Pupil Voice
Year 6 Leavers Fiesta
Spanish Taster day Year 2

In preparation for transition to KS2, Year 2 enjoyed a taster day of everything Spanish this week, in readiness for learning next year. They looked at the culture, geography and learnt some simple language. The highlight of the day was the food sampling, which proved to be a huge success, followed by colouring and dance. A fabulous day for us all!
Year 6 Spanish
In Spanish today, Year 6 welcomed a visitor to school to deliver an example of a lesson , which is likely to be delivered in their next school. Mrs Jepson delivered a sentence building activity, with lots of aural repetition and input from the children.
Year 5 Spanish role play
As part of their learning about shopping in Spain, Year 5 set up small shops in the classroom and acted out scenarios to practice their conversational vocabulary and phrases, using currency also to give change etc. It was great fun and enjoyed by everyone!