Class 1 - Home Learning - Friday 17th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy last day of term! Today is the day that we would be having our last day in school. This year has been very different and you should all be proud of yourselves for your hard work, resilience and keeping safe! We hope you have a lovely summer break and see you in September!
Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: The big quiz!
English: Daily book club
Wider Curriculum: Cooking
Oak National Academy
Please visit the Oak Academy to view any previous lessons and learning.
Shared Work
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
The Great Smalley Bake Off - The Final!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our 'Great Smalley Bake Off' posts over the last few weeks. It has been lovely to see all of your yummy creations and we definitely have some very talented bakers out there! Theo has been a consistent contestant throughout and has produced a wide variety of treats, fully deserving of a 'Star Baker' title. Well done Theo!
Have a lovely summer break everyone!

Class 1 - Home Learning - Thursday 16th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Thursday! It's almost the end of the summer term. I hope that you have had fun this week thinking about transition and being ready for leaving Year 1. Sometimes it can be difficult moving on and having a big change. To try and help you get ready you could have a think today about the things that you will miss and also the things that you are looking forward to.
Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Compare times
English: Planning and writing a story
Wider Curriculum: Dance
Oak National Academy
Please visit the Oak Academy to view any previous lessons and learning.
Class 1 - Home Learning - Wednesday 15th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Today is the last day for the children in orange bubble in school. I hope that you have had a good few weeks and have enjoyed your learning in school. See you all in September!
Today you could have a think about what you would like to achieve in Class 2. Is there something you would like to get better at? Have a think about set yourself some goals.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Time - Half past
English: Settings in stories
Wider Curriculum: PE
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 14th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Today you could have a think about the things you have enjoyed about being in Class 1. What have you done this year that you remember? What did you find exciting? Did you make any new friends? Have a think and write and draw your memories down on some paper.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Time - Half past
English: What makes good characters?
Wider Curriculum: PE
Class 1 - Home Learning - Monday 13th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Monday! I hope you have had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine and dry weather!
This week is the final week of school before the summer holidays and will be the last week before you move to Class 2! I hope you have lots of lovely memories of being in Class 1 with Mrs Boole, Mrs Rodgers and your classmates. This week our learning project will focus on getting ready to leave Year 1 and joining Year 2.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Time - O'clock
English: What is a story?
Wider Curriculum: Science - Faster, further, higher
Derbyshire County Council - Summer Activities Booklet
Class R, Class 1, Class 2 - An Audience with Mrs Mason!
Class R, Class 1 and Class 2, as we can’t all get together for a special assembly like we usually would in the last week of term, I thought it would be lovely to get together online. So next Tuesday, please join us (via Zoom) to have a chat with me and to have a catch up with the rest of your class! (Both in and out of school.)
We will be emailing out the Zoom link for your class prior to each 'meeting', so please keep an eye on your inboxes!
See you Tuesday!
Mrs Mason 😊
Class 1 - Home Learning - Friday 10th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Friday! I hope you have enjoyed the learning this week.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Challenge of the week
English: Book club
Wider Curriculum: Music - Explore music and the seasons with Vivaldi
Class 1 - Home Learning - Thursday 9th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Today can you make a list of all of the things you have celebrated in 2020? Have a look on a calendar to help you remember. Some of these celebrations might have been in school, or at home or in a different country.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Find quarters of amounts
English: Alliteration
Wider Curriculum: Music - How and why singing makes us feel good
Class 1 - Home Learning - Wednesday 8th July
Good Morning Class 1,
At the weekend there was a special celebration for the NHS- it was their 72nd birthday! Lots of people took part in a clap to celebrate and say thank you. Did you join in?
Have a look at this CBBC Newsround article to see how people celebrated. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/53304419
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Finding a quarter of objects
English: Long ladder letters and joining words
Wider Curriculum: Drama - The nine stage positions
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 7th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Today you could have a look at this activity from the learning project.
Write a diary entry recounting a celebration that you have taken part in. You could also could draw a series of pictures about the event and write a sentence for each picture.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Finding half of amounts
English: Describing words
Wider Curriculum: Art- Shapes and colours in art
Class 1 - Home Learning - Monday 6th July
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Monday! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
This week the theme for the learning project is 'CELEBRATIONS'. Learning may focus and different types of celebrations that take place and who may celebrate them. It could look at how people celebrate different events differently in other parts of the world.
Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Finding half of an object
English: Action words
Wider Curriculum: Music - Play it!
CBBC are also featuring a daily 'Celebrity Supply Teacher' programme. Every morning at 9:25 on the CBBC channel you will see a programme brought to you by a different celebrity each day. If you can't tune in at that time each day then all of the episodes are available to watch on iPlayer after they have been shown on TV. Find them here: Watch Celebrity Supply Teacher
Here is the link for the 'Celebrity Supply Teacher' schedule for the next two weeks: Upcoming shows
Class 1 - Home Learning - Friday 3rd July
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Friday!
For today I'd like to set the task of helping your grown ups at mealtime either today or over the weekend. Cooking can be lots of fun but remember to be careful when using sharp knives and hot ovens and pans! I hope you can cook up something tasty to enjoy!
Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Weekly challenge
English: Book Club - George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl
Wider Curriculum: Design and Technology - Sources of energy
Class 1 - Home Learning - Thursday 2nd July
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Thursday!
For today's activity I have been thinking about food miles. This is how far your food has had to travel before it reaches your plate! You can usually find where a food has come from by looking on the packaging. In my kitchen this is what I found:
My bananas have come from Costa Rica.
My pasta and kidney beans have come from Italy.
My tomato soup has come from England.
My waffles have come from Belgium.
Can you look in your kitchen and find out where your food has travelled from? You could also use a map to find out which food has travelled the furthest, which means it has more food miles.
Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Counting coins
English: Alphabetical order
Wider Curriculum: German
Class 1 - Home Learning - Wednesday 1st July
Good Morning Class 1,
Today is the first day of July! July is usually our last month in school before we finish for the summer holidays.
Today I have tried the Wednesday spelling challenge from the learning project. Here is what I did:
Can you think of food items that contain these sounds? i-e, ai, ea & sh?
i-e = lime
ai = grain
ea = salad leaf
sh = fish
I thought this was tricky, I had to think hard - Can you do the challenge?
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Recognising notes
English: Coming soon
Wider Curriculum: Science - Dinosaurs
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 30th June
Good Morning Class 1,
This morning the Food, Glorious Food theme has reminded me of one of my favourite songs about food. We usually sing this around Harvest Festival time each Autumn. The song is called Cauliflowers Fluffy and it features lots and lots of delicious fruits and vegetables! Here it is if you would like to learn it:
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Recognising coins
English: Write your own counting poem
Wider Curriculum: Geography - The seasons
Learning Project: Food, glorious food !
he theme for this week’s project learning is ‘Food!’ During lockdown we’ve enjoyed looking at the photographs of your home baking. We’ve seen special cakes for VE Day celebrations, scones and biscuits from both children and staff.
This week however, you will be learning about many different types of food not just baking.
Here are a few questions to get you thinking about this week's theme -talk with the people you live with to see if you can answer them! Or do you need to do some research ?
How many different foods can you name from the photograph above ?
Where does sushi originate from ?
How do strawberries grow ?
Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable? Why ?
How many vegetables can you name in 5 minutes ?
How many fruits can you name in 5 minutes?
How many varieties of apples can you find on the internet ?
Where does beef come from ?
What would you like to make in the kitchen if you had a choice ?
What is your favourite meal ?
The song below is from a show called ‘Oliver!’
We sang it to Mrs Annable when she retired last September so hope you can remember it and sing along ! It’s such a wonderful song and I love to hear you all singing it in our school hall ! See if you can remember any of the actions !
Food Glorious Food
Have fun learning this week !
Class 1 - Home Learning - Monday 29th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Monday! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.
FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD! The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more food. Learning may focus on where different foods originate from, what makes a healthy meal, opportunities to cook etc .
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Ordering numbers to 100
English: Sight words and writing questions
Wider Curriculum: History - Who was Professor Stephen Hawking?
The Great Smalley Bake Off - Week 6
Another week in the Smalley baking 'tent.' Well done Theo! 2 really creative bakes - thank you so much for sharing. Definitely a Star Baker. Remember to send in your photos to your class email so we can share them each week. Have a lovely weekend everyone xx

Class 1 - Home Learning - Friday 26th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy FRIDAY! I hope you have enjoyed this weeks theme and may even have done some of your learning and activities outside in the lovely weather.
As it has been lovely weather it has made me think of summer holidays at the seaside. Can you think of any transport that we use at the seaside? You could make a poster about the types of transport you have been on or seen whilst at the seaside. You could also include some facts about the seaside transport on your poster.

Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Maths challenges
English: Book club
Wider Curriculum: French - Food and Drink
Class 1 - Home Learning - Thursday 25th June
Good Morning Class 1,
I hope you are enjoying this week's theme and have managed to learn some new things about transport. Today if you go out for a walk anywhere you could take time to notice the different transport you see. You could record it on a tally sheet like this:
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Comparing numbers to 100
English: One armed robot letters
Wider Curriculum: Design and Technology - Food and nutrition
Class 1 - Home Learning - Wednesday 24th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Wednesday! I hope you are enjoying the transport theme. We should be having some lovely hot weather today so that is perfect for water play! If you have a paddling pool, water tray or some big plastic tubs you could have a go at this activity from the learning project:
Float your Boat!- Using a variety of materials, work with your child to make boats out of junk/recycling e.g. wood, plastic , paper, polystyrene etc. Make a prediction about whether or not they will float and then test them to see which floats the longest. Can your child summarise why this boat floated for the longest?
Have fun and keep safe in the sun!
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Comparing objects to 100
English: National writing day
Wider Curriculum: Science - What is sound?
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 23rd June
Good Morning Class 1,
I hope you enjoyed finding out about the unusual modes of transport that I have travelled on!
Today it has got me thinking about inventing a new type of transport. Transport has changed a lot over time, have a look here at how people used to travel years and years ago. Can you imagine if one of the ways to move around was to be carried in a chair? Have a look at these and see if you can invent your own type of transport.
Will your invention be able to travel on water?
Will it be able to travel in the air?
Will it be able to travel on snow?
Can it hold any passengers?
Can it transform?
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Partition tens and ones
English: Comprehension
Wider Curriculum: Geography - Cities, towns and villages
Is it a bird, is it a plane ? - Learning Project
🚁⛵️🚢 This week’s theme for learning is transport ! 🚘✈️🚂
Your project for the week aims to provide opportunities for you to learn more about transport ! You will learn about transport in the past, how it has changed through history and the science behind the many different types of transport.
You will brush up on your road safety skills and how to be safe around water.
Many of you will not have travelled very far during these last few months but now is the time to think about the many different types of transport and research how transport has changed over many years.
Below are some photographs of transport to get you talking about this week’s theme. What can you spot ?

Thank you for all your hard work! We can’t wait to see you back in school learning and I’m busy making plans for when we can welcome you back!
Until it is safe to have you all back in school please try your very best to keep learning !
Mrs Mason 😊
Class 1 - Home Learning - Monday 22nd June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Monday! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. This week the theme is 'TRANSPORT'. The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to learn more about transport. Learning may focus on modes of transport, transport in the past, the science behind transport, road safety and how to be safe around water.
This has got me thinking about the most unusual mode of transport I have been used. I have used a few different types that I think are unusual, some of you may have also used them! What is the most unusual mode of transport you have used?
This is the eurotunnel shuttle. I used this many times when going to France with my family. It is a special train that you drive your car onto and then the train goes under the sea!
This is a hovercraft which I went on whilst on holiday in the Isle of Wight. They are very fast and travel across the sea by floating on their inflatable base and the giant fans on the back push it along. A very noisy mode of transport!
This is called a velorail which translates from French to 'rail bike'. I went on one of these on holiday in France. They follow a set rail track and you have to pedal your way along. They are a mode of transport that you use to view lovely scenery and spend some time outdoors.
Let us know if you have used any unusual or different modes of transport!
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Counting to 100
English: Using verbs
Wider Curriculum: History - Who was Mary Seacole?
The Great Smalley Bake Off - Week 5
We've saved up our bakes for a couple of weeks and now we have got some to share with you. I think Mrs Hird is our 'Star Baker' this week, she's been very busy in the kitchen! If you have any culinary masterpieces you wish to share please send them in to your class email address. Have a lovely weekend xxx

Class 1 - Home Learning - Friday 19th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Friday! I hope you have all enjoyed this week's theme. To finish off the learning project there are lots of really exciting videos, games and quizzes on the CBBC website. All based around SPACE!
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Challenge day!
English: Daily book club
Wider Curriculum: Computing - Using the web safely
A special assembly with HRH, The Duchess of Cambridge
This morning, at 11 o'clock, the Place2Be’s royal patron Her Royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge, will lead an online assembly for the Oak National Academy, during which she will speak about the importance of children's mental wellbeing. Please join us as she addresses the theme ‘Spread a little kindness' - which we know is dear to all of our hearts; it is based on a lesson plan developed by Place2Be which is available on the Mentally Healthy Schools platform.The assembly encourages children to explore ways in which they can show kindness and recognise the benefits of kindness to others.
During the assembly, The Duchess will say:
If you would like guidance or support with your child's mental health, or just to read that others are feeling just like you at these unprecedented times, then please register with these websites for ideas and suggestions: https://www.place2be.org.uk/about-us/our-team/our-royal-patron/ and https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk
This handy leaflet is a helpful guide to support our child's mental health:
Please follow this link and scroll to the bottom to watch the special assembly this morning:
Please, as always, contact us if you need to by either ringing the school office or using the class email address.
Kindest regards
Mrs Mason and the Smalley Team
Class 1 - Home Learning - Thursday 18th June
Good Morning Class 1,
I hope you are all enjoying the space themed week so far! I've been thinking about the questions I would ask an astronaut if I had the chance. Here are some of the questions I would ask:
What is your favourite thing about going to space?
What do you miss the most when you are in space?
As it's dark all of the time, how do you know when it's bedtime?!
Here is a video of Tim Peake answering some questions about space! Video of Tim Peake
Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Grouping equally
English: Describing words in adverts
Wider Curriculum: Design and Technology - Repeat pattern making
Class 1 - Home Learning - Wednesday 17th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Wednesday! One of today's learning project activities is to plan your own trip to space! What would you take? What would you need? What will you do there? Here is a word mat to help you with these activity.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Sharing equally
English: Using long ladder letters in writing
Wider Curriculum: Science - Parts of the body and senses
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 16th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Did you manage to try the Monday space themed activities? This week's theme has reminded me of the solar system song we sing in school. Have a listen and see if you can remember the facts about each part of the solar system!
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Doubles
English: Capital letters and days of the week
Wider Curriculum: Geography - Introduction to Antarctica
Class 1 - Home Learning - Monday 15th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Monday! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend, how ever you have spent it. This week's theme for the learning project is 'SPACE'. It aims to provide opportunities to learn more about space. Learning may focus on our Solar System, the Sun and the Moon. It could look at life in outer space from the view of an astronaut and travelling through space.
This has been an exciting month so far for space news. Did any of you manage to watch the SpaceX shuttle launch on TV? Here is a video of the launch on the CBBC Newsround page: Newsround
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Arrays
English: Graphemes
Wider Curriculum: History - Who was Florence Nightingale?
Learning Project - Space and Beyond
Our theme for this week’s learning project is ‘Space’. It's an exciting time to think about space, on the 30th of May, Space X launched their first rocket into space with astronauts. It's the first time that Nasa astronauts have been sent to space on a rocket owned by the private company. The mission, Demo-2, launched from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida on 30th May - the same launch pad used during the historic Apollo 11 Moon landings. After reaching orbit, astronauts Doug Hurley and Robert Behken decided to give their Crew Dragon spacecraft a name: "Endeavour", as a tribute to the first space shuttle each astronaut had flown aboard.
Here is a full video of the launch (it is very long, skip to 4 hours in to view the launch)
We hope you enjoy learning all about space this week.
Class 1 - Home Learning - Friday 12th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Friday! What a busy musical week so far! Songs and music are a brilliant way to learn new things and some of you might remember the shape songs that we have sung before. Singing helps us to remember things easier than if we just say it. Have a watch of these shape songs to help you remember the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Position and direction in football
English: The Night Box by Louise Greig - The Daily Book Club
Wider Curriculum: Art- Sculpture
Class 1 - Home Learning - Thursday 11th June
Good Morning Class 1,
I hope you enjoyed yesterday's activities. Today I've been thinking about how different types of music make me feel and act. When I am working or studying I like to listen to calm music but if I am exercising or cleaning the house I like to listen to faster music that makes me want to move quicker! Here are 2 different songs that I sometimes play. Can you guess which one I would move quickly to and which one I would be calm to?
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Repeated addition and multiplication
English: Four types of sentences
Wider Curriculum: Spanish
Class 1 - Home Learning - Wednesday 10th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Wednesday! I hope you were able to try some of the Tuesday tasks from the weekly learning project yesterday. I enjoyed the reading task of reading a book and listening to some classical music. It's relaxing and focusing to listen to music as you read but lately I have been playing different types of music to my baby bump as they can hear sounds through my tummy. Yesterday baby bump was treated to the Star Wars soundtrack which has lots of different musical instruments and styles! Even if you aren't a Star Wars fan, it's very interesting music to listen to! Here is a picture of John Williams, who is a very talented American composer, conductor and pianist. He has composed many of the songs from the Star Wars films. I wonder if you can find out which other films he has composed music for? You might have seen some of them!
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Counting in 10s
English: Zigzag letters
Wider Curriculum: Science
Let's Pitch It Family! - with Gogglebox's Baasit Siddiqui
Don't forget this exciting competition involving the whole family - some great prizes are up for grabs! Remember, you have up until the 31st August, so plenty of time to make a start if you haven't already!
Thank you for getting involved in this exciting workshop and competition. To get started WATCH THIS QUICK VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-24hzdNX9A&feature=youtu.be to help you download your copy of “Let’s Pitch It Family”.
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD YOUR FILES: https://siddiqui-education.co.uk/shop/
The coupon code for your free copy was texted out to you by school.
Once you have downloaded your free copy, watch this video to know which files to open first: https://youtu.be/6LrM-vCcrWQ
If you have any questions about the workshop, please email baasit@siddiqui-education.co.uk with the subject heading “Let’s Pitch It Family Query” followed by the name of your child’s school.
Good luck and enjoy!
Many thanks,
Baasit Siddiqui
Director of Siddiqui Education Ltd.
Let’s Pitch It Family is a workshop and competition where your child and the whole family work together to plan and present an idea for a television show. The ideas are sent back to Baasit as a completed workbook and two-minute trailer before the 31st of August. The winning family will win some prizes including a meal with Baasit and his family! As stated above we are lucky enough to be able to bring this competition to you free of charge - we will text out the voucher code you will need at the checkout when downloading your files at Baasit's digital shop!
Get creative, good luck and have fun!
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 9th June
Good Morning Class 1,
I hope you are enjoying the new theme this week. Did any of you manage to do the activities from the learning project? I really enjoy A-Z challenges, they get our brain thinking and it can help us to learn new vocabulary linked with a theme! Today whilst working I have been listening to some of my favourite music. Do you have any favourite bands or artists that you have discovered recently?
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Counting in 5s
English: Writing questions correctly
Wider Curriculum: Introduction to North America - San Francisco
Class 1 - Home Learning - Monday 8th June
Good Morning Class 1,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend despite the wet weather. I went for a walk nearby to my house with my partner, it was lovely to get some fresh air but I'm glad we remembered to wear our raincoats!
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Counting in 2s
English: Using phonics to develop vocabulary
Wider Curriculum: Who was Mohandas Gandhi?
Learning Project - The Magic of Music
Our theme for this week’s learning project is ‘The Magic of Music’
As you may have noticed , during this time music has played a big part in our lives in helping to entertain us while we have had to spend so much time at home. So this week our project aims to provide opportunities to learn more about Music.
Your learning may focus on famous musicians , listening to and performing music and exploring a wide range of music genres and instruments.
Have fun and work hard - I look forward to seeing and hearing all your project work this week.
Below is a song for you to listen to from a few years ago, recorded in our school hall .
aud-20200608-wa0001 (1).mp3
The Great Smalley Bake Off - Week 4
Here are the bakes we have been creating this week. Remember if you do any baking at home to take a photo and send it in to your class email address. We love to see what you have been up to. Have a lovely weekend everyone! xxx

A special Friday assembly with Ant & Dec
Good morning to our whole Smalley community,
This week has been National 'Child Safety Week'.
During this time, where we are thinking of keeping all those we love and ourselves safe (even more than usual), and exploring all the feelings and emotions connected with this, we are pleased to announce a virtual assembly with Ant & Dec.
This morning, at 9.30am, please join us for an assembly where Primary school children across the UK can join Ant & Dec, David Williams and Sally from the NSPCC for a special assembly in partnership with the Department of Education.
The assembly will help children to understand the huge changes in their lives during the coronavirus pandemic and how important it is to speak about our feelings and thoughts - two things we can all safely share together at this time. Please click on the link to NSPCC website, which is where you will be able to follow the link and watch the assembly: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/our-services/working-with-schools/
Children, every one of you are special to us and we love to help you to learn, celebrate your achievements and watch you grow. Please use this video to join in with a song called 'It's Good to be me!' - here the two ladies use sign language as they sing the song, perhaps you could could learn it too.
Everyone, please continue to stay safe, help and support one another, stay happy, talk lots, listen well and celebrate all that is good about you and our world.
Best wishes from All the staff at Richardson Endowed Primary School xx
Class 1 - Home Learning - Friday 5th June
Good Morning Class 1,
It's Friday already! What a busy week! Please find below the weekly learning project. Remember that next week there will be a new learning project so check back on Monday morning. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Challenge Problems
English: Curly caterpillar letters and the suffix -ly.
Wider Curriculum: Design and Technology - Packaging
Class 1 - Home Learning - Thursday 4th June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Thursday! I hope you enjoyed yesterday's activities. One of my favourites was the learning about habitats. I have a habitat in my garden, I wonder if you can guess what kind of habitat it is by the things that are in it?!
There are: water lillies, other water plants, rocks, and lots of wildlife (including newts, frogs, dragonfly larvae and snails). Comment below if you know the answer!
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Solve problems involving mass and capacity
English: Using exclamation marks
Wider Curriculum: French - Greetings and numbers
Class 1 - Home Learning - Wednesday 3rd June
Good Morning Class 1,
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Measuring capacity and volume
English: What are suffixes?
Wider Curriculum: Science - Habitats
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd June
Good Morning Class 1,
Happy Tuesday! I hope you are still enjoying this lovely weather and perhaps even managed to do some of your learning activities outdoors. Please find below the weekly learning project. As always, please send your work and home learning into Class 1's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Comparing volume and capacity
English: Writing commands
Wider Curriculum: Introduction to South America - Rio de Janeiro
Class 1 - Home Learning - Monday 1st June
Good Morning Class 1,
I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing half term. Starting this week, we will be introducing a new learning project with ideas for learning in all areas of the curriculum. Please don't feel you are expected to complete all of these activities. There are activities related to core skills such as reading, writing and timestables, try to do a little of this each day. There are also ideas for bigger projects if you are looking for an afternoon of learning. As always, please send your work and home learning into the class's home learning email.
Bite Size
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload.
Maths: Measuring Mass
English: Using Capital Letters and Full Stops
Wider Curriculum: Who was Queen Victoria?
Welcome Back! Let's travel 'All Around the World'🌍
Welcome back!
We hope you have all had a lovely half term and have been able to enjoy the beautiful weather.🌞😎
Our theme for this week is 'All Around the World'.🌍
This half term, instead of posting an activity daily, we will be posting the activities for the week on a Monday in our new learning project packs! There are different activities for each day and also further activities for you to dip into throughout the week. Please see individual class posts for links to Bitesize, Oak National Academy and the learning projects for each year group and don't forget to send in your pictures and your work!
The Great Smalley Bake Off - Week 3!
Hi Everyone!
It seems lots of you have been out enjoying the lovely sunshine this week and are saving your baking for those cold and rainy days. However, the grown ups have been busy so here are our bakes this week.....

Please continue to send in your bakes over the next couple of weeks, we love to see them.
Happy Half Term Everyone! xxx
Class 1 Home Learning - Friday 22nd May
Good morning Class 1,
We’ve reached the end of another week! Today I’ve created an exercise alphabet for you.
Start by spelling out your name and doing the action for each letter. Then you might like to challenge yourself to practise spelling some of Year 1 and 2 Common Exception words. If you feel like making an exercise alphabet of your own please send them to our Class 1 email. We would love to have a go at them!
Thank you so much for all your hard work over this half term, it has been really lovely to hear from you and see what you have been up to. Please stay safe over the half term break and enjoy spending time with your families.
With Love Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Boole and Mrs Straw xx
Class 1 Home Learning – thank you so much Maeve for sharing your hard work.
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy.
Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iPlayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Thank you
Class 1 Home Learning - Thursday 21st May
Happy Thursday Class 1,
Continuing with our ‘outdoor’ and ‘exercise’ theme, I have really enjoyed getting out and about for a walk each day. We often play ‘I spy’ as we’re walking, or do ‘Scavenger Hunts.’ Here are some activities you might like to try whilst getting out of the house.
The Woodland Trust have lots of other lovely activities which you might enjoy too. Follow the link to choose one you like.
Please let me know how you get on by emailing your photographs to our Class 1 email.
Love Mrs Rodgers xx
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy.
Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iPlayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Thank you
Class 1 Home Learning - Wednesday 20th May
Good morning Class 1!
Today is due to be the warmest day of the year so far so I hope you manage to pop on your sun cream and sun hats and make the most of the sunshine. Today's activity is inspired by Harrison - thank you! A little while ago Harrison sent in some photographs of a fitness track he made at home.
Harrison emailed: "I drew a fitness track with Mummy on the pavement outside. You have to hopscotch, dance, frog jump, skip, slalom and shout “thank you NHS” when you get to the end. We made a sign to encourage other people to have a go and we have loved watching them from our window!"
You might like to design your own fitness track in your garden or create an obstacle course for you and your family. Please email in any photographs of your ideas to our Class 1 email.
Enjoy the sunshine! Love Mrs Rodgers
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy.
Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iPlayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Thank you
Class 1 - Home Learning - Tuesday 19th May
Good morning Class 1, what a beautiful day again! Whilst we have been at home my family and I have enjoyed many bike rides around Shipley Park and along the Nutbrook Trail, covering many miles and taking in lots of beautiful scenery.

This is a picture of Casey at Stanton Lock. The other picture is of me pulling Ruby in the trailer.
Have you been on any bike rides? I hear that Darcey can now ride her bike without stabilisers and Moira has also learnt to ride her bike whilst we have been off school. Let me know about your biking journeys and skills! Send them in to our class email.
Florence was busy enjoying the outdoors yesterday planting some window boxes.
Take care,
Love from Mrs Boole
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy.
Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iPlayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Thank you
Class 1 - Home Learning Monday 18th May
Good morning Class One, I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. It's been wonderful to see all your photos and read all of your emails, we love to hear what you have been getting up to.
Maeve sent us a picture of some wonderful writing she has done at home using exclamation marks! Do you remember when we used exclamation marks in class when we were writing about which items Jack had stolen from the Giant?
Jess has also sent in a picture of the fruit and vegetables she has been growing at home! Great work Jess!
Florence has been busy making salt dough with her family- they look great Florence!
This week our home learning theme is 'Outdoors'. Do you remember our last day at school before we all had to stay safe at home? We had a special visitor who did a sports morning with our class. This was on Friday 20th March.

Which sports have you been enjoying whilst you have been at home? It might be swingball, tennis, cricket, basketball. We'd love to see what outdoor sports you've been enjoying with your family.
Please send in your pictures and emails to the Class 1 email.
Take care,
Love from Mrs Boole
We are encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy.
Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iPlayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Thank you
Mrs Mason’s Monday Morning Message
Good morning children. I do hope you and your families are all keeping well. I miss seeing each and every one of you in our school every day and especially your smiles and hearing you laugh, play and learn together on our playgrounds and in our classrooms.
You have probably heard on the news and from your parents that some of you will soon be able to start back to school and that lots of people are arguing about this! At the moment there is lots to talk about so that we can all feel safe but I will be writing to both you and your parents as soon as I have more details. Until I can do that I don’t want you to worry but to keep working hard at home and enjoying this lovely sunshine.
Due to the lovely weather our theme this week is ‘All things Outdoors!’ We want you to spend as much time as possible learning outside. Your teachers have planned lots of exciting activities for you and your family to get involved in because we know that some of you learn far better when you are outdoors! Also this week it is ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’ and being outside, keeping fit and healthy also helps you to keep happy too!
During the past few weeks while we were only allowed out once a day for exercise I went to Shipley Park many times on my bike. It was so beautiful to hear the birds sing and watch the flowers grow, especially as it was so quiet while everyone was at home. I took lots of photographs to share with you ! I hope you enjoy looking at them on this week’s little film. See if you can spot somewhere you have been in our wonderful country park. I’m sure you will enjoy this week’s song too. Make sure you sing along …… just like in our Monday morning Assembly!
The Great Smalley Bake Off - Week 2!
Once again you have amazed us with your baking skills! Thank you so much for all your efforts and sending in your photographs. Please continue to share your bakes over the next week using your class email, ready for another gallery next Friday.
Have a lovely weekend xx

Class 1 Home Learning - Friday 15th May
Happy Friday Class 1!
Our final day for our VE Day focus. During the war, people were encouraged to ‘Dig for Victory’ by growing their own fruit and vegetables. Just like it has sometimes been harder to buy some of our favourite things from the shops during recent weeks, it was even harder for people in the war. They were only allowed certain amounts of food and this was called ‘rationing.’ By growing fruit and vegetables in their gardens, people could have more food to eat as they did not need to go to the shops to buy it. This got me thinking about our beans. How tall are they now? Maybe you could send in a photograph like Florence did, measure your beanstalk or plant some other vegetable seeds. Can you remember what plants need to grow well? We would love to see your 'home grown'work using our Class 1 email.

REMEMBER - these ideas are for fun! Please don't feel obliged to complete them. The most important thing is to be happy!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Love Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Boole and Mrs Straw xx
Class 1 Home Learning - 14th May
Hi Class 1, Thursday already!
During World War II, our country used aeroplanes called 'Spitfires' to help to keep our people safe. These planes only had one seat for the pilot and could fly very fast. Some of their engines were made by Rolls Royce in Derby. Today's challenge is to have a go at making an aeroplane. Here is a link to a paper model https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-t-15455-spitfire-paper-model or you might like to do some junk modelling, use lego or other construction kits. Please email any photographs of things you make to our Class 1 email and we can share them on our website.
REMEMBER - these ideas are for fun! Please don't feel obliged to complete them. The most important thing is to be happy!
Keep smiling, Love Mrs Rodgers xx
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
We are now encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Class 1 Home Learning - Wednesday 13th May
Good Morning Class 1,
The Rodgers family celebrated VE Day with a picnic on our front lawn with our neighbours. The children (with the help of their grown ups!) on our road also built their own spitfires and we had a short fly past to the Dambuster music.
Continuing with our VE Day celebrations and measuring work, here is a recipe for Salt Dough.
1 cup of salt
2 cups of flour
3/4 cup of water
Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and then roll out the dough. You can then use cookie cutters to make shapes or create your own designs. You might like to design medals like the ones in the photograph, or make a decoration or gift for someone who you are missing at the moment. Once you are happy with your idea, put your shapes on a baking tray and ask a grown up to bake them in the oven until they are dry and hard. Then you can paint or decorate them when they are cool. Please email any photographs of things you make to our Class 1 email and we can share them on our website.
REMEMBER - these ideas are for fun! Please don't feel obliged to complete them. The most important thing is to be happy! You might want to save them for a rainy day.
Stay safe, Love Mrs Rodgers xx
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
We are now encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Another Special Message!
Class 1 you are all Smalley Super Stars! Thank you so much for your beautiful message, you have all worked so hard to produce such lovely art work. Seeing your smiles has made us all smile too! Thank you to your wonderful grown ups too. Stay safe and keep smiling!
Lots of Love Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Boole and Mrs Straw xxx
Class 1 - Home Learning - 12th May
Good morning Class One,
I hope you have all enjoyed the bank holiday at home with your family and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine that we had on Friday and Saturday.
Just before school closed, in Class One, we were just starting to learn about weight and capacity. I suspect with the Smalley Bake Off you have been doing lots of baking, looking at different measures. During war times people had to ration their food, this meant that they could not have as much as they normally would.
Take time over the week to have a look at the cooking scales, exploring grams and kilograms. You could use dry pasta to weigh different amounts. Have a chat about weighing out smaller amounts for food rations. Take some time also for some water or sand play- water play could be in the bath. Using plastic containers explore the language of full, half full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty. You may even want to explore litres and millilitres!
Here are some online games too for you to explore weight and capacity.
Have fun and share your learning via the class emails. We love to see what you are getting up to.
Take care,
Love from Mrs Boole
If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
We are now encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Year One VE Day celebrations
Thank you to Florence B and Florence H for sharing your photographs with us.
Florence B had some lovely VE Day celebrations, learning lots about the war, having tea and cakes and listening to WW2 music.
Florence H has been busy measuring using the weighing scales, exploring grams and kilograms.
Thank you for sharing girls.

Mrs Mason's Monday Message
Our Assembly this Monday would be all about our 75th VE Day celebrations so I thought I would tell you about how I marked the occasion with my family.
I marked VE Day this year by entertaining our neighbours with music . We played ‘We’ll Meet Again‘ and ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’.
If you play an instrument perhaps you could entertain your neighbours on a Thursday evening when we all go outside to clap the NHS and all Key Workers?
Thankfully the weather was so warm and sunny that we were able to take our instruments outside and play from our front garden. We then enjoyed a picnic lunch on our front lawn and waved to all our neighbours as they sat on their gardens at a safe social distance!
It was lovely to see other people ,enjoy the lovely weather and mark this special day for our country.
Here is a link to a special song we enjoy singing in school in November when Year 6 deliver our special Remembrance Assembly. Have a listen and see if you can sing along.
Remember ,we are all still together under the same sky!
Thinking of you all and all your families at this time.
Class 1 Home Learning
Joel, Florence, Kian and Logan have sent in some great pictures of them learning at home.

Joel has been busy; I love his nature art and paper plane!

Florence has been busy learning about plants and making bug houses.

Kian and Logan are already working hard on their measuring work!
Well done all of you and thank you for sharing.
Love Mrs Boole
Home Learning - Get involved in VE Day 75 - 11th May
Home Learning - Get involved in VE Day 75 - 11th May
Friday 8 May marked VE Day and 75 years since the end of WWII. The country paid tribute to the service and sacrifice of the entire Second World War generation, from British, Commonwealth and Allied Forces to evacuees and those who served on the home front. As we face some of the most challenging times since the end of the Second World War, now more than ever, it is important to unite and remember their service to the nation, just as communities did 75 years ago.
There are many similarities between the struggles of the Second World War and what we are going through today. We look to our Second World War generation to learn from their experiences, and we continue our work to protect them from the threat we currently face.
At the end of the Second World War people were happy that the fighting had stopped. However, lots of things like food were still rationed. On VE Day itself lots of people held street parties, but they also remembered those who had still not returned from fighting and those who would never return.
While we can’t get together to have street parties due to the current situation, we would love you all to commemorate and celebrate – just as people did 75 years ago! Each day this week your class teachers will be posting photographs of how they are commemorating and ideas about how you might too! Please see below for details and examples and remember to send your photos to the class email address so that we can share them on our website!
Mr Redgrave’s Fabulous VE Day Project Challenge
VE Day Word Search
BBC Hands On History
WW2 Recipe: Chocolate Cake (without eggs) - http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/history/handsonhistory/ww2_recipes2.pdf
WW2 Recipe: Parsnip Whip - http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/history/handsonhistory/ww2_recipes1.pdf
BBC School Radio KS2: World War 2 Clips
Topics include evacuation, the Blitz, rationing, songs, news reports, speeches, eye-witness accounts. - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/history-ks2-world-war-2-clips-index/zjc8cqt
BBC Class Clips KS2: World War Two
This series of short films offers a comprehensive overview of World War Two. - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-world-war-two/zjnyscw
BBC School Radio
Listen to Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden. The classic World War 2 story of children evacuated from London to Wales. -https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks1--ks2-carries-war/zk7mcqt
Listen to Friend or Foe by Michael Morpurgo. The story is a classic tale of secrecy and adventure set during World War Two. - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks2-friend-or-foe-michael-morpurgo-index/znb78xs
Listen to The Machine Gunners by Robert Westall. The story is set during World War Two, young Chas McGill and his friends have a collection of war souvenirs. But nothing comes close to the machine gun which he pulls from a crashed German bomber. - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks2-the-machine-gunners-index/z7gqkmn
Please use these resources as you wish - they are here to support, guide, develop, grow and keep brains busy but never to overwhelm.
Here are the timetables and links to BBC Bitesize and National Academy that we have been advocating over the last few weeks for Home Learning:
VE Day Memories
Good morning everyone,
Today on this special day for many I wanted to share with you some history from my family.
Almost 74 years ago my Grandad received this letter from His Majesty King George VI, along with all of the other children in the country. The letter was sent to children with words of inspiration and encouragement after World War Two in Europe had finally ended. My Grandad would have been 6 years old and attended Grange Primary school in Long Eaton when he received the letter- meaning that he was born during the war and the first 6 years of his life would have been very different to children now.

The Great Smalley Bake Off
Wow! It seems lots of you have been busy baking since we saw you last. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing bakes! Here are a selection of some we received today, but remember you can send them in to your class email anytime and they will be included in our weekly 'Bake Off' Gallery.
Have a lovely long weekend in the sunshine everyone!
With Love From Us All xx

Class 1 The Great Smalley Bake Off!
Hi Class 1,
We have all enjoyed being busy in the kitchen this week. Mrs Boole has made some yummy scones, Mrs Straw has baked fresh bread and Mrs Rodgers has made some cupcakes ready for a picnic on the lawn for VE Day. If you have done any baking, please send in photographs of your creations to our Class 1 email. Remember you can bake any time over the weeks until we go back to school. Take your time and most importantly enjoy eating them!
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine.
Love Mrs Boole, Mrs Straw and Mrs Rodgers xx
Home Learning - The Great Smalley Bake Off!
Thursday, 7th May 2020
For classes R,1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Good morning everyone and a very happy Thursday to you all!
Today's event: 'The Great Smalley Bake Off'
Lockdown has resulted in us all learning new things and practising different skills. Many children have been baking and making meals for their families. After chatting to children in school, Mrs Rodgers knows one family has been treated to a 'mean' chilli and naan bread! Yummy!
As part of The Great Smalley Bake Off, we would like to invite you to take photographs of your bakes and share your recipes so that others can be inspired. Hopefully we can find some 'Star Bakers'! We know flour is tricky to get hold of at the moment so be creative and just have fun!
Now if you haven't planned to bake today, then don't worry because this feature is not going to last just one day. You can send your bakes and recipes in whenever you decide to bake and make between now and when we return to school. Please use your class email (see below) and we will put together a collage each week of our masterpieces.
Here are some to start you off: The Rodgers' Family Chocolate and Beetroot Brownie, Miss Lockley and her daughter's bread and Mrs Boole's family cake.

Look out on the school website today, as staff upload some more of their culinary delights! We can't wait to see yours!
On your marks.... get set.....BAKE!
Please use these resources as you wish - they are here to support, guide, develop, grow and keep brains busy but never to overwhelm.
As you may all be aware, starting tomorrow, it is the 75th anniversary celebration of VE Day.
As we are all staying safe at home, there are ideas about having your own celebration at home to mark this significant date:

Will you be doing anything at your house children? If you would like to, please see the attached family pack with some ideas for the next few days. Please take some photographs of whatever you do, as next week our SPECIAL WEBSITE FEATURE will be all about the importance and significance of VE Day.
Wonderful Workspaces
Thank you for sending in your wonderful and creative workspace. Here they are;

Class 1 - Home Workstations
Hi Class One,
Mrs Rodgers, Mrs Straw and I have been working very hard whilst school has been closed. Here are some pictures of us working.
Mrs Rodgers was busy working in school yesterday with Mrs Drury.
I have been busy working at the kitchen table with the help of Ruby. Mr Boole is also working on the table so it's a busy workstation!
This is Mrs Straw working hard in her office. Mrs Straw has also been working hard as an apprentice mechanic helping her family with the Land Rovers which were on the website at the beginning of the week!
We would love to see where you have been working at home.
Take care,
Love from Mrs Boole, Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Straw.
Home Learning - Wonderful Workspaces
Wednesday 6th May 2020
For Class R,1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Good morning everyone!
Today's event is to take and share a photograph of your workspace. During this time we have all had to get used to working away from our usual desks. Where are you working now? Do you have a desk in your room you like to work at, with a fancy gaming chair? Perhaps you like to work at the dining room table, with your other family members? It could even be that you have been taking the opportunity to work outside whilst the weather is nice? Please send a photo of your favourite place to learn to your class email (see below) and watch out for it to appear on the gallery. Look out through the day, as staff share their workspaces. Please send all photos for this feature by 5pm today - we look forward to seeing a fantastic range of new learning spaces you have discovered!
Please use these resources as you wish - they are here to support, guide, develop, grow and keep brains busy but never to overwhelm.
Here are the timetables and links to BBC Bitesize and National Academy that we have been advocating over the last few weeks for Home Learning:
Programme schedules Year 1-6
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
The National Academy link Class R- Class 6
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/schedule/#schedule - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Thank you for all of your hard work children, we have been enjoying looking at the work that you have been sending into your class email. Please continue to use the links below to share your super duper work:
Smalley Pets Corner!
We hope you enjoyed our theme for today's activity! We really enjoyed seeing your pets, thank you for sharing them with us! Here they are:

Here are Myla and Bella, who is 9 years old, enjoying the sun at Easter.
Here are Elizabeth and Mollie with their two pets Leo and Seamus.
Leo is a 5 year old Collie, who loves to go on walks, barking at the postman and playing with sticks and balls. Seamus is a 1 year old black Labrador. He was one on the 26th April and loves food, walks and following the girls' mum around.
This is Florence's cat, Ted - he's so cute and fluffy!
This is Olly and his 'best one' Nova. Olly's Mummy says that Nova has helped Olly tremendously through the lockdown period. Nova had to be super brave yesterday too as she had to have a broken tooth out at the vets! Get well soon Nova.
Thank you again for taking part in the activity! Check back tomorrow to see the next activity!
Class 1 - Pets Corner
Hi Class 1,
The dog wearing a hat in the top picture belongs to Mrs Straw. The dog at the bottom is Boris. He is my Mum and Dad's rescue dog. He is 12 years old but full of energy and mischief. We can't go for walks together at the moment but I'm looking forward to going out and about with him again soon.
Stay safe Class 1 and enjoy spending time with your furry friends.
Mrs Rodgers xx
Tuesday 5th May 2020
For Class R,1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday!
Today's event is to take and share a photograph of your pets and tell us their names and a little fact about them! If you don't have a pet you could send a photo of a family pet that you would like to introduce to us all. Please send your photo to your class email (see below) and watch out for it to appear on the gallery. Look out through the day, as staff share their pets. Please send all photos for this feature by 5pm today - we can't wait to see the different types of pets we have at Smalley school! All photos received after 5pm will still feature in the gallery but will be added later in the week.
Please use these resources as you wish - they are here to support, guide, develop, grow and keep brains busy but never to overwhelm.
Here are the timetables and links to BBC Bitesize and National Academy that we have been advocating over the last few weeks for Home Learning:
Programme schedules Year 1-6
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
The National Academy link Class R- Class 6
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/schedule/#schedule - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Thank you for all of your hard work children, we have been enjoying looking at the work that you have been sending into your class email. Please continue to use the links below to share your super duper work:
Sharing our Smiles Gallery 4/5/20
Thank you so very much for all of the beautiful moments that you have shared with us today.
Please enjoy all of our gorgeous smiles - they are certainly spreading for miles!

Tune in tomorrow to find out about our new event.
Thank you - night night xxx
Monday Assembly from Mrs Mason
Good morning children . I don’t know about you but I’ve been missing our Monday morning assemblies when we all gather together as a whole school . I miss hearing you sing too !
Below is a short assembly I have made for you to watch. Please share it with your parents and talk about the messages. Life won’t always be like this and one day we will look back on this time as just a memory. Sit back and enjoy the assembly. Stay safe and hopefully see you soon !
Mrs Mason
HOME LEARNING - Spreading Smalley Smiles for Miles!
Monday, 4th May 2020 - Star Wars Day!
For Class R,1,2,3,4,5 & 6
Good morning everyone and a very HAPPY MONDAY! Did you know that yesterday was WORLD LAUGHTER DAY?! Please take a look at the World Laughter post to find out all about it. The joke page will keep on running, so whenever you find a good one, please add it to the comment box!
Now this week, our daily posts are going to look slightly different, as we are having a special feature week, where we will be 'Spreading Smalley Smiles for Miles!'. We are very lucky when we're in school every day, as we get to share a lot of facial expressions, including smiles, so we thought it would be really lovely to have the opportunity to share some of those beautiful faces on the school website this week.
Our very first gallery comes from the PYJAMARAMA event last Friday - thank you for all of the beautiful photographs that we received.

Today's event is to take and share a photograph of you doing something which is making you smile at the moment whilst you are safe at home - it could be bouncing on the trampoline, building a model, working on your Maths, eating your favourite meal, dancing.......the sky's the limit! Please send your photo to your class email (see below) and watch out for it to appear on the gallery. Look out through the day, as staff share their smiles. Please send all photos for this feature by 5pm today - we can't wait to see your faces! All photos received after 5pm will still feature in the gallery but will be added later in the week.
Please use these resources as you wish - they are here to support, guide, develop, grow and keep brains busy but never to overwhelm.
Here are the timetables and links to BBC Bitesize and National Academy that we have been advocating over the last few weeks for Home Learning:
Programme schedules Year 1-6
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
The National Academy link Class R- Class 6
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/schedule/#schedule - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Thank you for all of your hard work children, we have been enjoying looking at the work that you have been sending into your class email. Please continue to use the links below to share your super duper work:
World Laughter Day 2020
Did you know?
Today is World Laughter Day!
World Laughter Day takes place on the first Sunday of May of every year . The first celebration was on January 10, 1998, in Mumbai, India, and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria. The day is now celebrated worldwide.
One way of raising a smile, sharing a chuckle or a full on belly laugh is by telling one another jokes - please explore these joke pages or get your joke book from your shelf. Please post your favourite joke in the comments below and get our Smalley Community smiling.
Happy World Laughter Day!
Night, night, sleep tight!

And so that's the end of the PYJAMARAMA event for today - we hope you've enjoyed some or all of it - what was your favourite part?
Have you seen the staff sharing their books? Remember you can email your PYJAMARAMA photos into your class home learning email - the closing date for this please is Monday, 4th May 2020.
Please continue to love your books, share stories and create memories that last for always.
Night, night, sleep tight - enjoy a bedtime story or two!
From all at Smalley School
Class 1 - 'Pyjamarama' Reading
Hi Class 1,
Mrs Rodgers and Mrs Boole have been enjoying pyjamarama reading today. Stick Man and Postman Bear are firm favourites in the Rodgers' household, whilst Mrs Boole and Casey have been following George and Harold on their adventures. What stories have you been reading?
Have a lovely weekend xxx
Booktrust - Pyjamarama Reading Festival
Due to a large amount of traffic from school children around the Nation, the booktrust website is currently down. However, they have announced they are moving to their Twitter feed and will still be following their schedule (see your class newsletter); providing all of the livestreaming, videos, resources, learning and fun they had planned.
We have embedded a copy of their Twitter timeline below. Please click 'continue reading' on the link below, to view the book trust time line.
Alternatively, access their Twitter feed by following this link - https://twitter.com/Booktrust
Friday 1st May 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter - (Pyjamarama Reading Festival)
Friday 1st May 2020
Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Please check your child's class page on the website for more ideas, resources and learning. If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact our new class specific email at:
Please feel free to send in pictures of any work/learning you have done at home and a teacher will respond with a message to your child.
We are now encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. Links to other effective resources will be posted to this newsletter, such as the Oak National Academy. Please do not feel you have to do everything, we want to equip not overload. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum - the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school, but may be of interest.
Today, you can join families across the country, plus the nation’s best-loved authors and illustrators, for a festival of online events and activities - all in the comfort of your favourite pyjamas.The Pyjamarama festival is organised by the BookTrust and is a fantastic opportunity to explore high quality reading of all ages, in an extremely engaging way.
Use this link to access the festival, which begins at 9:30 am - https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/pyjamarama/pyjamarama-festival/.
Then refresh the page throughout the day and enjoy all of the special guests and activities. (If you are choosing to attend this festival, please do not feel pressured to undertake the Bitesize or Oak Academy daily schedule)
Activities and resources will be shared on the BookTrust and they have already uploaded some to this address – https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/pyjamarama/pyjamarama-activities/
Do you have a favourite read at home? Please send in pictures of you with your favourite book and we will share all our wonderful reading on the school website at the end of the day.
Thursday 30th April - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Happy 100th birthday Captain Tom Moore
Today's focus helps us to think about Captain Tom Moore and his incredible achievement. Please have a look at the link below and talk with a grown up or phone your family or friends and have a chat about some of the ideas (please ask to use the phone first).
Please send us any photos of any messages or pictures of Captain Tom and we'll display them on a special website post in his honour - maybe you'd like to be in the photo too - please check that this is ok with your parents.
Will you be clapping for the NHS and all of the key workers this evening? Perhaps your street might sing Happy Birthday to Captain Tom too.
We would like to congratulate Tom Moore on his birthday promotion to Colonel and once again wish him a fantastic birthday
With anxiety over health, social distancing and changes in routine, this is a difficult time for children and adults. Here are some suggestions to help your wellbeing and mental health.This week, the activities focus on outdoor activities to improve your wellbeing.
The Great Outdoors:
Being outside, in the fresh air, surrounded by nature is proven to benefit our wellbeing and mental health. We get most of our Vitamin D from the sun and it’s so important that we replenish our levels of this vital vitamin after a British winter. Vitamin D boosts our immune system which is especially important at the moment and helps with bone, teeth and muscle development. Make the most of your outdoor spaces and the beautiful spring weather to get outside, try these challenges and increase your sense of calm and wellbeing …
Outdoor activities:
Keeping fit and being outside are both great for your body and mind so today’s activities have a focus on fitness and can be done outside – or inside – weather permitting!
You always feel better mentally after a workout (not just physically) as exercise releases important hormones in your brain called endorphins. These are natural pain killers and also give you a feeling of happiness and wellbeing.
To help get your endorphins flowing, try these ‘Move at home’ activities. They focus on football and skipping which we know your all love! Most of the activities can be done inside or outside and of course there are lots more that you could play with your family. Look online for ideas or introduce your family to some of the games that you play with your friends in the playground! Enjoy working out and feeling great!
Wednesday 29th April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Today’s focus resource is Collins Big Cat. Today we are taking the opportunity to highlight this excellent resource again. Collins have kindly opened access to their Big Cat Reading Scheme. You may recognise these books as they are the same your child brings home from school.
Using their digital library you can continue the reading your child has been working hard on since September. Do not hesitate to contact your teacher through your class home learning email if you are unsure of the reading stage of your child. Follow this link to access the Big Cat Library - https://collins.co.uk/pages/big-cat-ebooks
Oxford Owl invites parents and carers to register with their website and then allows access to a huge library of ebooks which are all part of the reading schemes that we have at school. If you select your child's stage or colour of book band, the website then shows you a selection of appropriate ebooks for that level. Again please email your class teacher if you need guidance for the appropriate stage for your child. Here is the link: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Our apologies
Sorry if you've logged onto the school website today and wondered where today's daily newsletter was - there was a mix up of days - are you struggling to know which day it is too? All amended now! Tuesday is here!
Tuesday 28th April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Today focus resource is from STEM Learning. STEM Learning is the largest provider of education and careers support in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). They have begun to provide a range of home learning activities with a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) projects. To launch this campaign the organisation created a video with aid from the Astronaut Tim Peak.
Use this link ( https://www.stem.org.uk/home-learning/primary ) to access the wealth of STEM activities, games, problems and learning on offer.
Friday 24th April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Singing and music is a big part of Smalley culture and it is something we love to do together, whether it be in assemblies, concerts or during music lessons.
At school, one of the resources we use is Sing Up and we're pleased to announce that we can now access some of their resources at home with 'Sing Up Home'. Music and singing are incredibly powerful, and can help support us in so many ways – emotionally, physically and intellectually. The benefits are endless, and supporting singing is central to Sing Up's philosophy.
If you fancy learning a new song then tune into 'Song of the Week' - this week it's called 'One moment, one people' which is all about working together and making positive connections with each other.
Please follow this link to access the resources:
Keeeeeeeeeep singing!
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main parts of yoga are poses (movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.
The practice began in India about 5,000 years ago and has been adapted in other countries in a variety of ways. Yoga helps you feel calm, strong and mindful. It helps tone, strengthen, relax and makes you feel amazing!
Yoga activities:
Today’s yoga activities focus on yoga for wellbeing, calm and fun!
Sometimes, you’ll find you just can’t concentrate and a short yoga break will help you focus and be ready to start again. Try these ‘After Break Yoga’ cards to help you get ready to learn again. They’re also great if you’ve already had a break and need to settle down to your learning again.
All sports events have been cancelled so, if you want to have a bit of fun with your yoga, bring the sport to your home! Try these ‘Summer Olympic Yoga Cards’. Compete against your family and you could even award medals! Download Summer Olympic Yoga Cards
If you’re feeling sad, yoga always makes you feel better so look at this PowerPoint and try the poses. You’ll soon be feeling happy again. The cool down at the end of the PowerPoint will also help calm your mind and take away your worries. Download Feeling Low Feeling Better
Thursday 23rd April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
The internet is a wonderful tool which is helping in many areas of life at the moment, but it is always important to remember the internet at times can be a dangerous place if you aren’t sensible. Today's resource focus is from Internet Matters.
Internet matters is a group that works in partnership with most ISPs (Internet Service Provides). They provide clear and practical guides for keeping children safe online. This can range from how to set up parental controls on a huge range of digital devices through to which apps to avoid.
We have provided a link through to a page of all the leaflet guides they provide. - https://www.internetmatters.org/resources/esafety-leaflets-resources/
However do take a look at the resources on youtube also as these are high quality and to the point. - https://www.youtube.com/user/internetmatters
Yoga activities:
Today’s yoga activities focus on yoga positive affirmation.
Just doing yoga makes you feel amazing – you feel calm, strong and full of energy. You will feel even more amazing by saying positive affirmations. This is when you say things out loud when you do a yoga pose. For example, whilst doing the warrior pose, you could say, “I am brave!”. This really will make you feel great!
Try saying these sentences (or any of your own) whilst doing your yoga poses:
I am calm.
I am happy.
I am well.
I am clever.
I am brave.
I am amazing.
There are lots of yoga videos on YouTube especially designed for children. You might feel a bit silly saying your positive affirmations but please try it – it’ll make you feel fantastic. For more examples of affirmations, have a look on YouTube, such as at these videos below:
Earth Day - 22nd April 2020
Today is Earth Day - Earth day is celebrated every April 22nd; more than a billion people celebrate Earth Day to protect the planet from things like pollution and deforestation. This year, Earth Day is being celebrated differently all over the world as we all protect one another from a virus by staying home - perhaps now more than ever, we can all think about how to make our world a happier, healthier place to live for all of the plants and animals on Earth.
Here are a few resources to enjoy, which celebrate Earth's splendour, as well as explain all about Earth Day:
This is an interesting programme from the NASA scientists about how they work to protect Earth:
What do you love about our special planet?
Let us know what you did to celebrate Earth Day.
Wednesday 22nd April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
The internet is a wonderful tool which is helping in many areas of life at the moment, but it is always important to remember the internet at times can be a dangerous place if you aren’t sensible. Today's resource focus is from Thinkuknow.
Thinkuknow is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.
Thinkuknow has put together a wealth of home learning resources to promote safe and sensible internet use; the website also contains short information films to watch alongside your child, with tips and advice for internet use at home. Please use the link below to access these resources:
Tuesday 21st April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/ - This is a Government backed online learning platform. It provides 3 lessons a day from Reception to Y6 and beyond. Each lesson is an hour and ranges from English and Maths through to History, Geography, a Modern Foreign Language e.g. Spanish, Science and Art etc.
Subjects like History and Geography follow the National Curriculum however the topic choices may be different from those your year group were covering in school but may be of interest.
Yoga is a very old form of exercise. The main parts of yoga are poses (movements which increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.
The practice began in India about 5,000 years ago and has been adapted in other countries in lots of ways. Yoga helps you feel calm, strong and mindful. It helps strengthen your bones and muscles, makes you more flexible, helps you relax and makes you feel amazing!
Yoga activities:
Today’s yoga activities focus on yoga poses.
If your parents are fed up with you being online or on a device, why not use your devices to do some yoga? You get to keep your technology and get in your parents’ good books at the same time! Win, win!
There are lots of yoga videos on YouTube especially designed for children. These are really fun so give them a go! For example, for links to some of the best yoga videos, please visit the website below:
Yoga poses:
There are lots of different yoga poses so why not look through this PowerPoint and have a go at home. My favourite is the ‘Rainbow’ pose. Why not send us pictures of you doing the rainbow pose? You’ll be getting flexible and doing your own tribute to our wonderful NHS and key workers at the same time!
Here are some yoga cards that each show you a different pose. They will help you improve your gross motor skills too. Why not get your family to join in with you? Yoga is brilliant for people of all ages!
Please click the links below for the resources referred to above:
Coronavirus - Summer Term Letter
Monday 20th April 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you all had a restful Easter break and welcome to our very first remote summer term!
We’ve all had to adapt to new ways of working, so I wanted to take the opportunity to say what an amazing job you’re doing supporting your child’s wellbeing and learning during this time.
It’s definitely been a strange and challenging time, so it’s okay if you and your child feel a little apprehensive at the moment and have lots of questions. We’re here for you every step of the way as we figure this all out together. Remember, if you have any concerns about helping your child learn or you need any other support from the school, please let us know by emailing our home learning address: homelearning@richardson.derbyshire.sch.uk
We are moving to change this email to be class specific and will inform you via text message of the new addresses when we have done so.
We miss the children very much, but we must continue to follow the government’s guidance to keep everyone in our community safe. So, we’re carrying on with our school remaining open for vulnerable pupils and those parents, whose work is critical to the COVID-19 response. However it remains important, for your child’s own safety, that every child who can be safely cared for at home should be. For most pupils, this means continuing with their learning at home.
Just because we’re not all in the same building, doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun learning together! Your children will have lots of activities they can enjoy over the summer term – so keep a close eye on the school website and your child's class page:
We also love seeing the children’s fantastic learning at home – please keep sending their work in via email, so this can be shared with their class teacher.
We are unable to say when we’ll be able to open the school fully and continue to be led by the Department for Education’s advice and guidance. Rest assured that we’ll continue doing our utmost to keep your child learning and our school community connected.
Warm regards,
Mrs K Mason
Monday 20th April - Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Welcome Back
Good morning! We hope you have had a restful time with your loved ones over the Easter break.
During the last two weeks, several groups have developed home learning resources. We are now encouraging all parents to use the package the BBC is providing through the Bitesize website. We encourage you to access this through the daily post on your child's class page as we will still use these to post important information, resources, share messages from teachers and share any work you send in to us.
Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
This website covers a daily input of Maths, English and a wider topic. Each of these contains teaching, activities, games, work and more with familiar faces for children. These will take the place of our daily packs.
For those struggling with internet or computer access the BBC is also providing daily lessons through the red button on your TV remote (also available on iplayer), please be aware the topics covered in these do not match up with the Bitesize daily planning. The schedule for these televised lessons is included below. Each of these programmes are 20 minutes in length and are available at 9:00am each day.
We are continuing to use the homelearning@richardson.derbyshire.sch.uk email to answer any questions you may have regarding home learning and to give children input on their work. We are moving to change this email to be class specific and will inform you of the new addresses when we have done so.
We're All In This Together!
We hope you've all had a lovely Easter break and eaten lots of chocolate. Stay safe xx
Home Learning – Easter Holiday
Today sees the start of the Easter Holiday, with this in mind we are taking a break from our regular daily posts, these will resume on Monday 20th April.
It has been wonderful to see so many children and parents engaging with learning over the past few weeks. The children have worked hard during this term both in and out of school and are ready for a break. During the next two weeks, we encourage you to give your children as much of a ‘holiday’ as possible. To help with this here are a number of ideas:
- Activities to do at home - www.goodtoknow.co.uk/family/things-to-do-with-kids-66855
- Easter Themed Activities - www.mykidstime.com/things-to-do/50-easter-activities-for-kids/
During this time please continue to use homelearning@richardson.derbyshire.sch.uk to stay in touch with any questions you may have or work/activities you would like to share. Finally, we wish you all the best and hope you have a peaceful and enjoyable Easter.
Friday 3rd April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
English and Maths
Hamilton Trust are providing free packs for English and Maths to aid home learning. Each day, we will upload the packs to the school website. They cover a daily input of English and Maths which are in line with the National Curriculum.
Other Learning
Good Morning, today we are finishing off our week on homes and houses. Download this pack ( Download Houses and Homes Activity Pack ) it is filled with house and home based activities, as with yesterday choose some that interest you, you do not have to complete them all!
Other ideas;
Share your favourite book that is about a home or includes one.
Build a home at home (think big: cardboard, pillows, blankets).
Continue the construction activities from earlier in the week.
With anxiety over health, social distancing and changes in routine, this is a difficult time for children and adults. Here are some suggestions to help your wellbeing and mental health. This week, the activities focus on mindfulness.
Mindfulness is being aware of what is going on inside and outside ourselves, moment by moment. We can practise mindfulness through meditation, colouring, poses, being in nature and much more. Here are some fun activities to get you going. Look out for mindfulness colouring, crafts, breathing and yoga activities here over the next few days.
Mindfulness doodling:
Do you like doodling? It’s fun to do and, guess what, it’s really good for you! Doodling is just drawing your own patterns in anyway you like, you don’t even need to be thinking while you doodle! Doodles can be really beautiful. They also help you to be calm and happy!
Ask an adult or older sibling to go through this PowerPoint with you and then get doodling! You can create tiny doodles or really bigs ones, inside on paper, your iPad or even on the bath using special bath crayons if you have them. (Do not use ordinary crayons on your bath please!) You could also doodle outside with chalk!
Thursday 2nd April 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Hamilton Trust are providing free packs for English and Maths to aid home learning. Each day, we will upload the packs to the school website. They cover a daily input of English and Maths which are in line with the National Curriculum.
Mindful challenges:
Try these different challenges to help you focus on the here and now. How do they make you feel? Try to notice if you feel calmer or relaxed.
Mindful brain breaks:
If you find it hard to keep working while you’re at home, make sure to take a break every few minutes. Try these short brain breaks with your sibling or parent. They are fun to do and will help your brain to learn!
Please click the link below for examples of brain break activities:

Tuesday 31st March 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
This week we are looking at houses and homes. Using whatever construction materials you like such as:
- Lego
- Knex
- Minecraft
- Art Supplies
- Recycling
can you complete the challenges set on these card ( Download Construction Challenges )? Remember to read each card and think carefully about what you need to do. One building does not need to complete all the cards so you might end up with a village of houses! Once you have done this can you describe you houses to someone at home showing them which house is matched with which challenge.
At the heart of the community
A beautiful display created by some of our children during a very challenging time. Our message to our Smalley community is to stay safe and well 🌈❤️
Monday 30th March 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
As the weather takes a turn this week, we are heading inside to think about our bedrooms. Today we are going to be interior decorators (bedroom designers). Use this sheet ( Download My Bedroom Design Activity Sheet ) to design your own bedroom. You can use the cut outs provided or make your own furniture and belongings.
Once you have done this, can you decorate and make your own paper craft 3d houses? Using these templates ( Download House Papercraft ), your creativity and whichever art supplies you have. Perhaps you could paint or colour or maybe you would like to use pieces of coloured paper and make a collage?
Good morning - it's Friday!
Good morning children - I hope you're ok and enjoying this beautiful sunshine that has been sent our way. Thank you for keeping safe.
I was just having my morning cup of tea and this popped up on my newsfeed and it made me think of all of you and our special assemblies and singing time together; we worked so hard as a school on this song. Until we're all back together again at school, I thought I'd share the link to Gary Barlow's Crooner session #8 so you can listen, share or sing.
See you all soon, speak to you sooner.
Love from Mrs Reckless :)
I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river, and it made me complete
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin
I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old, and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired, and I need somewhere to begin
And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go?
So why don't we go?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know?
Friday 27th March 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
To finish our week thinking about the garden we are going to look at the different parts of a plant and flower.
To begin, watch this video on BBC Class Clips about the parts of a plant:
Next you could have a go at drawing a plant and labelling the parts. If you want to take your learning outside in the lovely weather, you could also have a look for different types of flowers and plants in your garden. Choose some, draw or take a photograph of them and see if you can label them. Do all the plants look the same? What is similar? What is different? Use your observational skills to explore. Just remember not to pick any of the flowers or plants unless your grown up says it's ok to do so :-)
Listen to Flight of the Bubble Bee a famous piece created by Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov.
Now can you write a poem from the view of a pollinating bee or draw a picture inspire by the music you hear?
Thursday 26th March 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning - Daily Newsletter
Today, we are continuing to think about gardening and wildlife. Start by having a look at this website (CLICK HERE), there are some videos and games all about minibeasts. Then explore your garden can you spot any of the minibeasts on this minibeast check list
Activities after this:
Draw a mini beast.
Write a story about bugs!
Use books or the internet to complete this minibeast fact cards
At school, we sometimes ask you to talk less in class but the good news is it’s super important that we talk lots at the moment!
Talk to your parents and relatives as talking is very important for good health. Ask trusted adults to help you understand what you see, hear or feel. You have our permission to chat … lots!
Or, you could draw how you feel or what you worry about and tell someone what your picture shows.
Self Talk;
We often think negative thoughts but saying positive things to ourselves can make us feel better. Try saying: “I am well, I am calm, I am happy.” Or whatever makes you feel better!
You could go outside in the lovely spring weather with some chalk and draw happy emoji faces on your drive or patio. Being in your garden is good for your wellbeing on its own so this would be a double dose of positivity!
Wednesday 25th March 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning
Year 1 Home Learning
Please check your child's class page on the website for more ideas, resources and learning. If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact homelearning@richardson.derbyshire.sch.uk
English and Maths
Hamilton Trust are providing free packs for English and Maths to aid home learning. Each day, we will upload the packs to the school website. They cover a daily input of English and Maths which are in line with the National Curriculum.
With the lovely weather we are having today why not take the chance to explore your garden. You could take your exercise or PE outside, use cloud formations to inspire some creative writing, spotting common birds, help with gardening or start your own small gardening patch.
(For Parents;
Here is a spotting sheet for common UK birds.
Then consider these Bitesize links with activities and information on the United Kingdom as a start to a self guided project.
Click Here For Bitesize Link - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zyhp34j/articles/z4v3jhv
Can you make a poster, piece of art, a play or fact file about a favourite place to go on holiday in the UK?
We encourage you to share this with us using the email homelearning@richardson.derbyshire.sch.uk we will make sure we email you back!
Tuesday 24th March 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning
Year 1 Home Learning
Please check your child's class page on the website for more ideas, resources and learning. If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact homelearning@richardson.derbyshire.sch.uk
English and Maths
Hamilton Trust are providing free packs for English and Maths to aid home learning. Each day we will upload the packs to the school website. They cover a daily input of English and Maths in line with the National Curriculum.
Monday 23rd March 2020 - Year 1 Home Learning
Year 1 Home Learning
Please check your child's class page on the website for more ideas, resources and learning. If you have any questions or need any support with learning at home please contact homelearning@richardson.derbyshire.sch.uk
English and Maths
Hamilton Trust are providing free packs for English and Maths to aid home learning. Each day, we will upload the packs to the school website. They cover a daily input of English and Maths which are in line with the National Curriculum.
Keeping Fit at Home.
To try to provide a chance for students to stay active at home, Amber Valley School Sports Partnership are opening up access to our DTF Fitness resource FREE of charge to all students and schools.
This includes hundreds of activity cards, fitness challenges and work-out ideas to help keep our children active, engaged and occupied during their time away from the regular curriculum.
To access the resources simply click the link below:
Activity cards are labelled with a recommended age group starting with Fun Fitness (Rec, Y1, Y2), Fitness Friends (Y3, Y4) and Personal Best (Y5, Y6).
All the activities require basic or limited equipment and can be done in a small space within most households.
For more ideas on staying active at home and supporting your students with PE resources check out some of the links below:
Joe Wickes – PE lessons - YouTube
Website Login Difficulties
Trouble Logging On?
Some educational websites, including those we have given you child login information for, may experience technical difficulties. This may mean;
The website will not load or takes a long time to load.
The website produces a Gateway Error.
The website tells you the user name or password is incorrect.
If this is the case, please allow time for these websites to fix the issue, most likely caused by a greatly increased usage. These problems may keep happening over the coming days but should smooth out as these websites address the issue, just keep trying back.
Websites and apps for Class 1
https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk username: march20
Password: home
Oxfordowl.co.uk is also a great site and has a wide range of reading books which follow some of our reading schemes so you can pick up reading at home in addition to any books you have in your home.
https://www.prodigygame.com This cover the maths curriculum. Sign up for free and then sign in at play.prodigygame.com
Twinkl are also offering free membership for parents. There is a free access code which is parentstwinklhelps to use at www.twinkl.co.uk/offer
Don't forget the Teach you Monster to Read App which is great to develop reading skills and phonological awareness.
School Packs
Please find the links below to the packs of work, which were distributed to the children in school yesterday:
Measuring mass in Class 1
This week we have been looking at measurements in Maths. We measured lengths and heights with cubes and centimetres. We have also explored weight this week using the balance scales and cubes and we will be looking at grams and kilograms tomorrow. This learning lends itself to some baking for home learning looking at measurements of ingredients or even some diy jobs around the home using a tape measure.

Full of beans in Class 1
Our beanstalks have grown! We've given them water and sunlight and the seeds have grown roots, shoots and leaves. Great work Class 1.
What have you done today to make you feel proud?
We have been learning how to recognise when someone is feeling proud.
We thought showered the meaning and gave examples of ‘boost ups’ and ‘put downs’. Our circle time was I am proud of myself...
Joel said ‘I’m proud of my skipping’
Freddie said ‘I’m proud of my work’
We enjoyed listening to ‘Proud’ by Heather Small
Counting in 2s in Class 1
In Class 1 we have been learning to count in 2s. We have used lego to help us and we have enjoyed playing a game on the iPads. Follow the link to play the game at home. https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/whackAMole/index.html

Authors in Book Week
Class 1 have been authors this week and planned and written their own versions of 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' Every author has produced a story they should feel really proud of! Thank you for all your hard work and wonderful work Class 1.

Pop-up Library - Year 1 and 2
Wow! Once again we would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came to our Pop-up Library this morning. The hall was a buzz with the joy of reading. If you were unable to make it this morning please have a look in your children's book bags for some helpful reading resources.
Keeping Healthy
Mrs Mason did a whole school assembly on the importance of hand washing. The children were taught to wash their hands effectively using soap and water. It was stressed that hand washing should last for 20 seconds- the children sang 'Happy Birthday to you' as they did it as the song lasts 20 seconds. Elizabeth and Oliver modelled this. At school we are always thinking of ways and reinforcing ways to keep healthy. Happy hand washing!
Kandinsky Flowers
In Class One we are exploring the work of Kandinsky's circles and linking it to our plant topic

Growing Beans!
Class 1 have read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and during their Science lesson this morning they planted their own bean seeds. What will they need to grow well?
Pumpkin Parade 2019
Thank you to everyone who enjoyed this years Pumpkin Parade. Despite the rain, we still had a busy hall full of children, parents and carers looking at the wonderful creations and enjoying hot chocolate and cookies.
Well done to all children who entered the competition and a special mention for the 3 winning pumpkins. It was very tricky to choose!
Thank you to the PTFA for organising and running another fabulous event!

Class 1 Maths Fun
This week we have been learning to read the number names to 20. Play this fun game and see how many fruit you can 'splat.'
Scientists in Class 1
We created our own 'Fireworks in a Jar' to celebrate Bonfire Night. We observed what happened when warm water, oil and food colouring were mixed together

300 mugs on tour!
And they’re off to The Padley Centre - jingle jangling all the way!
and they’ve arrived - all ready to be used for lunch. Thank you everyone for your kind harvest gift - together we’ll make a real difference.
Class 1 Phonics
Try these fun games over the half term holiday!
Harvest thanks and final total
Thank you so much to everyone involved in our Harvest assembly today - what great TEAMWORK! Together, everyone gave a valued contribution which shared our special Harvest message of thanks, working together and thinking of others.
Thank you for all of the kind donations of spare mugs which will head towards The Padley Centre in the next few days; luckily our assembly was 'smashing' for many reasons and not because of broken mugs!
MONDAY - 299 mugs + one more from Mrs Mason = 300 mugs to donate!
We are thrilled to announce that 300 mugs will be heading towards The Padley Centre this week - that's a whole days worth of hot drink containers for the homeless people of Derby - thank you.
Using pastels in Class 1

PHSCE with Mrs Evans
What makes a happy playtime? That was the question I asked Class 1 during our circle time this week. Sharing, being kind, keeping hands and feet to ourselves, no name calling, looking out for each other were some of the answers. We then went outside and discussed how to use the equipment safely and put our ideas to the test.
Please help us and name all of your child’s uniform.
We have an abundance of unnamed uniform in our lost property box already. Please help us to return it to the rightful owner by naming all uniform with permanent pen or name labels. Thank you.
Fun day Friday
What a fun day we had in Class 1!
Great teamwork in our PE lesson and in the afternoon the children worked independently to paint dinosaurs and mix their own colours.
Blue Peter Success
How wonderful to catch up with Theo and find out about his continuing Blue Peter badge collection. Here are the badges that were awarded for Theo's tennis playing and also for his cake baking to commemorate the Blue Peter tortoise retiring from the show. Thank you for sharing Theo - which one will be next? Toby told me that he is busy working towards his first Blue Peter badge too - can't wait to see it Toby!
Learning in Class One!
We've had a busy start in Year One. Here is a snapshot of just a few of the things we have been doing.