Calling all children and adults too!

Summer is a wonderful time to pick up a book and read for enjoyment - I know I will be doing just that with my early morning cup of tea!

Below are some reading challenges for over the summer holidays - choose a level of challenge and try to complete the different reading challenges.  Please either upload your completed form to Google Classroom or print it out and return it to school when you come back in September.  All entries will go into  a prize draw and winners will be picked out in our first Gold Book assembly.

Our online libraries which we have been using since our Lockdown learning will also be available all through the summer - please enjoy.

Class 1 Sports day!

Well done to all the children who took part in sports day on this hot glorious day! You did yourselves, your families, your teachers and each other proud! Well done!

Class 1 Stars of the week!

This week we have a tremendous, terrific trio! Amber, Georgia and Amelia have been "always children" all year round. They work hard at all times both in school and at home. They are always kind and helpful and always make the right choices. Well done girls you are amazing!


Year 1 Star of the week

This week we have two super stars! First to Dexter who is an ALWAYS child. Always does his best, always tries hard, always polite and friendly and as the class have all said he is very kind. Our second super star is Travis. Travis has been working astonishingly hard ever since half term and thoroughly deserves this special mention. He has been contributing so well in all lessons and working very hard. It was also lovely to see how delighted both boys were for each other. We are so very proud of them both! Well done.


Class 1 Star of the week.

This week Bobby is our star! He has made fantastic progress with his writing and is trying very hard to make it beautifully neat. We are so proud of him. Well done Bobby and keep working at it!


Class one star of the week.

This week's worthy winner is Oliver. Oliver has amazed us with his fantastic effort and achievement across reading, writing and maths as well as his brilliant attitude to learning and kindness to his peers. Well done Oliver we are so proud of you! Keep it up!



Year 1 Star of the week

Class 1's star of the week is Eliza. Eliza has been working so hard in all areas of her learning. We also want to celebrate her constant resilience and persistence as well as her amazing imagination.  Well done Eliza!


A lovely sunny day for a walk!

On Tuesday, Class 1 went on a nature walk around our school grounds and local area. We were lucky enough to spot a birds nest in a piece of our play equipment and minibeasts hiding under logs. There was even a little bit of time for a play in the sunshine. Thank you for a lovely morning Class 1!



Class One yoga session

We had a fantastic time during a yoga session this morning. The children and teachers thoroughly enjoyed it! We look forward to next time.

Class 1 Star of the week.

Our fantastic Star of the week is Harlo! He has made exceptional progress in his reading and we are very proud of him! Well done!



Class 1 Star of the week.

Well done Anya. You have been working really hard this week on your presentation of your writing and understanding in maths. You have been trying really hard and contributing really well in class! We are very proud of you.


Class 1's Star of the Week!

Well done to Toby. This week's well-deserved winner. He has worked so hard and with great resilience in his maths and writing this week with some great results. We are so proud Toby! 



Class 1's Star of the Week!

Well done to James. He is a star that shines brightly day in day out, week in and week out! James is an always child. He always does his absolute best in everything he undertakes. He is always polite and courteous and a true role model for the class. He is also incredibly hard working. We all admire him and thoroughly enjoy him being in our Class 1 family. 

Mrs Swann and Mrs Rodgers.



Class 1 star of the week.

Well done to Remy and Mia our joint star of the week - I  just couldn't choose between them! Both have been working so incredibly hard in all areas including Reading, writing, phonics and maths. Both have been absolute super stars and we are very proud of them!


Class 1 star of the week.

This week we say a huge well done to Logan our star of the week. Logan has been on fire this week answering questions, putting his hand up and contributing. We are so proud of him!



Star of the week Class 1

Well done to Ellis our star of the week. You have been coming to school happily and working so hard with maths, reading and writing. Super star- keep it up!



Working hard in Class 1

Class 1 have spent some time finding out what plants need in order to grow well. Last week we sowed some cress seeds and placed the pots in different places around the classroom. Today we looked at the results and found out that seeds need light, water and soil to grow into healthy plants. Great work Class 1!


Smalley's Spring has sprung!



Smalley School's Red Nose Day 2021!



Thank you everyone for sharing your smiles all through school today!




The Embark Award.

We have relaunched this post from October, as the Embark Award is a unique, special award for our academy of schools and whilst we are at home, we could still be working towards achieving the goals.  There are activities and experiences that we can't or must not do at the moment, but there are many that we can -  We think that many of us could do number 25 on 'Family' after last weekend's snow!  Please contact your class teacher children with a photograph/video of you achieving your goals and we will be able to award the stickers into your folders for when you return into school.

Good luck!


The Embark Award is part of the Trust’s wider offer to our children here at Richardson Endowed. 

Your child has been given a folder in school with 100 activities in to enable them to access a number of experiences before they leave us at age 11. 

The Embark Award is designed such that the children can carry out the activities at home or in school . They are linked to our core beliefs of Family, Integrity, Teamwork and Success! 
If you feel your child has achieved one of the activities please send evidence, such as a photograph, to Google Classroom where they will be given the appropriate sticker to mark off their achievement in their luxury folder. 

We hope that in the future folders will be able to come back and forth between home and school but at this time it is not possible. Therefore, please refer to all the information below, which is from the folder in school.

The EMBARK Award (Please click on this link here to access the full details of the award.)

The children are so excited about this new project so please encourage and enjoy some new experiences together. 


Saving our Environment - Spring term learning



Welcome back to the Spring Term and our brand new whole school and Embark theme of 'Saving the Environment'.

Each class has a special book(s) to inspire this term's learning  - we can't wait to see this term's work blossom, hopefully just like the beautiful tree on our school driveway.



Please dive into your class book and explore the potential that it holds - please comment below with thoughts, feelings, facts and ideas about your book so far - at the end of the term - all comments will go into a prize pot and a prize winner will be picked at random - good luck!

Here are the front covers of all of the class books - aren't they beautiful?  Front covers are so exciting, but wait until you get inside!

Well done to our Smalley Richardson Community!

We just wanted to send our thanks to all those parents who have embraced home learning over the past 8 days! Yes we know this is only day 8 and it probably feels like a month! 

We understand that you are coping with so many different pressures at the moment. Even ensuring you have food in your cupboards is a task. Many of you are working from home, trying to do your own jobs and teach your children, often with no support from your wider families due to current restrictions. 

The Government have instructed all schools to make sure online learning provision is much more rigid and challenging which we at Smalley have done, but we also know that this puts extra pressure on you! Please know that we understand that you are doing your best! Your efforts will be rewarded by the progress your children make and you are doing a good job! 

Below is a song recorded by children in America to thank all the adults who are keeping people safe and well such as our NHS workers, teachers who educate, and parents who are doing a ‘good job’ in keeping their children safe and trying their very best to facilitate home learning.

Remember, there’s no job more important than being a parent! You are doing something quite extraordinary and we want to tell you so! 

Thank you for all your efforts with home learning-they truly are appreciated by all of us at Richardson Endowed. Enjoy the song below:

Alicia Keys - Good Job | Cover by One Voice Children's Choir | A Tribute to Covid-19 Heroes

LIMITED EDITION ALBUM on-sale now: All proceeds help fund our non-profit organization. Make a donation to support childre...

Take care and stay safe!

Mrs Mason

We Did It Class 1!

Some of the highlights from our first two days of remote learning. Thank you so much for all of your hard work and for sharing your lovely photographs. 


Good Afternoon Children!

Dear Children,

I am sending this message to say how sorry we are that our school has once again been forced to close to so many of you! As the Prime Minister, Mr Boris Johnson, only spoke to the whole country at 8pm last night it didn't even give your teachers chance to explain to you how you are going to be learning for the next few weeks!

I am therefore writing this to say that from tomorrow your teachers will be contacting you each day on Google Classroom Meet. Later this afternoon I will send an email to your parents to let them know what time your live check-in is. We know that some of you will have brothers or sisters who will need to check in at the same time and we will try to avoid as many clashes where possible. Please do not worry if this happens; you may have to take it in turns! You will still be able to access all the work via Google Classrooms and contact your teachers during the school day.

Please try your best to work hard at home just like you do at school ! I hope to see you all soon !

Stay safe

Mrs Mason.

The Richardson Endowed Christmas Special



Christmas performances are a big part of any school year. Although we have not been able to invite you in to see our regular shows, each class has prepared their very own Christmas message. We hope our digital performances add a little festive cheer to your day.




Class 1 Christmas Video

Class 1 Star of the week.

Well done to our Class 1 Star of the week - Every single one of you! This week it is for the whole class. You have worked so hard, with such determination, despite unusual circumstances and we couldn't be more proud. Well done each and every one of you. Merry christmas and a very Happy New year to you and your families.


I spy a special someone beginning with S!


Look who we saw walking across our school field yesterday!  Yes Santa!  He looked a bit lost as he was looking at a map!  He gave us the biggest wave!  Take care Santa! 

Class 1 Waterproofing Investigation

To finish our topic on 'Materials' our Year 1 scientists carried out an investigation to find out which materials might help Peppa Pig and her friends to stay dry when they are jumping up and down in muddy puddles. We found out that plastic bags and cellophane are waterproof and newspaper and tissue paper are not. We had fun making our predictions, carrying out our investigation and talking about our results. Well done Class 1!


Reading, reading, reading




The class with the most comments about the books that they are reading will be announced shortly....

AND the winners with 19 comments are Class 2! 

Well done children.  Please keep reading and enjoying your books and enjoy using your special bookmarks.


A BIG well done and thank you to all of the children and staff that commented.. There are some beautiful books being read and it's a great list to look at for some recommendations.

Keeeeeeeeeeeeep reading!

Numbers to 20 in Class 1

Today we have been using numbers to 20 - counting, ordering and reading the number names. We played this fun game too. 

Star of the week - Class 1.

Welcome and well done to James - This week's star of the week. New to our class and new to our school. You have settled in so well and taken everything in your stride. We are delighted to have you as a much valued member of Class One! 


Reading, reading, reading - at least 3 times a week please



In our Zoom assembly on Friday, Mrs Mason shared with the children some information about the super reading training that some of the teachers had attended.  One of the key messages from the course was all about the importance of reading regularly.  We read all the time at school and that regular practise at home makes all the difference.  Remember children, you signed your school agreement in September saying that you would read 3 times a week - go explore the exciting world of literature - go to places that you can only imagine.  Even in Lockdown we can explore places we never knew were possible.  Please share below in the comments the books you are enjoying at the moment - let's try to get every one to comment - tell your friends - share the good news of books and the power of being able to read.

Here is one to start us off - James in Class R enjoying his book - James, just like your top says, you are totally 'ROARSOME'! (original message 22/11/20 relaunched 2/12/20)

The class with the most reading comments in the box below will receive a class prize (closing date 8.30 am Friday, 11th December 2020)


Class 1 Star of the week.

This week. it is a huge well done to Mia. This half term Mia has shown an amazing positive attitude to her learning and has been trying her best in everything she does. Mia has produced some fantastic writing in her letter to Duncan from red crayon. You are a superstar Mia - We are all so very proud of you




Good morning children, in our Zoom assembly today, we celebrated our Stars of the Week - we felt very proud of our classmates and of ourselves. 

Everyone has the right to feel pride in themselves and in the work that they do. 

Ask yourself every day - "What have I done today to make myself feel proud?"

Please enjoy our special assembly song - maybe you would like to sing along with the words at home:

The Day the Crayons Quit

We have loved reading 'The Day the Crayons Quit' in Class 1. We talked about how each of  the crayons were feeling and made our own crayons and placards. This week we are writing letters from Duncan apologising to his crayons. We keep adding our work to our class display. Well done Class 1!

Class 1 Star of the week.

Well done to Tristan - our star of the week! Tristan has done some fabulous writing this week - applying his phonic knowledge  and trying really hard to perfect his letter formation. His illustration is fantastic too! Tristan you are a super star.


DT in class one!

What a fabulous couple of days we have had making our toys for the Richardson toy museum. The children have had great fun creating a cup and ball each. We even made our cup out of origami. Here are some photos of the children really engaged and enjoying themselves!

Year 1 Star of the week.

Well done to Travis Gallagher - Year 1's Star of the week! Travis has been tring really hard with his phonics and English and in everything he does. He has been a true Super Star! Fantastic Travis!


Childhood museum.

This half term in Year 1, we are looking at toys old and new in History.  In DT we will be creating some old toys of our own. At the end of the topic we will be dispaying our very own museum of childhood! Here we are comparing and sorting toys from past to present day .

Our Remembrance Service 11th November 2020


Today we held our annual Remembrance service in school, but this year of course things had to be different; instead of a hall full of children, parents and the wider community, our Year 6 pupils led the service from our school car park by the war memorial. 


Our year 5 children were able to join us outside and Mr Reckless came to play 'The Last Post' and other war song favourites alongside Mr Mason on the drums.  Mr Bower, from the Parish Council, came to lay a wreath along with Mr Wilton and Mr Aldred from the Smalley Old Boys. We also welcomed Mr Barham our local representative from the Royal British Legion. Our visitors stayed on the pavement at a safe social distance from our children. 


Today was, of course, so different to our usual community event and yet, in other ways it wasn’t different at all. The reason being that our Year 6 led the service with confidence and such respect for the boys who came to their school, who played in their playground, who went off to war and never returned. What an honour and a privilege to see the children show such respect in the way they spoke, behaved and carried out their duties to remember our Smalley soldiers and the sacrifice they made for us. 


Every child and adult in school took part in a minute’s silence, safe within their own class bubbles, they listened to the Last Post from the playground. Later in the day all the classes sowed poppy seeds to mark the occasion. 


Thank you for your empty pop bottles -we hope you agree that they now look wonderful as recycled poppies to decorate our 'Rainbow Tree of Hope and Remembrance'. 


We are so sad that we couldn’t invite you all to share in this special day in our school calendar but we hope you enjoy the photographs and feel proud of all of our children, as we do. 

Busy, busy, busy!

Class 1 have been working hard this week. In PE we have been performing firework dances with streamers. We thought about the different kinds of fireworks and the shapes we could make with our bodies to represent them. This week we worked with a partner to create mirror dances.

We are enjoying doing our 'Disco Dough' each day. We take our fingers to the 'Dough Disco' after lunch each day to strengthen our finger muscles and co-ordination. Keeeeep dancing!

Today we were lucky enough to see the tank that visited school as part of our Remembrance Day. From our questions we found out that tanks have tread wheels so they don't get stuck in the mud, they are steered using 2 sticks and are made out of aluminium.  After our minute silence we planted some poppy seeds around the school playground. Lest we forget.

Class 1 The day the crayons quit.

This week we have been looking at adjectives and using them to describe the crayon's colours and how they might be feeling. We came up with some fantastic examples such as super hero green, rain cloud grey, crazy, confident purple and unwanted, underused pink. Here are some pictures of us hard at work:


This is an idea being shared through social media.

During the first lockdown, we all put rainbows in our windows. Due to the Remembrance Services being cancelled, why don't we all colour a poppy picture and display them in our windows?  Lest We Forget.

Please click on the link below to find some poppy colouring pages. It would be lovely to see our Smalley windows decorated.

Smalley School's online Pumpkin Parade 2020


Can you spot Mrs Reckless' pumpkin?!



Our Online Pumpkin Parade


The Smalley School tradition, for the last few years, has been that on the last day of half term children have excitedly brought in their amazingly carved pumpkin for a Pumpkin Parade.  Our wonderful PTFA have served hot chocolate, marshmallows and cookies and kindly given prizes for the winning pumpkins; parents and children have wandered around looking at the gorgeous designs and enjoyed chatting and wishing one another well for the holiday ahead.  Unfortunately this could not take place today, but just for now, let's capture the tradition in a different way. 

If you're carving a pumpkin this week, ready for the 31st of October, then please send us a photograph to

We will then create an online pumpkin display - celebrating our pumpkins.  

We can't wait to see them children.

Wishing you and your families a very happy half term.  Keep safe and enjoy your time together.

Class 1 Star of the week

Our star of the week is Remy. Well done Remy you have such a positive attitude to school, to your work and towards your friends. You always try your best and have done some super handwriting this week. We are all very proud of you


Happy Half term from Class 1

What a fantastic climax to our first half term in class 1. We are really proud of our finished self portraits and we wanted to share them with you. We hope you enjoy them and have a lovely break.

Class 1 Star of the week.

Congratulations Harlo - our Star of the week. Harlo has been working so hard on his writing, phonics and maths and always gets his head on down and on with his work. Harlo always gives everything his full


Class 1 Fantastic Friday!

What a wonderful day we have had in year one today! This week we have been drawing and redrawing our self portraits and this afternoon we practised our colour mixing skills ready for painting next week. We looked at different skin tones and how we might make a shade to match our own. Can't wait to finish them next week. Here are our budding artists in action!

Class 1 Scientists

In Science, Class 1 have been learning about their body and the 5 senses. Today we used our sense of sight, hearing and touch to investigate ice balloons. First we felt the ice balloons and described them. Then we predicted what would happen if we sprinkled salt over one of them and left the other to melt by itself. We left both ice balloons in the sunshine and observed them throughout the day. We found out that the balloon sprinkled with salt melted quicker than the one without. We talked about why this happened and why grit (a mixture of salt and sand) is scattered during the winter when there has been a frost or snow. A busy and fun filled day - thank you Class 1!


Year 1 Star of the week!

Happy Friday everybody and well done to Connie - this week's star of the week.

Connie always does her best, behaves beautifully and produces fantastic work. Although a little shy at first, Connie is starting to join in much more and show us her beautiful smile! A joy to have in class. Well done Connie  :-D


Smiles that will never fade!

This week in our English lessons, Class 1 have been reading the poem 'The Store Full of Magical Things' from Katherine Rundell's 'Little Book of Hopes.' In this poem you can choose to buy a 'smile that will never fade.' We have thought about what makes us smile, played games passing smiles around the class and had fun chasing bubbles around the playground. 


Class 1 star of the week.

Well done Zach - our star of the week! You have worked so hard, all day every day in phonics, english and maths. You have been focussed and concentrating at all times! Well done. Mrs Swann and Mrs Rodgers.


Ordering Numbers in Class 1

Class 1 have been solving lots of problems by comparing and ordering numbers. We enjoyed playing this game too. If you find using numbers 0-10 easy choose the option to use higher numbers up to 20. Have fun!

Lockdown Diaries

Class 1 have been busy writing Lockdown Diaries.  Last week we found out where the virus started, when the lockdown began and talked about things we enjoyed doing at home. Today, we looked at which month our birthdays are in and chatted about who had a birthday during lockdown between the end of March and the beginning of July. If children have any photographs of their lockdown birthdays we would love to see them. You can either email them to the office or send paper copies into school. We will be putting our diaries and photographs together to create a Class 1 Lockdown Scrapbook. Watch this space!

Week 3 Already!

Class 1 have settled into their new routines beautifully! This week we have shared some more of our happiness pictures and added them to our Tree of Hope display and enjoyed doing our morning activities. We have compared numbers in Maths and it's still only Wednesday!



A great first week back in Class 1

We’ve had a lovely (and busy!) first week in Class 1. Thank you children for all your hard work!



Welcome back!


Good morning children! We can’t wait to see you this morning ready to start a new year at Smalley Richardson! Your teachers have been working so hard to get your classrooms ready for learning again! You will have lots of new rules to follow to help keep everyone safe but we know you can do it! 

See you very soon,

from Mrs Mason and everyone at school 

