Tuesday 14th June - Tough Runner
What fun we had!
Tuesday 17th May - All Aboard The Richardson Express!
Today we went on the train for the very first time! We were very excited and loved it. We collected our tickets and climbed aboard to explore our new learning space. A great day!
Class 1 Newsletter - April 2022
Class 1 Newsletter - March 2022
Counting in 10s
This week we have been learning to count in tens. We used this to help us to count larger groups of objects more efficiently and accurately by making groups of ten.
Exploring paper flowers in water
Today we investigated what happened when paper flowers were placed in water. Have a go at using the link below to try some of your own flower designs at home. We would love to see what you make!
Class 1 Newsletter - January 2022
Welcome to Spring 1!
This half term our core text is Rosa Parks - Little People, Big Dreams.
We have read the book already and begun talking about how life was unfair for Rosa Parks and other people with black skin. We thought about what we might want to change to make people equal.
Our Toy Museum
During the half term we have added work to complete our toy museum. In History we have learned about old and new toys, sorted them by looking carefully and created timelines to show how toys have changed over time. In our Design Technology lessons we have designed, made and evaluated a cup and ball and skittle. In Science we have looked at the materials different toys are made from and why. A great end to the half term. Thank you for all your hard work Class 1! Enjoy a well earned rest and Merry Christmas!
Science Fun!
To consolidate our learning about materials and their properties, we carried out an investigation to find out which material would keep Peppa Pig the driest when she went jumping up and down in muddy puddles. We concluded that cellophane and a plastic bag were waterproof but tissue paper and newspaper were not. Great investigating Class 1, thank you!
Marvellous Maths!
This week we are learning about counting forwards and backwards to 20. We have also been reading numerals and number names.
Anti Bullying Week
This week is anti bullying week and Class 1 have been thinking about what makes a good friend and acts of kindness. Today we all suggested 'One Kind Word' to promote this years anti bullying theme. Look what we came up with. Can you spot yours? Great work Class 1, thank you!
Our end of term outcome for this half term is to create a Class 1 Toy Museum. We are learning about old and new toys and the materials they are made from. Mrs Hird has made a great start on our museum - thank you.
As part of our Design Technology we will be making some of our own toys to add to the museum. Please can you save any kitchen roll tubes or wrapping paper cardboard tubes and send them into school as soon as possible. (No toilet roll tubes please) Thank you!
We're going on a material hunt.....
Class 1 Newsletter - Autumn Term 2 2021
Parents Evening - November 2021
Welcome to Autumn 2!
This half term we are reading....
We will be using these books as the basis for our English work and our end of term outcome will be to create a Class 1 Toy Museum showcasing crayons from Duncan's pencil case and toys from the past and present. Watch this space!
Today we have been reading some of the letters written to Duncan and talking about how the crayons are feeling and why. We predicted which other crayons might have written a letter too.

During our Maths lessons we are learning about the subtraction symbol and taking away. We have enjoyed these activities in class. Click the links to have a go at home too!
Reading Cupcakes!
To celebrate our school's 300th birthday we have got a cupcake display in the classroom. Each time children read ten times at home their candle is moved up the cupcake chart. It is lovely to see so many children who have made a great start. Keep up the hard work everyone! Well done!
Our Pumpkin Parade
Thank you to all the children and their families for the wonderful pumpkins
that came to school yesterday - so many different designs.
It was so lovely to see so many parents and children after school for our Pumpkin Parade - thank you for supporting our PTFA event.
Music time!
We have been exploring the sounds of percussion instruments and demonstrating different ways of playing them.
This links with our topic on senses in science. We found out how we hear sounds.
Autumn maths 🍁
Number bonds to 10 using Autumn leaves we collected.
Smelling Investigation in Science
We have been learning about our 5 senses in Science. We have been on a sensory walk around our school grounds, thought about our favourite food and carried out a 'blind' smell investigation. We identified coffee, ginger, soap and orange just from their smell.