Class 4
2024 - 2025
Miss Brooks, Mrs Windmill and Mrs Drury welcome you to Year 4.
Take a look at what we will be learning below.
2023 - 2024
Summer 2 2024
We are looking forward to our final half term of the year!
Click the icon below to take a look at our learning about what the Romans brought to Britain.
After learning about Hadrian’s Wall, we explored some of the extracts from the Vindolanda tablets that were discovered there. The tablets helped us to develop our understanding of what life may have been like at Hadrian’s Wall.

We worked with our talk partners to become reporters and witnesses. We interviewed each other to generate direct quotes to use in our newspaper report about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
We became historians and analysed different sources of Boudicca, considering which were the most accurate.
We enjoyed working with our talk partners to make inferences about different newspaper headlines.
Our final Science Club (11.6.24)
Back by popular demand! Following our Science Club as Year 3, the children requested making the lollipop stick rafts and the coke and Mentoes explosion again. Tonight we did just that!
Thank you for coming Year 4!
Science Club (4.6.2024)
Tonight's session was all about making butter with a marble in a jar! We put thick cream into a glass jar and added a marble. Then we took turns to shake the jar until we couldn't hear the marble moving and the cream had become butter surrounded by butter milk. We poured the buttermilk away and spread the left over butter onto crackers to eat. We talked about how we could make different types of butter by adding salt or garlic for garlic bread.

Hundredths as decimals
We have been learning about hundredths and improving our decimals knowledge.
Hot seating
We enjoyed becoming the characters Tranio and Livia from our new text Escape from Pompeii.
Fight or accept?
After learning about how the Britons reacted to the Roman invasions of Britain, we all got into role and became Celtic tribe members. In our tribes, we decided whether we would have fought back against the Romans or not. We then had a class debate about the best way to approach the impending invasion of Britain by Emperor Claudius.
We decided that all of the tribes would fight against the Romans. We agreed that each tribe would be responsible for preparing specific things to improve our chances of success against the Romans.
Our plan:
- Prepare food and water
- Make weapons and armour
- Make clothes and gather materials
- Decide on tactics to use in battle.
Summer 1 2024
Science Club (21.5.24)
We mixed cornflour and water and explored how the texture changed. Feeling like a solid when we hit it and then a liquid when we tried to pick it up. Messy but fun! Thank you Year 4.
We enjoyed using the place value charts to represent tenths as decimals.
We enjoyed refreshing our knowledge of contractions in English!

Science Club (14.5.24)
Today we worked together to make towers using spaghetti and marshmallows. We found using the large marshmallows for the base worked well and making the structure thinner as it got taller made it more stable.
We enjoyed representing tenths in different ways. We are feeling ready to take on decimals next!
Science Club 2024!
Today, we enjoyed our first science club of Year 4. We began by looking around the school grounds at some of the planters we had prepared with Mrs Gregory during Gardening Club. We did a spot of weeding and deadheading. Then we planted our own sunflower seeds. Remember to keep them watered!

In maths, we have enjoyed learning to subtract from a whole.
We have been working hard to learn all of the rules for correctly punctuating speech. Take a look at some of our work!
We enjoyed creating our own fraction walls in maths today!
We had lots of fun learning how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions!

We enjoyed exploring the story of Romulus and Remus. which is a Roman myth about the creation of Rome. We are looking forward to using this text to inspire our first unit of learning in English.
During the summer term, we will be learning all about the Romans in our new topic: 'Did people love or hate living in Roman Britain?'
Our core text:
Spring 2 2024
English Shared Write
We enjoyed taking part in our shared write. We used our science knowledge to help us to write an explanation text about teeth!
Click the icon below to see our work all about the River Trent.
Explanation text - English
We worked in teams to identify the features of an explanation text. We are looking forward to writing our own explanation texts next week!
New reading books
We enjoyed exploring our new Key Stage 2 reading books. Thank you to our amazing PTFA for raising the money towards them. We can't wait to get reading!
World Book Day
We had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day. The children came to school in some great costumes. During the day, the children experienced being an illustrator by following Nick Sharatt's drawing guides, decorated bookmarks, explored Tom Gates and his drawing and writing style and became reading buddies to the year 1 and 2 children.
Buddy reading with year 1 and 2
Author and illustrator activities
Hot seating
We enjoyed becoming the main character of 'Isaac' and taking part in a hot seating activity.
Our topic this half term is 'Why are rivers important?'
Our text is:
Spring 1 2024
Iron Age Bog Bodies!
We enjoyed learning about bog bodies in our history lesson! We learnt about the Tollund man and anyalsed and explored different sources linked to his discovery. We considered how each source tells us about who the person was and what life was like in the Iron Age.
Chinese New Year Assembly
Mrs Ellis visited us today to deliver a brilliant assembly about Chinese New Year. Thank you Mrs Ellis!

Safer Internet Day 2024
We enjoyed taking part in the live lesson and learning all about AI.
We have moved on to learning how to divide numbers. We have even learnt how to divide numbers with remainders!

We have been working hard to improve our maths skills. We have been learning how to use the short multiplication method to multiply 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.

We enjoyed exploring and analysing the different sources that were discovered at the Must Farm Bronze Age settlement. We considered what each source tells us about what life was like in the Bronze Age.
We have started our new text in English and enjoyed getting hooked in! We made predictions about the text type, what the text might be about and what the title might be. We then worked in pairs to explore the front cover, considering why the author and illustrator decided to use certain fonts and images, what the items are on the front cover and what information might be inside. We are looking forward to reading our text and using it to inspire our next unit of writing.
We have been learning lots over the past few weeks in class 4.
We have been improving our multiplication and division skills in maths, learning about the Bronze Age in history, improving our basketball skills in PE and learning how to write a setting description in our English lessons.
Take a look at some of our amazing work!
Happy New Year!
Our topic this half term is 'How much did life change in Britain from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age?'
Our text is:
To get us hooked into our learning, we worked in teams to complete a treasure hunt to retrieve facts about the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We then learnt what prehistory means and ordered the events of prehistoric Britain.
Autumn Term
Week 6
Our last week of Gardening Club so we enjoyed hot chocolate, gingerbread, flapjack and chocolate brownie together outside.
Thank you to you all for your commitment, enthusiasm and hard work.
Lots of muddy wellies tonight! Thank you for your hard work planting up the container at the end of the train and preparing the raised bed in the new Reception playground ready for new plants.
Thank you to Mr & Mrs Padgett for providing the beautiful plants.
Week 4 Gardening Club
Using lard and mixed bird seed we make bird cake to take home and hang in our garden.
We hope to see lots of birds enjoying it!
Week 3 Gardening Club
Our hanging baskets are up!
Week 2 Gardening Club
A visit from our local police officer - 16.10.22
Today, our assembly was led by our local police officer. He talked to us about how Halloween should be fun, but also how to make sure everyone stays safe and enjoys it. We spoke about 'anti-social behaviour.'
We also thought about ways to celebrate Bonfire Night and he gave us some tips about how adults should light fireworks safely and that we need to stand at a safe distance away from them.
Mrs Gregory ran the first session of her after school gardening club on Thursday. We added winter flowering plants to the large containers in the playground. The children topped up the containers with compost, carefully removed the plants from their trays and arranged them before finally planting them. Thank you Year 4 gardeners see you next week!
Y4 Autumn 1 Newsletter & Creative Homework
Yet another fantastic afternoon listening to music and playing our glockenspiels. We are also learning to sing the Soul Ballad "I'll be there". Many of the children had a great time using their glock beaters as makeshift mics! 😀
Severn Trent visit
What a fantastic time we had learning about how we clean our waste water! Really informative and lots of fun!