School Council
Please remember to take a look at the School Council Display… you will see how busy we are!
3 2 1 ACTION!
The school council had a fantastic time recording and filming on the TV truck. They became real life presenters and producers for the day. What a great experience! 📹📺
Making bunting for the school garden
Thanks to the school council for helping to set up the exhibition in the hall.
Thank you for your hard work and the wonderful work produced by all classes.
Thank you Mrs Needham for putting our school council display and information board together. Please take a look at who our reps are and what they do for our school.
Thank you to our After School Club for helping to look after our school grounds. They have been busy sweeping, raking, litter picking and working as a team. The School
Council will continue to help too.
During our last couple of meetings we talked about New Years Resolutions for our school and we made a Gratitude Chain to show what we are thankful for.
Organising the library on the train
Working hard to keep the school grounds tidy
School Council 2024/25
Meeting Tuesday 9th July 2024
Today we spent time sorting the library books on the train.
Next meeting for all School Council Representatives will be Monday 1st July.
See you there!
As a school we are proud to be supporting one of our families with this very worthwhile cause. The school council handed these to each class. All designs must be in by May 1st so get designing your T shirt! 😀
Today Meadfleet Open Space Managment visited school to work with our school council on developing our school garden area. They came with a selection of plants and herbs for planting in new tubs and containers and wild flower seeds. They worked hard in very wet and muddy conditions!
What do our values mean and how do we promote them in school?
The School Council thought very carefully and here are some of their thoughts…
After litter picking around the school grounds we had fun on the outdoor equipment.
Before going off to do some litter picking we talked about the core values at school and Embark and how we promote them.
R- respect
E- enjoy
P- take pride
S- succeed
Spring has sprung!
Thanks to the gardening club we can all enjoy the colours of spring.
A big thank you for helping to sort out lunchtime equipment and putting it in our new store cupboard sited now on the top playground.
Thank you to school council members for helping to set up the Homework Exhibition.
We hope everyone who attended enjoyed looking at the great projects.
Thank you for helping to keep our school grounds tidy and litter free. Please remind your class to use the bins provided.
Food glorious food!
What a delicious Christmas dinner we had today. Thank you so much to Mrs Hallsworth and Mrs Maciejewski for preparing and cooking it. Big thanks to our dinner supervisors too for looking after us.It was throughly enjoyed by children and staff.
Merry Christmas! 🎄🎅🏼
Writing letters of thanks for the chocolate selection boxes, the school Christmas tree and the spring bulbs donated to the gardening club.
It is very much appreciated.
School Council heading back to class with their Pudsey Packs ready for Friday!
Anti bullying week 2023
School Council will be actively involved in organising and preparing for Friday 17th November when all classes will be taking part in the ‘Bearpee Challenge’
PUMPKIN PARADE 🎃 🎃🎃 Thank you for helping to set up and display the pumpkins. What a wonderful display!

HOMEWORK EXHIBITION. Thank you to the school council for helping Mrs Needham set up the hall. What a fantastic display! Thank you to everyone who worked hard on their homework task.
Our bins are ready! Thank you School Council for labelling them. Please remind your friends about the importance of recycling.
We discussed the importance of recycling in school and how we can do this. We started with a recycling wordsearch. Then we decided that every class needed 2 bins, one for general waste and one for paper. These will be clearly labelled and monitored by school council.
Shared Vision - We spent some time today looking at and discussing how we will contribute to some of the ideas.
Welcome to our new School Council members 2023, don't they look great in their hoodies!
Thank you to those who attended our Shared Vision meeting we look forward to working with you.
Thank you to the School Council for organising our music trolley and to the PTFA for kindly donating the money for some new musical instruments.We all look forward to using them in our music lessons.
Thanks to the School Council for helping to look after the school grounds by picking up litter. A great job done!
Please remember to use the litter bins provided.
We are working hard to create a happy lunch hall.
All classes have taken time to talk about lunchtimes and table etiquette. School Council have discussed what they like about lunchtimes and what improvements could be made.
They enjoy socialising
Chatting with friends
The food!
Break from the classroom
Improvement suggestions are:
Have calming music playing
A quieter dining experience
Better use of manners
Less mess on the floor and tables
On behalf of everyone in school the School Council have written letters of thanks to
Mr Hartney at Tesco Heanor for donating a real Christmas Tree to stand in our hall for all to enjoy, Amber Valley Care Team for their donation of selection boxes for every child in school and to Mrs Walker for her thoughtful donation of a set of books chosen to help deal with loss.
We are very grateful and appreciate your thoughtfulness and support.
Thanks to the School Council for decorating the Christmas tree. This year Tesco have kindly donated a real tree… doesn’t it look wonderful!
A letter of thanks will be posted to the manager of the local store.
Thank you to some of our School Council Reps for helping to load the bags onto the van.
Thank you for your donations, every little helps us to raise money.
If you have designed a Children in Need poster to be displayed in school could you please hand it to Mrs Gregory by Wednesday please.
Our School Council met today to choose equipment they would like for lunchtime playtimes, as the PTFA have kindly given us some money.We enjoyed looking through catalogues and deciding together what we would like on our wish list. Thank you to the PTFA.
What a SOUPER donation of soup for our harvest! Thank you to all who donated.It will be taken by Mrs Reckless to a local food bank.
The School Council have been working hard during their first term as representatives.
Year 5 and 6 attended our annual Shared Vision meeting hosted by Mr Crawford. We all decided on our vision for the next school year here are some of our ideas: New playground markings, more table tennis tables and heating on the train.
Future events are being planned for School Council to get actively involved in, one of these being Children in Need. WATCH THIS SPACE!
Year 6 school Council Elections 2022
Year 6 have held their school council elections. They worked hard preparing their candidate speech to present to their class. All speeches were amazing!
The class had two votes each and here are the results...
Riley - Chairperson
Ollie - Vice Chairperson
Lucy - Secretary
Ava - Representative
Theo - Representative
They promise to work hard, show commitment,listen to others, be creative, work as a team and contribute in many other ways.
Welcome Aboard!
Our first meeting on the Richardson Express… how exciting!
‘A message to our Queen’ was our activity today. We all wrote a message we would send to the Queen congratulating her on her 70 year reign. What would your message be?
Today we looked at our Shared Vision to see what has been achieved so far.
- We have planted the trees for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
- AVSSP competitions have started again and we have taken part in gymnastics, table tennis and cross country.
- Library areas in classrooms have been created.
- Performance club performed a selection of songs for the Celebration of Culture event at Welford Road, Leicester.
- Outdoor play equipment has been purchased for lunchtimes.
- We have a new buddy bench.
- School visits are being booked and Year 6 are looking forward to PGL this year.
- The community store has been organised.
Comic Relief Cake Sale
What a great success! Due to beautiful spring weather we held the sale outside. The selection of cakes was fantastic! Thank you so much. So far we have raised over £150.
Thank you to all school council reps for your help.
Children in Need 2021
Dance competition entry forms are in all classrooms. Please ask your teacher or a school council rep for one, when completed hand it in by Friday 12th.
We are looking forward to hosting our cake sale tomorrow and raising money for a very worthy cause.
Thank you so much for your support.
Always happy to help
Thank you to all School Council reps for helping set up and organise the pumpkins, ready for the parade after school.
All the pumpkins were truly spooktacular!
Book Fair
Thanks to our school council reps for setting up the book fair. It’s always a great success with lots of books sold. It’s lovely to have parents back in school! Thank you for your support.
November 1st 2021- Welcome back!
We’re signing our Shared Vision to show that we all want to work together to achieve more successes for our school.
At our meeting on the 18th October we looked through a catalogue at outdoor play equipment. We made a list of equipment we liked and thought we needed and shared it with the class to get their opinion.We look forward to using it soon!
Thank you to our Key Stage 2 school council reps for attending our Shared Vision meeting. We started the meeting remembering and discussing our school successes over the last two years, some of these were online learning, embark awards and new staff. We then put our ideas forward for our vision for the next year.
School Council 2021
Welcome to our School Council representatives. We are looking forward to having a busy and productive year representing our classes. We will attend regular meetings with Mrs Gregory.
School Council
We are very proud of the way the School Council has developed, giving our children the chance to take more responsibility for the decision making that affects them in school. Each class has two representatives and the council runs it’s own meeting each week. Issues are raised during the meeting and wherever possible, dealt with by the children. Major issues raised have included a lack of playground equipment which was resolved by the children raising money themselves to buy new resources.
When appropriate, School Council has actively helped in the recruitment of new staff by thinking of interesting questions for the candidates and expressing a pupil’s view of our school. Two of the older representatives also attend regular meetings with other school councils in the area to share ideas and discuss items which affect our community.
Charity plays a large part in the school calendar and the children take pride in organising different events to help raise much needed funds.