Autumn 2 (Peace and Conflict)
Protest - the act of saying or showing publicly that you object to something.
Violent - the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy.
Non-violent - the personal practice of not causing harm to others under any condition/the opposite of violent.
Oppression - cruel or unjust use of authority or power.
Dictate - if someone dictates to someone else, they tell them what they should do or shouldn't do.
Politics - the work or study of government/the way that people living in groups make decisions.
This half-term, our school theme is ‘Peace and Conflict’. Each class can then appreciate the men that fought in WW1 and WW2. Year 6’s core text is called, ‘Letters From The Lighthouse’, which is a war piece from the World War 2 time period, written by Edith Nesbit. Our Wider Curriculum subjects are based on Remembrance Day and WW2. We are focused on Poppies and The Blitz in Art and we will learn about the meanings in History. We are continuing to understand the Islamic religion (Muslims), The Qur’an, mosques and the 5 Pillars of Islam in RE. In Science, we are looking at Light, sources of light and how it is visible. Also, we are making sure that we are keeping safe at school, out of school, outdoors and online in PHSE. Our aim as a school this half-term, is to respect and thank the men from the war and women who prepared the weapons for the army to use. Our goal is already partly completed as we held a Remembrance Service and thanked the boys from our school that joined both wars and were sadly killed. On Monday 14th November, Anti-Bullying Week began. This is a chance to end bullying and support others that are getting bullied. We want our school to be positive, uplifting and inspiring for all. We have all taken time to create posters and poems to put an end to all kinds of bullying. It causes unspeakable pain to children around the world. Remember, together we can create a bully-free world for everyone.
Christmas D/T

In Year 6, we decided to create an alternative to the usual Christmas card this year, so we linked them to Design and Technology and the children sewed their own designs on the cards.Having punched holes over the drawn design, they then stitched thread through which proved trickier than they thought. Beautiful personalised Christmas cards for their families!
Year 6 Science - Light
A selection of amazing work from our children's books, showing the sequence of learning in this half terms Science topic.
Bye bye Barvember!
Blitz Artwork
Following on from our previous Art lesson, the children added further detail, using chalk, to give the appearance of searchlights in the background and drew on small aircraft, with charcoal to create a strong impact against the bright colours of the night sky. Here are a few examples of their work on our display in the classroom.
Blitz Artwork
As part of our Peace and Conflict topic this half term, Year 6 are re-creating a blitz scene from World War 2. Using a variety of mediums, they started their backgrounds blending colour to show the ferocity of the fire damage, and cut out a skyline silhouette from black card, giving perspective to their picture. We continue this week and look forward to sharing them soon.
Year 6 Science - Light/Refraction
This half term, Year 6 are looking at the topic of Light in Science and this week, we have been looking at refraction in particular. The children completed two investigations to understand how it occurs and predicted the potential results.
The beginning of World War 2 - Zones of Inference
Letters from the Lighthouse
Air Raid!
Here is an example of a sequence of learning in writing we carried out this half term, linked to our class text Letters from the Lighthouse and our Global Theme - Peace and Conflict.