Autumn 2 (Peace and Conflict)
Key Vocabulary
Agree - to say yes.
Disagree - you do not accept that what they say is true or correct.
Argument - a reason in favour of or against something..
Peace - a time without any fights or wars.
Conflict - a challenge to the way a person thinks or behaves.
Christmas Cosmic Yoga
After a busy Christmas disco last night, Year 2 did some relaxing yoga in P.E this morning with lots of stretches and different poses. Namaste!
Our text this term is Poppy Field by Michael Morpurgo. We have been learning lots of new vocabulary.
A walk to the memorial in the carpark to remember the Smalley boys.
In November, we remember... Class 2 attended the Remembrance assembly this morning and visited the memorial this afternoon.
Year 2 kick-started Anti- Bullying Week wearing odd socks to celebrate uniqueness.The theme of the week is to 'reach out' with the hope that children will chat to friends or someone they trust if they need to talk about bullying.
The circle time covered issues, thoughts, feelings and emotions associated with bullying. They started by welcoming their friends to the circle then we discussed ’What is bullying?'
We all agreed that bullying is NEVER OK! Time was given to think about the adults they can trust and who they can talk to. Everyone's contribution was listened to and valued.