Autumn 2 (Peace and Conflict)
Merry Christmas! Class 4 made beautiful Christmas cards and decorations! We hope you like them...
Our final outcome this half term across the curriculum has been to create a WWI class memorial. Well done children, we're thrilled with your thoughtful work!
The children have just adored our core text (War Game) this half term, which has been wonderful! Here are some of their reflections:
In English, the children have written their own recounts of the Christmas Truce, ensuring they include an introduction, conclusion, paragraphs, sequencing adverbials and descriptive language, all in chronological order. Well done!
In Maths, Class 4 have been practising their mental fluency and improving their presentation. Well done!



In Computing, Class 4 have loved creating their own audio and making podcasts about WWI to link with our core text, War Game. They've practised recording and editing audio as well as layering sounds and inserting music and sound effects. Here the children are busy at work:

In History, the children have been exploring how we should remember WWI, including the lives sadly changed and lost, key events, historical interpretations and representations and numerous ways of remembering such as war memorials, poppies, poetry, books, films and more. Thoughtful work, Class 4- well done.
Class 4 have completed their Georgia O'Keefe-inspired poppies as part of their focus on this term's enquiry question: How should we remember The Great War? The children blended paint to create bold tones and experimented with mark making. Super work, Class 4!
In Maths, the children have been consolidating their multiplication and division facts. Here, the children are using dice to explore factors and their products. They were very engaged and can now recognise factors and factor pairs, and calculate their product.
In English, the children (inspired by real WWI letters and our beautiful core text, War Game) have been writing their own informal letters from the trenches describing everyday life on the front line (in a censor-friendly fashion of course, as per 1914). Well done!
Class 4 have been learning WW1 songs and about military band, marching music


In English, the children have been developing their persuasive language, including features such as imperative verbs, rhetorical questions, repetition for impact, direct speech and so on. Here you can see this applied to their WWI recruitment posters to link with our Peace and Conflict theme and beautiful core text, War Game.
Happy Pudsey day everyone!
As a post assessment treat,we let off some steam this afternoon with an energetic and enthusiastic game of hand ball!


To tie in with our Peace and Confluct theme. We are learning WW1 songs. We are going to keep rehearsing and hopefully sing them in assembly!
RE. Our topic this half term is "What it means to be a Christian in Britain today." We have looked at important festivals such as Easter and Christmas. We have talked about different Christian symbols, e.g. The cross and the dove. This week we have been hearing traditional hymns and carols and more modern Christian songs. Many of which we already sing in assembly.
Science - States of Matter
In science we are learning about states of matter. solids, liquids and gases. We went into the playground and became particles,behaving how each state of matter would behave! We learned about cooling and heating and changes in state of water from liquid to solid ice to gas as steam.
In Art today, the children began applying the blending techniques that they learned last week to paint poppies with different tones, inspired by the vibrant Oriental poppies of Georgia O'Keefe. The finished poppies will be displayed on our classroom war memorial as part of our final outcome this half term. Beautiful work, Class 4! Well done!
This week is Anti-Bullying Week and we were thrilled to see so many children in Class 4 wearing their odd socks to show how we are all different, unique and special. This year's theme is, 'Reach Out' and we've been exploring what bullying is and how we can reach out for support each day in class.
In Art today, as part of our painting sequence of learning to prepare the children to paint their own poppies for our WWI class war memorial, the children created tonal charts to practise blending paint to create different tones of red for their poppies. You will see they have blended red with differing amounts of white paint and also, inspired by the work of Georgia O'Keefe, they blended red with yellow for more vibrant tones. The children also learned how to hold their paintbrush for more control and seemed to really enjoy their lesson which was wonderful.
To link with our final outcome this half term, the children will be creating poppies for our class war memorial for WWI for our 'Peace and Conflict' theme and to tie in with our beautiful core text, War Game. Here, the children are researching and beginning to create artist studies for Georgia O'Keefe whose vibrant, bold oriental poppies will inspire the children's own painting:
We are currently taking part in White Rose Math's 'Barvember' Challenges and the children are enjoying using visual representations in the form of bar models to help them solve problems. Well done, Class 4!
We are really pleased with the progress the children are making with their times table knowledge as we prepare for the May National Tables Check. Here, you can see how much more fluent they have become in just two months when comparing September and November's 'Beat the Clock' challenge. We complete daily and weekly challenges and it's wonderful to see the children realising how much their recall is improving. Well done Class 4, keep up the hard work!

Classification of groups