Summer 1 (Our Heritage)
We went on a virtual boat trip to help us to generate vocabulary for our writing.
Using concrete resources to represent fractions.
We have been using desktop publishing apps to create a class party invitation.
The children really enjoyed exploring all the different elements and editing options.
Where are the seven continents?
The children have been recapping their knowledge from Year 2 by locating and naming the seven continents. They used an atlas and technology to find and describe the location of each one.
They loved singing along to the song that has helped them remember these important names. Have a sing-along by following the link below!
Creating tints and shades
The children have been learning to create and mix tints and shades from a colour.
They used white to create a tint of an original colour and black to create shades.
"You have to add a tiny bit of black or it goes too dark"
"A small bit of white each time lightens the colour"
Class 3's final display showcasing lots of their hard work over the past half term.
The Queen's Jubilee
Today in school, we have had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Everyone looked wonderful in their red, white and blue!
We enjoyed a picnic on the field, royal Kahoot! quiz, games on the train and writing our own 'if I were royal for the day' list.
What a great end to a super half term.

Discovering Ancient Egyptian artefacts
In History, we have been archaeologists and have been discovering different artefacts.
We worked out their uses and learned that the Ancient Egyptians made some of the things we still use today!
Counting in tenths
In Maths, we have been learning to count and add tenths.
Egyptian bread!
Our class trip to Derby Museum
Class 3 went on their first class trip to Derby Museum!
They took part in the 'secrets of the mummies' workshop, where they learned all about life in Ancient Egyptian times. They loved being able to share their knowledge from our learning in school with the staff at the museum.
The children became scribes and learned to write in hieroglyphics on real papyrus paper. They even had the chance to mummify a body before discovering the real Ancient Egyptian mummies that are in Derby Musuem. Finally, the children got to make their own 'Shabti' and take this home as a souvenir of the day.
It was fantastic to visit and see the wealth of history that we have here in Derby and the children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the interactive Museum, with many saying they were coming back again with their families.
Class 3 represented our school to the highest of standards and showed exemplary behaviour and manners- well done, Class 3!
Making our own 'Shabti' at Derby Museum
Exploring the museum
The children applied their knowledge of inverted commas and punctuation to correctly mark speech. They used our text as inspiration and wrote what they thought the main character might say.
Class 3 have been investigating how the surface can affect how an object moves.
The more slippery the surface, the further the car goes - Ava.
The slippy surface meant the car went further- Freddie.
The less friction the further the car travels - Harrison.
Science competition
A huge well done to some of the children in Year 3 who entered our whole school, Science poster competition.
They made fantastic contributions to the competition and all received a prize today.
Well done, we are so proud of you!
Feature spotting
In preparation for our next writing outcome, writing a narrative, we have been reading a good example of a narrative and identifying the features.
We made a co-constructed list as a check list for when we write our own.
We have begun our learning about Ancient Egypt. We started our learning by using our Geography skills to find where Egypt is in our world. We located it and used our knowledge from Year 2 to name the continent it is on. We used the iPads to go on a virtual tour of Egypt and even found The Great Pyramid of Giza and The Sphinx!
We then researched the significance of these landmarks in history.
Hello to Summer!
Welcome back to school and the start of the Summer term.
Our global theme this half term is heritage.
We have begun our learning journey by introducing our core text ‘Cinderella of the Nile by Beverley Naidoo’. This is a beautiful and diverse take on a traditional tale.
We have had a fantastic start to our learning already, using our reading skills to make predictions and draw upon our prior knowledge to find differences and similarities with our new text and texts we have previously read.
I have attached a link to a read-aloud of our story on Youtube- enjoy 😊