Ferrari experience for Eddy
It was such a pleasure this evening to join Eddy as he got to ride in a Ferrari 458 Spider.
Two of our parents Mr and Mrs Brough kindly offered Eddy this amazing experience after hearing how hard he is fighting after his latest treatment. Eddy has a passion for cars and speed and it was wonderful to see his beaming smile in the car.
Eddy was also fortunate enough to receive a goody bag full of Force India Formula One items.
A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Brough for organising this for Eddy. We always say at Smalley that we are a big family who care and look after each other and this is yet another example of this.
A great way to start the weekend. Enjoy the pictures below.

Calling all our lovely parents, carers, neighbours and friends - we would love your help.
I'd like to create an audio cd resource bank for our school. Please, if you have any story cd's that you would like to donate we would be very grateful.
Some examples of these could include; Roald Dahl stories or Paddington Bear (you may even have some of the promotional ones that you get free in the Sunday papers).
Thank you
Sports Day fun at Smalley
We had lots of fun last week at our annual sports day.
Children worked in their house teams and completed a wide range of events earning points.
This year there was a World Cup theme and Brazilian music was playing all afternoon whilst each team also adopted a country from this years tournament.
The winning house this year was Falcons.
Thank you to the PTFA for organising drinks for the children. Thank you also to all the parents for a wonderful turnout as usual to support our children.
A huge thank you to Mrs Naylor from Open Gate and her team of Sports Leaders, many of whom were ex Smalley Pupils.
Finally, a massive thank you to Mrs Shaw for organising the event. We really appreciate all the hard work that has gone into putting on an event like this.

Singing al fresco - wow!
It was a real pleasure today to go outside at playtime as the children were singing beautifully ready to open the Summer Fayre this Saturday.
I could have sat and listened to them all day and it is no surprise that the sun has come out this afternoon!
If you get the opportunity please do not pass up the chance to hear the lovely singing this Saturday! They will open the Summer Fayre at 12:00 noon.
I think it may be a good idea to have singing outside every day Mrs Mason?
Beautiful children, it made my day. thank you.

Mini-beast Adventure
In Reception we have been investigating mini-beasts. The children have been describing different mini-beast features and counting legs, wings and spots. Then we went on a mini-beast hunt around school. We thought about where each minibeast might like to live such as under logs and pots, amongst the grass or in the soil. We used magnifying glasses to look carefully at them and made sure that we didn't harm them. We then recorded which mini-beasts we had found.

Pond dipping in Reception
As part of our topic 'Animals and Mini-beasts' the children in Class R enjoyed an afternoon of pond dipping. We took our nets, buckets and wellies and walked to Smalley Dam. The children were very interested in the dam and enjoyed exploring with their nets. The sun was shining and we had a super time. Well done to the children for being so sensible on their first visit outside school.

Musical instrument challenge
The children in Class R had an Easter homework challenge to make a musical instrument for our much loved outdoor area. The instrument needed to be water proof and attractive. Have a look and see how fantastic the children's creations were! Well done to all of you that took part in this activity and also to parents for giving up their time to help.
A Special Assembly for a Special Lady
On Wednesday our Special Mrs Coulthurst retired from teaching. We will miss her so much but we wish her every happiness. Please enjoy sharing the gallery of photos with us - another fond memory.
Hello, Hello, Hello!
Today has been very exciting for the Reception children as we have had a visit from Sergeant Phillips and his team to talk about how the police help in our community.
The children were given the opportunity to try on police uniforms, look at handcuffs and even sit in the police car. They were very keen to ask lots of questions and listened well to.
Which police facts can you remember? You can share what you learnt today at home with your family.

Counting objects to make pizza
This week some children in Reception were counting objects to 10. They were shown how to count slowly and carefully, touch each object and find the easiest way to count them if the objects could not be moved (such as in rows.) The children then matched the number to the objects to show how many there were.

The following day the children put their skills to the test to see if they could count out the correct amount of toppings to make a pizza each. The children did very well and enjoyed eating their pizza when they got home. Well done!

People who help us- A visit from nurse Charlotte!
The children in Reception have been learning about how people help us at home, at school and in our local community.
This week we were lucky enough to have a nurse called 'Charlotte' come and visit us. She talked to us about her uniform, her job and showed us how to put a bandage on (thank you Freddie for being her patient). Charlotte also explained what a stethescope does and allowed the children to listen to each others heart beats. They talked about why their heart beat might change during exercise and sitting still. The children asked her many questions that they wanted to find out about. Thank you nurse Charlotte for coming to see us.
Have a look at the pictures below. We are already looking forward to the next visit from someone who helps us!

This Thursday is WORLD BOOK DAY!
To celebrate all the wonderful things that books bring to
our lives, we would like you to bring your favourite
book to school THIS THURSDAY.
Come and join Mr Crawford in the hall from
8.30 a.m. on Thursday morning and start your
day off with a good read of your favourite book. Hot
chocolate will be served too.
There will be special times during the day to read
and share your most favourite book with
your friends, including meeting up with your
'House Team'.
Looking forward to some good book recommendations.
Look out for your World Book Day voucher which
will be given out this week - this will give you £1.00
towards a book from your local bookshop.
Top Cookery Tips from Tesco and TTS!
We are lucky to have been chosen to trial some recipes for the 'eathappy project' organised nationally by Tesco and TTS.
We all feel proud at Smalley to be part of this.
Enjoy sharing this video with your friends and family.
Oh how we enjoyed the Dough Disco Guinness World Record Challenge today! Class R, Class 1 and Class 2 all came together in the hall at 10.00 a.m to start giving their fingers a workout by squeezing and stretching the dough.
All 84 children and 7 adults joined thousands of other people around the U.K. to try beat the current record of people sculpting with dough at any one time.

Here's the video that helped us with the challenge!
We're keeping our fingers crossed that we helped to make a new record - we'll keep you updated........how exciting!
Sports Award for Mrs Rawlings
What a lovely surprise for Mrs Rawlings in our Gold Book assembly.
In recognition of Mrs Rawling's committment to sport, the Amber Valley Cluster of schools have named a special award after her. The 'Ceri Rawlings Trophy' will be the prize for the school who win the Year 1 and 2 Basketball competition.
Thank you Mrs Rawlings and well done
- we're hoping to see the trophy at our school soon.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Blast Off!!
In our topic lessons we have been learning about our planet Earth and space. We made rockets in class and braved the cold, rain and wind today to launch them.
John from Brite sparks came in to school to lead the activity and the children really enjoyed taking part. We talked about whose rocket went the furthest, whose went fast, and we used positional language to talk about where they landed. Some went as far as the bottom playground beyond the shelter!
A big thank you to John for working with the children to day!

Independent learners in Reception
The children in Reception have been working hard on their numeracy. They have been independently putting into practice what they have been learning about in our lessons through their play activities. Have a look at some of the pictures below. The children have been using numbers to count, add and order. They have used a range of resources to help them such as number lines, counters, buttons, bead strings and even acorns. Some children even used the interactive display 'Our Addition Alien' to find the answers to the sums. Well done mathematicians!

House of the week -Kestrels!

Well done to all members of Kestrel House this week. Your hard work and excellent behaviour enabled us to win the cup! Let's go for the double next week! Keep flying high everyone !
Thank you also, to all those children in other houses who congratulated Kestrels on their success - that is a very mature and kind thing to do and it was very much appreciated. It was yet another reason why Smalley school is such a special place to be!
Earth and beyond!
We are very much enjoying our topic about 'Earth and beyond' in class R this half term. This week in our topic lessons we are going to be learning about stars. What can you find out about stars? Here is a video to watch below about stars.
The house system has landed!!
Today our new system was launched in school. A lot of thought went into choosing the names but in the end we decided on names of high flying birds or bird families to represent our own high fliers here at Smalley!
All of our children and staff have been assigned to a house. We have a community feel here at Smalley and this is at the heart of our house system. Children from all year groups will work together as a team to achieve a common goal. Also, children will get chance to work with staff from different year groups on a regular basis. House Assemblies or House afternoons will encourage this and increase the family atmosphere that we already have in school.
Children can gain house points for a number of reasons including; good behaviour, excellent manners, working hard, producing brilliant pieces of work,following the school rules, lining up smartly, playing nicely at lunch or break-time, helping or caring for others plus lots more. Any member of staff can issue house points.
The points are collected every week and a House of the Week will be announced in our Gold Book Assembly. We will have a trophy to present to the House captains and their coloured ribbons will be tied to the cup. The house of the half term will win an afternoon of rewards which will change on a regular basis.
Most importantly we intend to have lots of fun when working together in our houses. It will create competition but this will have to be friendly rivalry as we are all part of one big team here at Smalley and we must never forget that.
Keep checking the website for further details of the exciting things that are happening at school.
Gold Book Super Stars!
A very big well done to Leah, Phoebe, Millie and Molly who appeared in our Gold Book assembly today! Your bubble painting calendars and your writing about Christmas Day was fantastic! Keep up the hard work!
In the News!

What a lovely sight to see our children in the
19th December 2013 edition of the Ilkeston Advertiser.
Well done everyone for your hard work - what a super show!
If you'd like copies of the photos please call the Newspaper's office on 0115 9446160 and quote NILA NATIVITY RICHARDSON SMALLEY 1 (Group photo) and NILA NATIVITY RICHARDSON SMALLEY2 (Midwife, Mary & Joseph)
Fun at the Panto - Oh YES we did!
Thank you children for your enthusiasm and participation at our pantomime of Beauty & the Beast - we were all certainly dancing and laughing in the aisles as the story unfolded! Thank you to Gerry Graham's Touring Pantomime company for the super show. Please enjoy the slideshow and share the fun with your families.
What a fabulous day to end the year!
Our School Council organised a fabulous day for us to finish 2013.
We had a special assembly celebrating some wonderful achievements and then our staff performed a very special version of the 12 days of Smalley Christmas!! The children certainly enjoyed it!
Children and staff looked very festive in their Christmas Jumpers and the cake sale was amazing. A massive thank you to those who brought cakes into school. They were fabulous!
Mr Crawford and Mrs Armitage watched Nativity 2 in the afternoon on our amazing new screen. It was just like being at cinema de lux but slightly better as we had free cakes too!!
It was lovely to end 2013 at school with so many smiles. A massive thank you to all. Enjoy Christmas and the holiday season, get plenty of rest and come back ready for an even better year in 2014!

A Midwife Crisis 2013

We have all loved our Christmas production this year. Thank you for all your hard work children.
Please enjoy sharing these gorgeous memories with your family and friends.
From The Key Stage 1 Team

School Council - Christmas Jumper Day and Cake Sale on Friday 20th December 2013
The School Council have organised a special day for this Friday. Children may swap their school jumper for a Christmas one for the final day of the term. There will be NO CHARGE for this.
Please note this is not a non-uniform day as such and they will be expected to wear uniform as normal with the exception of the festive jumper.
Also, please do not feel the need to go out and buy a new jumper. The children could decorate a normal jumper with tinsel etc. to get into the party spirit.
The school council will also do a cake sale at break time so would like donations of cakes please to be brought into school on Friday morning.
Finally, Mr Crawford has a treat for all the children lined up for Friday afternoon!
Robots and Soldiers in Reception!
As part of our topic, we have been investigating different toys from our homes. We have been finding out if they need batteries or electricity to make them move or if they need u push or pull. We have also been thinking about what they are made from.
Some children then decided that they would make a robot and a soldier toy on the junk box modelling table. Have a look at some of their creations. I'm sure you will be impressed by their hard work. All of these children showed their work off to the school in Gold Book assembly. Well done!

All aboard HMS Richardson
A fantastic day had by all for 'Children in Need'.
Children in Need - Ahoy there!
We have all had a fabulous day at school today raising money for Children in Need whilst having lots of fun!
The total was over £150 when I left school which is a great effort. Many thanks to our fabulous community for supporting the day.
Our suggested theme was Pirates and Princesses and everyone looked fabulous. All classes got chance to visit our new Pirate Ship in Class R, there were lots of happy faces to end the week!
Our staff as usual joined on the spirit of the day and looked fabulous in their outfits I'm sure you'll agree!
Each class took pictures throughout the day too which I'm sure will be on our website for you to see.
We're Going on a Bear Hunt'- Reception class enjoy the Teddy Bears picnic.
This week we have been reading the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. The children came into school today with their teddy bears at the ready for our Teddy Bears picnic. First the children had to make their sandwiches themselves learning the skill of spreading the butter and filling and cutting it with a plastic knife. Then they had to decorate a paper bag for their picnic to go into. The children had fun making bear caves in our outdoor area and going on a 'bear hunt' around the playground before sitting down to enjoy our picnic.
What a super day we had! The children had so much fun that they asked if we could do it everyday. Thank you Reception Class.
Have a look at the photographs below.

EYFS- 'Parental involvement letter' and 'news from home' slips
Toy Land- Topic Letter
If you have not received your paper copy you can download the topic letter for this half term here.
Room on the Broom and other stories
We hope that you have had a lovely half term.
Next week in Class R we will be reading the story 'Room on the Broom' and looking at other stories that the famous author Julia Donaldson has written. Here are some video's that you can watch and enjoy together at home.
Harvest Gratitude
It's always exciting when we receive a letter through the post at school!
The children were over the moon to receive letters and cards of thanks from the local residents for their Harvest gifts.
During Gold Book on Thursday, we shared the thank you messages. Thank you again to our school community for your generosity - our neighbours were so thrilled.
Harvest time!
All the children in Class R, Class 1 and Class 2 were busy last Friday rehearsing their contributions for the Harvest assembly on Friday, 18th October 2013 at 10.00 a.m. Thank you children for working so hard.
Here are the words to our song that you asked for:
Thank you Lord for food to eat (sing 3 times)
Yummy, yum, yum, yum!
Alleluia, thank you Lord
Alleluia, thank you Lord
Alleluia, thank you Lord
Thank you for our food.
Thank you Lord for fish and chips (sing 3 times)
Yummy, yum, yum, yum
Thank you Lord for all your gifts (sing 3 times)
Yummy, yum, yum, yum
Parents and carers are very welcome to come to our assembly, it would be lovely to see you.
A Thursday Treat!
Wow - what a treat! It was wonderful to hear the sounds of 'Hot Shots' after school on Thursday afternoon. The children and staff were working so hard to create some magical music (I think the Party Rings at breaktime helped!). It was a real privilege for me to stand and listen - thank you. Our classroom door will certainly be open every Thursday afternoon - looking forward to hearing lots more awesome sounds! A special thank you to the tutors, Stuart and Tim, for providing such a wonderful experience for the children.
Please have a listen.......
The playground adventure continues.....
The playground is really starting to take shape now and although the wet weather has unfortunately slowed us down today, i'm sure it will very soon be complete! YIPEE!! The children are super excited (and so am I) and can't wait to be able to use it and enjoy it. Have a look at some of the fantastic things that are happening.

The playground adventure begins!
The children in Class R are so excited this week as their playground is being transformed before their eyes!
The pictures below show what the playground looked like before and days 1&2 of the programme. The Pirate Ship HMS Richardson Endowed has taken its place nicely but there are so many more treats in store! This is just a taster. Every area of the playground has been carefully thought out to meet the new Early Years curriculum.
We hope to be able to show you the finished product on the website Friday which promises to be stunning!

Link Romania Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
This week has once again seen the launch of our Link Romania Christmas Shoe Box appeal. This is the fourth year Smalley School have decided to be part of this wonderful appeal, helping to bring smiles at Christmastime to those not so fortunate as ourselves. To add to our excitement, Mrs Boyles will be travelling out to Romania to help deliver our boxes, visit the families and schools which are helped by this wonderful charity and create educational links for our children with schools in Romania and Moldova. She will be blogging on our website during her visit so that the children are able to follow the journey of their boxes and share the experience with her.
The children have enjoyed an assembly this week reminding them about what could be put into these family Christmas shoe boxes and each child will be bringing home a letter with a shoe box form attached at the end of the day on Thursday.
It would be wonderful if we could beat last years total of 115 boxes, which would keep Mrs Boyles very busy delivering during her visit to Romania! If you are struggling to find an empty shoe box to fill, any shoe shop will give you an empty box if you call in.
Class 5 are also busy doing additional fund raising with their movie night which will mean Mrs Boyles can take extra items out with her, particularly items which will be useful in the schools she visits.
Details of how to fill and package your box is on the leaflet. Boxes can be bought into school as soon as they are finished but no later than Tuesday 5th November as this is when our collection lorry will visit school.
Happy Box Filling!
Reception children meet their Year 6 Buddies.
Last week the children in Reception met their Year 6 Buddy. There were smiles all around and the children enjoyed spending some time together. The children have now had many opportunities to play together and Year 6 and Class R are now enjoying their new found friendships. Here are some photos. Look how proud the children are.

Reception's happy faces!
Class R had great fun decorating biscuits during our topic work about 'Me and my Family'. The children were asked to make sure that their biscuit had all the parts of a face that we had been learning about. Fine motor control was a challenge for some children but everyone had a great time making and eating their biscuit. Well done! Have a look at some of our pictures.

Shared Vision 2013 - what a great year we have to look forward to!
Last week we had our annual Shared Vision Session for the school. This is where all stakeholders from our community come together and generate ideas about how we can continue to improve our school.
We had representatives from the School Council, Parish Council, Governors, Neighbours of our School as well as Parent Representatives. All staff were there of course too!
We reviewed the successes of last year and ran out of space on the paper! We then looked at our values and what mattered to us as a school. We also were reminded that our goal back in September 2011 was to become an 'Outstanding School at the heart of the community.'
We then looked at what was Positive and Possible to achieve this academic year. The themes that came out of the vision session included:
- Achieving Outstanding Teaching and Learning across the school.
- Introducing a new House System for the school.
- Continuing to improve the school environment.
- Improving Outdoor Play across the school.
- Continuing to improve our links with the wider community.
- Ensuring our new classroom is the inspirational learning space that the children deserve and that our new offices are fit for purpose.
Check out the pictures from the session below.

I must say a massive thank you to Sarah Armitage, our Chair of Governors for leading the session so skillfully and keeping everyone on task!
Also, thank you to Mrs Shaw for her art work!
The Shared Vision will play an important role alongside our usual School Development Plans again this year. We look forward to bringing the plan to life as the year goes on and everyone can play their part in helping to achieve this.
Please come and see me if any aspect in particular interests you or you feel you can contribute in any way.
Links to our Shared Vision Sessions from Sept 2011 and Sept 2012 are also below and they are displayed in frames in the hall.
Please help us achieve our goal.
Number songs in Reception
We have been singing number rhymes in the Reception class and these have been helping us to count. We enjoyed watching them on the white board too.
Here are some of them for you to watch again at home and sing along to.
Numbers all around us
This week the Reception class have been beginning to learn about numbers. They were very good at spotting numbers in our classroom and thinking about where we might see them at home or in the environment. They gave suggestions such as front doors, telephones, clocks, shops and road signs. Some children could even remember the number on their front door.
Please continue to look for numbers when your out and about and share with us where you have seen them.
Team Eddy Assembly
Earlier on in the term we had a very special assembly in school to present the money raised by Team Eddy.
We raised a phenomenal amount of money which was very close to £20000! This was ten times the amount of our original target! This was raised through the half marathon, mile for eddy race in school, a charity clay pigeon shoot plus many more kind donations.
£10,654 of the cash raised has been donated to the Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT) and £8,470 has been given to Eddy's parents to help adapt their home and support the family following his treatment.
Eddy’s mum, Claudia Kassner, said: “We will always be eternally grateful for the support of the school, it is quite overwhelming and we just can’t say thank-you enough for what the fundraisers have done for Eddy.”
A picture of the cheque presentation is below. A massive thank you to all involved. A very special assembly that will live long in the memory and most importantly it was lovely to have Eddy back in school with his lovely smile and cheeky grin!
Molly the cow and more fun at the farm!
What a fabulous day we have had Class R! Thank you for inviting me! The whole trip was perfect and your behaviour was amazing. Thank you to all our staff and the adults who looked after you so well and to Miss Firth for organising such a brilliant trip. A lot of work goes into planning such a successful trip.

More animals!
Do you know what these animals are?

Reptile Barn
The children loved the reptile barn!

Goat Mountain
The boys and girls had a race to feed the goats! It was a close call but the girls won!!

Fun at the farm!
Some group pictures live from our trip to the farm!

Hands on at White Post Farm
Wow! What a great experience! All the children had chance to touch the different animals!

Spot the different animals!
Which different animals can you see in our picture?
Can any of you see the baby Wallaby?

Feeding the Sheep and Goats!
Lots of fun feeding the sheep and goats!

Picnic time!
Lovely day for a picnic at White Post Farm!

What's that smell?
Class R have been very busy making a sensory garden for our playground. They have been excited to rub the leaves of the plants to see what they smell of. Their favourite ones so far are garden mint and lemon balm!

Phase 3 Letters and sounds- Miss Firth's group
This week we are going to be looking at the sounds qu, ch, and sh.
See if you can read and write these words:
quick, quack, chip, chin, ship, fish
Can you think of sentences with these words in?
In phase 2 you learnt the tricky words: I, no, go, to, the, into
This week we will be looking at the tricky word: me
Remember that they are called tricky words because we can't sound them out and blend them!
Team Eddy Party at Planet Happy!
Please see below a video of children from Classes R, 1 and 6 at Planet Happy in Heage. We had a very special party with the proceeds donated to Team Eddy. Children received their own goody bag and Team Eddy gingerbread man to take home.
Thank you to the children for being so well behaved. You played beautifully and made us all very proud.
Thank you also to Mr. Hopwell and Mrs Hird for organising such a fab evening.
A massive thank you to Plannet Happy for hosting the party.
Snow day Reception class tasks
This week in numeracy we have been busy learning how to add two numbers together to find out how many altogether. Here are some activities to download to do at home. Each activity gets a little harder each time so if you want more of a challenge you can download the harder one. Remember to use objects at home to help you such as cutlery, dried pasta, toy cars etc..
If you manage to complete the activities, see if you can write some sums of your own remembering to use the symbols + and =.
Comic Relief Cake Sale - The Big Bake Off!
Have a look at the video below showing what a great time we had at the cake sale last Friday. Thank you to all parents, grandparents and staff that made or donated cakes. They look amazing!
Topsy and Tim go to the Doctor
Last week we were learning about how doctors and nurses help us when we are feeling poorly or have hurt ourselves. We learnt about some of the things that a doctor might carry in their doctors bag. See if you can spot any in the video below.
Topsy and Tim meet the Firefighters
Watch the video below to remind you about our visit from the firefighters. We had such a super time!
Topsy and Tim go to the Dentist
This week we are going to be learning about how a dentist can help us. We will also be writing instructions in literacy about- How to brush your teeth. After writing our instructions we will be following them step by step with a new toothbrush and toothpaste.
Watch the video below to learn about Topsy and Tim's visit to the dentist.
People who help us- Mrs Taylor visits class R
A huge thank you to Mrs Taylor for coming into school for our People who help us topic. The children thoroughly enjoyed their talk about the role of a physiotherapist. The children also learnt about foods which are good for our bones and were very keen to see the model spine. They had plenty of questions to ask Mrs Taylor! Have a look at the picures below.

Parental involvement in 'Learning Journeys'
As discussed at Parent's evening, a copy of the 'News from home- did you know' slips can be downloaded below.Thank you in advance for your support.
Red Nose Day at Smalley.
After a huge fundraising effort for our own Edward Parry last week we decided that Red Nose Day should be quite low key for this year. However..... we were overwhelmed by the amount of cake donations the children brought into school! Parents,Grandparents and children obviously got very busy Thursday evening and managed to contribute to a wonderful display of cakes-inkeeping with this year's theme of 'The Great British Bake-Off '-there was a real sense of community in our school.
Thank you to everyone who baked or bought those wonderful cakes - see if you can spot yours on the photographs!
Fantastic Movie Night
Well done Class 4 , Movie Night was a great success and a good time was had by all!
A huge 'Thank You' to all the staff and parents who helped on the night, we could not have done it without you.
With all the money made, the children are now putting together a 'wish list' for the new wet playtime toys.
A HUGE Thank You!!
A very big thank you to all staff, children and parents at Smalley Richardson School for all of your hard work and support whilst we were in school.
A special mention for Class 2 and Class 5 for all of your hard work in our lessons, and a special mention for all the children who came to our Where's Wally lunchtime club.
We hope that you enjoyed having us in school. I know that both myself and Mr Dickson have thoroughly enjoyed our time in school, and we're really sad to have left. However I'm almost certain that we will be back very soon to come and see you all, but for now it's back to the University of Derby for us.
Thank you so much for all of your kind words, cards and gifts.
See you soon :)
Miss Richards and Mr Dickson
Mothers Day in Class R
Class R had a brilliant time after inviting our Mums into school yesterday afternoon. It was great fun, we had lovely cakes and enjoyed seeing our Mums smile when they watched our video.
If you would like to see it again please watch it below. Thank you to all the Mums for coming and to Mrs. Hird, Miss Oxspring and Mr. Young for your help. We hope you have an amazing Mothers Day on Sunday.
Miss Firth
The tickets have been sold, the film is ready to go!
If you would like any additional snacks they will be on sale during the film. The cost will be as follows;
Drinks 40p
Hotdogs 50p
Popcorn 40p
Class 4 are looking forward to seeing you there to join in the fun!
A super visit from Ilkeston Fire Service!
This week in Literacy Class R have been reading a story called 'Barn on Fire'. To help bring our story and topic 'People who help us' to life we had a visit from Ilkeston Fire Service.
The children did Smalley School proud as they listened very well during the talk and their behaviour was superb. They had so much fun using using the hose to squirt water across the playground and were even able to climb into the fire engine to see what it was like to be so high up!
Have a look at some of the many photographs we took of the children. A special thank you to Mr Evans and Ilkeston Fire Service for another super visit to school.

Reception write to the Jolly Postman!
This week in our topic 'People who help us' we have been reading the story of The Jolly Postman. Some of the children were asked to write their own letter to The Jolly Postman. Miss Oxspring and Mr Young then took the children to the postbox to post their letters to him. In their letters some of the children thanked The Jolly Postman for posting bills and letters to their houses. They also asked him to come to tea at their house so you may get a knock on the door!

Musicians in Reception!
Reception class were set a homework challenge over half term to make a musical instrument for our outdoor area. Well done to those of you who did this. They are super! The children have enjoyed exploring them outdoors this week and have even played them to the whole school in Gold Book assesmbly to the song 'Day by Day'. I am so proud of you all. A huge thank you to parents for your support with this. Have a look at the photographs below.