Spring 1 (Social Justice)
Our Global Theme this half term has been Social Justice. Through our English, Mathematics, Science and the wider curriculum we have:
- gained knowledge
- learned vocabulary
- developed skills
Our findings
After leaving our plant in blue dye, we saw how the stem and petals turned blue. We know this is because the water travels up the xylem to the leaves and petals to help deliver water and nutrients.
Dividing 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number with remainders
We have been using practical resources to divide numbers with remainders.
We have applied our learning to word problems and used cubes to support us.
What do artefacts tell us about life in Ancient Egypt?
We discovered Ancient Egyptian artefacts today and discussed what we thought they were.
We then matched them to their uses, we were amazed that the Ancient Egyptians created some of the oldest toys!
What do roots do?
We have been learning about the function of each part of a plan. We explored outside to find some plants that we could pick to see the real life roots. We used our magnifying glasses to see the details of the roots.
We know how important the roots are in ensuring the plant can get water and nutrients from the soil.
Children's Mental Health Week
6th-12th February 2023
This year's theme is 'let's connect'.
In school we have taken part in yoga led by Mrs Macdonald which helped us relax, calm and be mindful. Afterwards, we had chance to connect with our friends whilst enjoying toast and juice.
Connecting with ourselves, friends and family is important for children's wellbeing and having strong connections can support positive mental health and wellbeing.
Alternative words for 'said'
We have been learning to identify and use speech verbs. We discussed the intent of words and thought about what they tell us about the characters.
We created a speech verb thermometer 🌡 to show the positive or negative intent of the words.
Why do we need rules?
During our PSHE lessons we have been learning and discussing why we need rules in different scenarios.
Class 3 worked in their groups to discuss and decide on rules we always need and rules that are for certain scenarios.
"At school we put our hand up in class but at home we just talk to Mum or Dad. We are kind at school and home though"
"Rules help to keep us safe everywhere."
"We need rules so we are all kind and safe for each other."
"Rules mean that bad things are prevented from happening."
Did the Ancient Egyptians write anything down?
We have had lots of fun learning about Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and exploring the Rosetta Stone.
We wrote our name in hieroglyphs on a cartouche just like the Ancient Egyptians.
We took a virtual tour of the Rosetta Stone that is now in the British Musuem.
Multiplication and division
We have been learning to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have used base 10 to help us understand how to exchange the numbers.
Here is a game that could be helpful to practise at home:
We have been using our core text as inspiration for writing speech. We acted out the events in the story by being the main characters.
We then used the drama to help us write our own speech. We applied our learning of inverted commas to write our own independent sentences.
With our partners, we proofread and edited our work.
What do plants need to grow?
We have been learning what plants need to grow and survive. We have been thinking about why plants are important to us and our planet.
Here is some information and a song that we have used to help with our learning:
speech punctuation
We have been using inverted commas to mark speech. Pasta punctuation has helped us learn where the inverted commas go.
Making inference about the characters
We have been using close reading to understand and make inferences about characters in our text. We created a 'role on the wall' to show what we know about each of the characters.
Making predictions
We have used the front cover of our new text to make predictions about what we think may happen.
We noticed many similarities with a more traditional story that we know.
"I predict that the girl becomes a princess"
"I predict she will meet a prince and marry him just like normal cinderella"
A character description
Class 3 have been working towards writing a character description of the main character from this term's core text 'Journey to Jo'Burg'. The presentation of Class 3's work has improved so much and they are doing a fantastic job of applying all their new knowledge to their independent writing.

Algorithms and coding
As part of our computing lessons, we have been learning how to write code to create an algorithm (a set of instructions).
This week, the children were challenged to write an algorithm for a dance. They were very inventive with their ways to do this. In groups, they worked together to write a code that would allow them to complete the dance. They overcame problems by 'debugging' their code to make it accurate.

Children's mental health week
As part of Children's mental health week we have spent time discussing ways in which we can care for our own mental health.
We have taken part in mindful activities and thought of ways we can practice mindfulness to support our wellbeing.
We also spent time producing some wonderful spring art to be displayed. The children commented that they found doing this made them feel happy and calm.
We can't wait to share our finished pieces once they are dry!