Key Stage 1 SATs Results 2013
Please click on the link below for our Key Stage 1 SATs results for this year. A huge well done to all involved and a massive thank you to our staff for all their hard work and dedication.
Superstar Learners
We have had another lovely day today. Thank you 'Team Two' for sharing your creative homework. You have all worked so hard.......... feel very proud!
Happy Afternoon
Thank you 'Team Two' for another wonderful day today :)

And the Shipley adventures continue.....
So excited....DAY 2!
A very BIG thank you to parents and carers for bringing and collecting the children from our 'new' classroom at Shipley - we've had a wonderful time.
It was lovely to see you all back at school today - another busy and exciting day at Smalley School - we hope you enjoyed meeting Miss Chapman (and practising her new September name!) and enjoyed Sports afternoon - well done everyone for your efforts and teamwork.
See you on Monday!
Special Assembly
On Tuesday we were thrilled to welcome Eddy and his family into our school to present a cheque to 'The Bone Cancer Research Trust'. The cheque was gratefully received and thanks were given to all the children, parents and friends for their generous contributions.
Our wonderful Shipley Park 'classroom'!
There was a gorgeous feeling of eagerness and excitement as Team 2 started to arrive at Shipley Park this morning. Mrs Rhodes and I couldn't wait to show Team 2 the wonderful natural facilities that Shipley Park had to offer.
It was just brilliant for the children to explore Shipley Park and to see horses,cows and many different types of wildlife.
Throughout the day, it was wonderful to hear the children say how beautiful they found the trees, how exciting to see different kinds of moths, butterflies and beetles and how great it was to share the woodland with their friends. A lovely ice cream and story in the sunshine brought much delight too!
Please have a look at our photos to gain a taste of some of our adventures today.
Thank you children for your superb behaviour, team work and enthusiasm - it was a pleasure to share the day with you today.
Also a very special thank you to Mrs Evans, Mrs Swindell and Mrs Shelton for their support, humour and energy.
More of the same tomorrow please :)
Jolly Hockey Sticks!
The sun is out and so are we!

Cooking up a Special Father's Day Surprise! xx
Team 2 have planned, designed and
made a special Father's Day surprise.
We hope you enjoy eating them as
much as we enjoyed creating them!
Have a wonderful day Daddies!
Turtle Mania!
We have had a fun afternoon using programmable robots in Class 2! Can you spot the Turtles, Beebots, Pro Bots and Constructa- Bots?
Did they turn clockwise or anti-clockwise?

Fabulous Homework
Thank you for the wonderful effort you put into your homework this last half term.
Enjoy watching the video.
Caring and Sharing!
We have all had a wonderful afternoon in our school garden. The children have been extremely busy assembling greenhouses, planting potatoes, filling pots of compost and weeding our vegetable area.
It was really nice to see all the children helping each other and yet again working as a TEAM!
Enjoy looking at the photographs.
Can you spot our little visitor?

Look out there maybe a Dinosaur about!
Mrs Evans took the children outside for their numeracy lesson.
They used their knowledge and skills to measure the length of dinosaurs on our playground...............
Yikes dinosaurs on our playground, well that is a scary thought!

Top Researchers!
Take a look at some of Team Two's wonderful homework.
We really were impressed with their researching skills and the amazing facts that they discovered.

Another Special Moment to Cherish
I would like to share with you a really special moment that happened in school.
I was on playground duty when a few girls were observing Hannah's memorial garden. We were looking at and sharing thoughts together about how the buds were forming on the beautiful Magnolia tree. I felt really emotional when the girls offered to pick up some twigs and have a general tidy around. It was a true 'RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS'.
As their parents you must feel so proud.
My heart absolutely skipped a beat when Louisa started to chant our Team Two song and all the other girls followed her lead. I was so pleased to be on duty, a special memory I will always treasure.
Dinosaur- Fact Files
Team Two have been working extremely hard on their investigation and research skills. We have had had lots of fun this week finding out some fascinating facts.
Dinosaurs have even visited our classroom each evening and got up to all kinds of mischief!

Feeling Proud in Class Two
This was the last 'Gold Book' of the Spring Term!
Take a look at these fabulous children as they show their work to the school. Well done Team Two another successful term.
Something amazing happened at our school today!
Matthew in Class Two lost his tooth yesterday in our school playground and he was unsure if he had swallowed it! However................. it wasn't the case as Max found it on the top playground this morning wow! wow! wow!
How amazing is that?
Three cheers for Max!
Class 2 Snowy Day Homework!
Mr Wilton heard a Curlew in the distance as he walked across our playground on Wednesday morning. What is a Curlew? Can you create a little booklet containing Curlew information?
In numeracy we have been revisiting multiplication and division facts.
Please write out your times tables for 2x, 5x and 10x. You could also learn them so that you know them off by heart. If you would like a challenge learn your 3x and 4x tables.
Comic Relief Cake Sale - The Big Bake Off!
Have a look at the video below showing what a great time we had at the cake sale last Friday. Thank you to all parents, grandparents and staff that made or donated cakes. They look amazing!
A Stitch in Time!
The children are so proud of their puppets- enjoy the photos!
Red Nose Day at Smalley.
After a huge fundraising effort for our own Edward Parry last week we decided that Red Nose Day should be quite low key for this year. However..... we were overwhelmed by the amount of cake donations the children brought into school! Parents,Grandparents and children obviously got very busy Thursday evening and managed to contribute to a wonderful display of cakes-inkeeping with this year's theme of 'The Great British Bake-Off '-there was a real sense of community in our school.
Thank you to everyone who baked or bought those wonderful cakes - see if you can spot yours on the photographs!
Fantastic Movie Night
Well done Class 4 , Movie Night was a great success and a good time was had by all!
A huge 'Thank You' to all the staff and parents who helped on the night, we could not have done it without you.
With all the money made, the children are now putting together a 'wish list' for the new wet playtime toys.
A HUGE Thank You!!
A very big thank you to all staff, children and parents at Smalley Richardson School for all of your hard work and support whilst we were in school.
A special mention for Class 2 and Class 5 for all of your hard work in our lessons, and a special mention for all the children who came to our Where's Wally lunchtime club.
We hope that you enjoyed having us in school. I know that both myself and Mr Dickson have thoroughly enjoyed our time in school, and we're really sad to have left. However I'm almost certain that we will be back very soon to come and see you all, but for now it's back to the University of Derby for us.
Thank you so much for all of your kind words, cards and gifts.
See you soon :)
Miss Richards and Mr Dickson
Thank you Miss Richards and Mr. Dickson!
Friday was a sad day as we had to say goodbye to Miss Richards and Mr. Dickson, two Year 4 students that have been with us for 9 weeks.
They have both fitted beautifully into our school and worked very hard during their time with us. We wish them the very best of luck for what we are sure will be a successful and happy future. We will miss them and hope they keep in touch.
Children in Class 2 and 5 made presentations in assembly on Friday and the school presented a book "The Art of Being Brilliant" from our recent staff meeting with Andy Cope.

Our Special Afternoon
It may have been dull and cold outside on Wednesday afternoon but it was certainly like a ray of sunshine in our Key Stage One classrooms.There was lots of loving in the air as the children gave their heartfelt messages to their mums or nans.
Well done Team Two, you are all so fantastic.
Thank you to everyone for attending- a truly memorable time!
Also a special thank you to the lovely Miss Richards for all your dedication and hard work during your teaching practice with us. We are all sorry to see you leave but wish you well in your career.
Enjoy the videos :-)
PS Sorry it has taken so long I've had trouble converting the videos so they will play on the school website.
Let's Celebrate Books!
We have had a fabulous morning celebrating our favourite books. We have spoken about different characters and we have enjoyed sharing and reading together.
Take a look at these fabulous photographs. Can you guess which characters the children are?

The tickets have been sold, the film is ready to go!
If you would like any additional snacks they will be on sale during the film. The cost will be as follows;
Drinks 40p
Hotdogs 50p
Popcorn 40p
Class 4 are looking forward to seeing you there to join in the fun!
Celebrating Our Work!
Well Done!
We always like to celebrate our achievements at Richardson Endowed Primary and this week was no exception. All the children have worked extremely hard in Team Two and six children have been chosen for 'Gold Book' for going that extra mile!
Feathered Friends homework
Children, we are loving all of the effort that you and your famiies have put into this superb homework - well done!
Thank you for all of your lovely comments about the homework so far - sorry Claire and Jayne that you haven't been able to share in the show so far - we're hoping that this helps.....
Welcome back to school Team Two!
Today you have been learning to find a quarter of a given number and we were so impressed with the methods you were using.
Take a look at these photos as it was definitely FUN, FUN, FUN, LEARN, LEARN AND LEARN TODAY!

Class 2's Fantastic Feathered Friends
Class 2 children shared their fantastic bird project homework with all of the class just before we broke up for half term. I was amazed as are Mrs Rhodes and Mrs Reckless by all the hard work that the children and their familes had put into each piece of work. Class 2 really enjoyed sharing their creations and finding out how the children did their homework and also who with.
Thank you to all of the parents, grandparents and other family members for helping your child with their fantastically feathered homework.
This is class 2's bird project homework, I'm sure that you will enjoy viewing everyones work:
Well done Alyssa in Class 2 for posting the 1300th comment on our website! This is amazing in just over a year!
Mr Hopwell was close as was a young boy Luke in Year 6 from Horsley Woodhouse!
Alyssa please see me for your prize in the morning. Also I am pleased you found Wally, I must admit I struggled too until the clues arrived!!
Where's Wally?
See if you can find Wally in this picture...
Saving the ice creatures in Science
On Thursday some mystery foil wrapped objects were found in school accompanied with a note. Class 2 were instructed to melt the ice to save the ice creatures after they fell into the lake of doom!
The children melted the ice using the hot tap, the radiator, paper towels and even their own hands!
Thankfully all the ice creatures were saved and were later posted back to their home - The Ice Planet.
I hope that you have all warmed up since Thursday.
Can you think of any other ways which we could have melted the ice to save the creatures?
Miss Richards

Solids and Liquids
We had a fantastic science lesson on Thursday, Class 2 were learning how to predict what they thought would happen to a solid when it was heated up.
Class 2 had a surprise when the chocolate button didn't melt, and turn to a liquid because the oven was too warm for it to melt.
Children from Class 2 requested that some of the games about materials to be posted on the school website. So here they are Class 2 :)
Big Schools' Birdwatch
On Friday, Team 2 took part in the Big Schools' Birdwatch 2013. Each group took ten minute turns to spot and record the different birds that visited the playground. The children spotted many varieties of birds in the hour. We will be emailing this information to the RSPB.
Thank you for your time and patience Team 2 - the birds were a little binocular shy at first!
Can you remember some of the different
kinds of birds that we saw Team 2?
February's first fabulous Gold Bookers!

What a wonderful way to begin February!
A very BIG well done to Isabel, Hugo, Elyse, Finn, Paige and Luke
for appearing in our Gold Book yesterday.
You were all so very proud to share your achievements.
Great Fire of London request!
Team 2, here are the links that you asked us to pop on the website about Samuel Pepys and the Great Fire of London monument. We hope you enjoy looking at them again:
Phase 5 letters and sounds
This week in letters and sounds we were learning about different graphemes for the letter sounds 'f' and 'ai'.
We used a video by Mr Thorne to help us with all the spellings of the 'ai' sound.
These were: ai, a-e, ei, ey, ay, a, eigh and even aigh.
What four graphemes did we learn about for the 'f' sound, and can you think of any words with these graphemes in?
Wow! Our homemade snowflakes that we made on Friday really did make it snow!
Take a look at the fantastic snow challenges that Mr Crawford has popped onto the website.
Here are a couple of short film clips to inspire your snow creations today:
Take a photo or draw a picture of your creations. Please bring it into school and this will help towards our snow and ice Science display that will soon be appearing in our classroom.
Which is the warmest room in your house? Take 2 cups of snow and choose 2 rooms in your house. How long does it take the snow to melt? Which cup of snow melted the quickest? What does this mean?
After you've had a play in the snow and have warmed yourselves with a cup of hot chocolate (yummy) and a snuggle by the radiator, you might want to take a look at the compound word challenge and links (thank you Alyssa & Emma who have had a go already :)) or take a look at the Venn diagram links - you all have worked so hard on these in class.
Mrs Rhodes and I are looking forward to welcoming you all back tomorrow (fingers crossed). We are excited to be welcoming Miss Richards back into Class 2 tomorrow too- we know you'll have a warm and welcoming smile for her.
We hope you have a fun, safe and warm day today.
Happy sledging!
From Mrs Rhodes & Mrs Reckless
P.S. Part of your homework challenge could be to feed the birds on this cold and snowy day. Don't forget the birds would love a bowl of fresh water to drink, as their usual water holes will be frozen.
P.P.S. Have you spotted a Robin today?
Snow Challenge
Can you think creatively and solve the following creative challenges?
- Design a new vehicle that can travel through snow.
- Build different size/denisity snowballs and measure their melt times.
- Feed the Birds - in the snowy weather they need food. Try to hang food and put some on the ground so you can see which are ground feeders. Spend time identifying birds - they are lot easier to see against the snowy background. Sketch the birds, so you can identify them later at school (if no access to bird books or internet). Spend 30 mins watching the birds, count them, plot bar charts etc.
- 101 creative uses of a sledge
- What is the Best Shape for a Snow House. You want to build a snow house, but it takes a lot of time and a lot of snow. What shape house should you build to get the most floor area for the least amount of effort? What other ideas do you have? If you could build it against a wall (i.e. one side already made for you) what shape would you build?
- Be Creative and answer any of the 5 challenges above. Post pictures/comments as answers.
School is closed - Monday 21st January 2013
Unfortunately school has had to close for the following reasons;
- We are receving dinners from Coppice Primary whilst our kitchen is being refurbished and unfortunately they are closed today. After receiving notification at such late notice we would be unable to provide a dinner for children.
- A number of our staff live away from the area and would struggle to get into school.
As you know, we always make every attempt to keep the school open and closing it is always a last resort. Please be aware that we will be aiming to open tomorrow and if you're child usually has school dinners please have some sandwiches prepared in case.
Compound word fun!
snow + men = snowmen
This week Team 2 have been busy investigating 'compound words'.
Earn yourself 2 merits and pop on 5 compound words.
TEAMWORK - How many can we think of?
You might want to try these websites too........
Happy exploring :)
Here's one to get us going...........
black + bird = Blackbird
Gold Book Success- Team 2
Thank you to Adam for your super bird house, Lilia & Paige for your beautiful bird collages, Lewis & Emma for your carefully written Robin fact and fiction booklet and Josh for your wonderfully detailed illustration of a Robin - super duper.
Snowman challenge
Today will live long in the memory of staff and children as we had great fun in our snowman challenge!
Lots of brilliant teamwork on display. Children you were amazing and your behaviour was superb as always.
Thank you to all the staff for all your hard work, for keeping the school open and for making today one the children will never forget.
Enjoy these pictures of our wonderful snowmen, more to follow!

Busy sorting!

Team 2 have been busy using Venn diagrams to sort multiples of 5 and 2 today; the children thought carefully about numbers which would fit on the outside of the diagram, as well as in the middle section.
To use Venn diagrams to sort other numbers and objects, please explore the following links:
Class 2 - Spring Newsletter
Our homework project
Please find a copy of the homework for this half term - please let us know how you're getting on with your project - have you thought of any different ideas?
Creative Collage!
It may have been snowy and cold outside today but that didn't stop us having fun indoors! This afternoon Team Two created some fabulous bird collages made from natural materials.
Take a look at these wonderful photographs.

Mixing up a treat!
We thought that it would be a nice idea to take part in the RSPB Birdwatch. This activity is a great way to find out more about the wildlife visiting our school grounds.
This week we have set up some feeders outside our classroom window and even had a go at making our very own seed cake. All we need now are the birds!
Last year, Mrs Reckless (and some children) saw a woodpecker on our feeder, let's hope it visits us again!

KS1 Christmas Hoedown!
We has so much fun this afternoon as we performed our concert to the Key Stage 2 children.
Thank you to everyone in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 for their excellent acting skills, beautiful dancing and superstar singing!
Everyone looked splendid in their costumes and so cute!
Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!

A Visit from Jack!
Wednesday afternoon was a very exciting time for Class R, One and Two as Jack came to our school hall.
All the children sat beautifully and enthusiastically as they watched our Christmas Pantomime.
It really was a nice treat.

The children in Class 2 completed an independent writing challenge this week based on this traditional story. We are very proud of all the skills they used as they changed the names of the characters and thought of alternative endings- well done Team 2!
Good Luck!
I would just like to say 'Good Luck' to our fabulous Key Stage 2 children who are performing tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon and evening in our 'Victorian Christmas' production.
If you are coming to see the show you will be treated to some excellent singing and verse from our older children in school and you will leave filled with Christmas spirit and joy.
Rehearsals are going well and the children are really looking forward to showing off all their hard work.
Good Luck again Key Stage 2 (although you don't need it) and ENJOY YOUSELVES....It's Christmas after all!!
Class 2 Christmas Party
Letter re. Christmas Party below.
I switched my computer on to look at the website last night and there were around 20 comments from parents, grandparents and pupils thanking staff for their work. I then looked at our twitter account and there was this lovely message from Mrs. Taylor " Such brilliant teaching, fun and care @richardsoneps. Our 4 yr old keeps asking when her teacher can come for a sleepover." What a lovely feeling and I can tell you it is certainly appreciated by us all here. A thank you definitely goes a long way as the old saying goes.
Tuesday was one of those magical days in school that sums up how lucky we are here at Smalley. As I was leaving to attend the Athletics Finals I spoke to Mrs. Naylor who was running a club in the hall, popped into see Mrs. Rhodes and her amazing cake club before hearing beautiful singing coming from Class 6. Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Boyles and Mrs. Walton were there leading choir club! As I was watching our Year 4 children perform superbly at Athletics, with Mrs. Rawlings and Miss Hickling, I took time to reflect on the wide variety and richness of activities that our staff offer in school. These are activities that the staff don't have to do but choose to give up their time.
I am in a very privileged position as I see how hard all our staff work each day and get to observe their wonderful lessons. I am incredibly proud each day to lead a group of people who show talent, skill and determination every day to go the extra mile for the children here.
When I read the press teachers and school staff seem to be getting a hard time at the minute so I am delighted that our community here realise the hard work and effort that the staff put in here, we have been smiling at your lovely comments and it means a lot to us.
If we continue to work together in this way then we can most definitely achieve our aim of becoming an outstanding school at the heart of the community.
Our Gorgeous Christmas Cake Club!
We have had the most amazing time at our 'Christmas Cake Club!'
It has been so much fun :)
ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY........................
We hope they taste as good as they look.
A special thank you to the children for their patience and some lovely ladies that helped our club run smoothly-Mrs Barlow and Mrs Slack.
Super efforts!
Thank you to Matthew for your super science ideas, Gabby & Max for great team work. Paige, Millie and Adam for your Hundertwasser artwork. You were proud to show your work in Gold Book today. Well done!
Something to think about Team 2.......
Hello Team 2 - during Science today, Miss Richards planned some super hands on investigations for you all.
Can you explain what Angel Delight, salt, sandpaper and foil were doing in our classroom today? How were they being used? What did you find out?
Comment below and receive a merit.

Look out because next week they'll be making another appearance.....
1000 comments - WOW!
Last night we had the usual flurry of comments on the website and reached a landmark moment! Michael from Class 6 posted the 1000th comment on the website which is an incredible achievement as the website has only been in place just over a year. Anyone can comment on childrens work and we are getting over 100 coments a month at the moment.
Michael commented on work that Class R had done and this is a perfect example of how these kind comments can give the children such a boost. Well done to Amber in Year 6 too who made a lovely comment about our Remembrance Service and missed out by just a few minutes. Both children received their prizes in assembly today. More parents than ever are now using our website and commenting on work so thank you very much for this.
I hope you all agree that the website is a brilliant place to see what is happening in school and gives a real flavour of what a special place it is.
Quick website facts:
- We have at least 250 page views every day
- Lifetime Page views = 59348
- Number of posts = 666
A massive thank you to all our staff who post so regularly on the website and keep it updated. Without their hard work and dedication we wouldn't have this wonderful resource and a great audience for the children's work.
Thank you from Padley
A special thank you to everyone.
Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.
A Visit from Granny!
Little Red Riding Hood's Granny visited our classroom today and we were all amazed! She told us how ill she had been and we all felt so sad.......
After some thinking time we thought that it would be a good idea to put some food together in a hamper and send it to her. (Mrs Rhodes was meeting up with Little Red Riding Hood after the 'Christmas Cake Club!')
Have a look at our photos as we prepared sandwiches, scones, pizza and fresh fruit salad.
We hope Granny enjoyed her tea this evening!

Our Pudsey Party
Look at us all celebrating 'Children in Need' day in our pyjamas! We even got a visit from a monkey and a dragon!

As part of our class treat, we used a spotty theme to decorate our biscuits.
We'll continue to work hard to earn our next class treat :)
Zooming into Gold Book!
Team 2 were very proud to share their completed vehicles that they designed and made during their Design and Technology sessions.
A special mention to Luke and Lewis in Gold Book today for consistently making good choices at school. Keep up the hard work boys!
Super Storyboards!
Joshua, Matthew and Adam created some fantastic storyboards in literacy this week. They used their characters to act out their very own story.
Well done boys! Fab work :)
Miss Richards

Fire Safety Officers
Today we welcomed Fire Safety Officers into Class 2 and Class 6. The children were captivated by the video and information given by the officers.
It was nice to hear the children ask responsible questions about the dangers of fire and the need for every family to create their own 'Fire Plan'.
They also learnt an action rhyme.
Matches and lighters should be kept
out of reach
out of sight
and out of HARM!
Please ask your child to share their learning with you:)
What a lovely ending to the half term!

Team 2 were so excited before their wonderful performance in assembly this morning and indeed very proud after the assembly.
Mrs Rhodes and I would like to say a very BIG WELL DONE - we're so proud of how you took responsibility for learning your words, holding up your cards and pictures and singing beautifully.
We wish you all a very happy and safe half term and look forward to seeing you on Monday, 5th November.
Packing for Padley!
It was indeed a special moment as the children sang 'Song of Gratitude' and presented their Harvest gifts; the table was bursting with generous offerings for the Padley Centre in Derby. Mrs Dean spoke to the children about the work of the Padley Centre and how the food and toiletries would help many homeless people.
Thank you again everyone for your generosity.
Harvest Assembly - Thank You!
A massive thank you to all parents, grandparents, friends and visitors for the unbelievable turnout for the Harvest Assembly. We definitely need a bigger hall for Christmas!
Thank you to all the staff for their dedication again. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful group of people in our school that 'go the extra mile' for our children. Thank you also to Mrs. Reckless for co-ordinating the event brilliantly.
Finally, thank you to our children, the assembly was stunning and you all performed beautifully.
Week 8 and still going strong!
It has been another busy week here at Smalley Richardson! The children have been writing instructions to make a 'Snarglefoot Pie' and they have been completing their numeracy challenges.
Take a look at these photographs.......
Everyone is working hard and doing their best :)

Harvest Assembly
Please see the links below regarding this years Harvest Appeal.
Look what 'WEAVE' been doing!
21st October
To celebrate 'Apple Day' on October 21st, Team 2 have been busy WEAVING their apple designs. The children carefully listened, watched, read and retold each other the instructions for going 'over' and 'under' with the paper strips. We think the results are APPLETASTIC!

Please follow the Espresso website link below to have a look at a video about 'Apple Day':
Earn yourself a merit and find out a fantastic fact about the apple.
Here's one to start you off.....
Did you know?
Archeologists have found evidence that humans have been enjoying apples since at least 6500 B.C.
600 Posts and counting - WOW!
Well done to Mrs. rawlings in Class 4 for putting the 600th Post on the school website which is quite astonishing considering the website is only a year old.
A massive thank you to the staff for all their hard work on the website. It really is a place where parents can keep up to date with what is happening in school and a great audience for the children's work.
Thank you to all the parents and children for commenting regularly on the posts. We are well on our way to 900 comments!
Come and see me for your prize in the morning Mrs. Rawlings!
It's Harvest Time!
Team 2 have been thinking carefully about what Harvest means to them and to other people. The children have worked in small groups to create their own acrostic poems. Please have a look and a listen to their super poems - well done children, we know you're very proud of your achievements.

Download Alyssa Isabel & Max
Download Finn Adam & Paige
Download Gabby Louisa & Josh
Download Luke Hugo & Eliot
Download Millie Matteo & Matthew
Download Tom Emma & Elyse
Gold Book Celebrations!
A BIG well done to all of Team 2 today - their super pastel art work was displayed in front of the school during assembly today. It will be appearing in the hall soon, ready for our Harvest assembly.
A special mention to Elyse, Emma, Joshua, Millie, Louisa, Isabel and Luke for their super Numeracy work too; they are showing their workings out brilliantly and thinking about their presentation in EVERY piece of work.
Fun, Fun, Fun, Learn, Learn, Learn, Busy, Busy, Busy!
Team Two haven't had a minute...................
It has been a great start to the week and everyone has been working extremely hard. The children have been using pastels in our art lesson to create some wonderful drawings ready for our harvest assembly. In literacy we have been learning about reading strategies and letter formation. In numeracy they have shared ideas about addition and the importance of showing our workings out.
Thank you again Team Two and it's only Tuesday!

How many words?
As part of the homework next week, Team 2 will be thinking about how many words they can make from one of London's most famous landmarks -
Can you help them to make a start and think of 10 words that they could use?
(here's one to get you started - luck)
Well done to you!
A very big well done to Alyssa, Jake, Matthew, Millie, Hugo and Max for all of their hard work. They were chosen for our special Gold Book assembly today.
Olympic Torch Visit - Inspire a generation!
On Wednesday we were very fortunate to have an Olympic Torch in school for the morning. Mr. Crawford was very proud to introduce his cousin, Andy Fewtrell, who was selected to take part in the torch relay due to his charity work after creating the Up and Under Foundation.
Andy told the children all about the relay and lots of interesting facts about the Olympics and torch.
All the children got to hold the torch as it was passed in a relay around the hall as the assembly was taking place. Even the staff got to hold it too!!
Watch the video below. Thank you so much to Andy for travelling from Crewe to come to our school. We had a wonderful day.
Getting Sticky in Year 2!
Today some of our children have started creating their vehicles using paper mache. A special thank you to Mrs Barlow and Mrs Swindell for supporting Team Two!

SSSSSS ssssssleepover!
We had great fun on Wednesday completing literacy and numeracy activities linked to our sleepover party. The children played pass the parcel that had hidden questions inside and they even had time for a little 'midnight feast!'
Someone did get a little confused though, it was Mrs Reckless! She thought the party was on Thursday and arrived with her suitcase and wearing her pyjamas (the children had great delight in telling me...). It was very thoughtful of the children to write you a recount of their previous days experiences Mrs Reckless!
Well done Team Two :)

Celebrating our first Gold Book - meet the monsters!
Team 2 were proud to introduce their wonderful Olympic Ogres in Gold Book assembly on Friday.
Mrs Rhodes and I wanted to say a BIG well done for settling well into the routines and working hard on thinking about how to become independent learners. Keep it up please Team 2!

3D shapetastic!
Class 2 have been naming and describing 3D shapes - we have even been singing about them!
Have a look at these websites to practise some of your 3D shape skills:
Naughty Numbers!
This week all the children have been extremely busy finding 'naughty numbers' that have been hiding in sequences! A great start to the week - well done everyone.

Summer Fun!

Class 2 have enjoyed sharing their Summer adventures with the rest of class this week. Thank you for all of the gorgeous postcards, posters and photos - we have all enjoyed looking at them together.
A big well done to all of Team 2 who have come back to school ready to learn and ready for the adventures ahead- GRRRREAT!
Marvellous Merits
The boys from Team 2 were very excited to share their new merit books and well deserved merits.
Well done to all of the children who have started to fill in their merit books already - WHAT A SUPER START!